My Star Teacher

Chapter 619: [Thief's Nest]

Noctilucent words, but let Ba Bao.

Then Haha laughed, "Hahaha, boy, you are not very young, and you are not too young. Eat my goods, you have such a big appetite?"

Luminous smiled slightly, leaned on a chair with a comfortable posture, and looked at Ba Yi and said, "One-fifth of China's business is done by my family, and Southeast Asia. Our family also has very A large share, not a general, do you think that your supply can meet our needs? "

Ba Yi froze again, and looked at Luminous in surprise.

Yeguang, "To be honest, General Babb, you are afraid that you can't meet our needs. If we reach a cooperation, you will be one of our suppliers. What you can get is huge profits, and from then on, Never worry about how to ship. "

Bab, "Who are you from? Why should I believe you?"

Luminous smiled, "The rules of the rivers and lakes, talk about business, no matter who I am, it doesn't matter who I am. As long as I have money, it is enough. What I can tell you is that I'm north."

"Money?" Said Baa. "The three of you have nothing but two burning sticks. Where's the money?"

Luminous, "Is it possible that General Babb's previous transactions were all cash transactions? I'm afraid I have to drive over a cash transporter. Besides, General Babb, how can I bring money for the first time? The Golden Triangle is so chaotic, and your men are not afraid of being strong. I am not so strong here, General Babb, as long as we can work together, then I assure you that money is definitely not a problem. "

Ba Yi stared directly at Luminous, fierce in his eyes, and seemed to see Luminous through.

Luminous did not show weakness and looked at the Bab, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth and a relaxed look on his face.

Gaze at each other for more than ten seconds.

The Baba haha ​​laughed, "Hahaha, come, loosen Ye Ye!"

Oh, in an instant, the brothers called.

Luminous is also playing with snakes, laughing, "Thank you Brother Bud."

At the same time, Yeguang was relieved in his heart. This Barton must have not trusted him at this time, but now it was just superficial trust. However, at least, the current crisis of the Yeguang trio was lifted.

Several people will be safe until they are exposed, unless they do something that irritates them.

The crisis is lifted.

After that, the Bab began to chat with Luminous.

While chatting with Yeguang, various temptations between words, from time to time, seemed to throw out a seemingly insignificant question like a chat.

However, Yeguang knew that these were all mines one by one. As long as the answer was wrong and a mistake was made, it would immediately cause Ba's suspicion.

For example, if Ba Bu and Yeguang talk about the purification process, if Yeguang cannot answer as a 'drug dealer', then it is not a direct counterfeit.

Fortunately, Luminous really understands this thing.

In the Cheetah Special Forces, knowledge of drugs is a course that every fighter must understand.

To fight drugs, you must know at least drugs, don't you?

Therefore, there are many books on this aspect in the Cheetah Troops, and Luminous also read them one by one.

Speaking of knowing poison, luminous is professional.

After chatting for a while, Ba-ba is probably tentative enough, and I have a little trust in Luminous, and I feel very good.

She patted Ye Guang's shoulder and said, "Brother Ye, when I came, I went to my own home, stayed for a few more days, and ate and drank. At night, I'll find you two watery **** for you. Cool! "

Ye Guang also laughed and said, "Thank you, Brother Bab, for your hospitality, but I'm afraid I can't stay here for long."

"Oh? Why? Am I not entertaining well?" Said Ba Yi looking at Yeguang.

Ye Guang repeatedly waved his hand, "No, no, of course not, but this time I came with a task, I have to get things done and go back to life, and when our cooperation is reached, it will be empty for another day. Stay for a few days, and then please ask Brother Baba not to abandon it. "

Ba Yi smiled and waved his hand, "That won't be, Ye Ye can come, naturally, Ba Yi is welcome at any time! Since this is the case, why don't we talk about cooperation now?"

The Bab wants to talk, and it just happens to follow Ye Guang's will. Even if he doesn't say it, Ye Guang will find a chance to talk about it.

Luminous smiled, "Brother Ba is really anxious, but okay, talk about it earlier, you and I will get rich earlier, just right, after talking with Brother Baba, I have to go to Baibai."

Baba suddenly narrowed his eyes, "Looking for Baiji? Brother Ye, what do you mean? When you trade with me, what are you looking for Baiji? Baiji's supply is much more than mine. If you go to Baiji Cooperation, what else is there for me? "

There was something unpleasant in the tone of the Bab.

Yeguang felt a joy in his heart. It seemed that the goods really knew Baiji, and it seemed to understand it quite well.

Ye Guang smiled and said, "Brother Ba'ao, don't get me wrong, I'm looking for Bai Ye, not to get goods from him. I need raw materials and semi-finished products. It's most cost-effective to get them from one source I have told you before, Brother Ba'ao, I'm from the north. Before, our goods were also imported from the north. During this period, the supply was somewhat insufficient, so we went to the south to explore the supply. "

Luminous paused and continued, "But in the south, we do n’t have many channels, and the south is the best way to ship goods. So after we reached an agreement, I had to go to Bai Yiyi. Travel, get the transportation done. "

Baba made a sudden realization and nodded, "That's it, that's OK, let's talk about cooperation first, mainly ... price ..."

In the following period, Yeguang seemed to be a real drug dealer, and began to fight with Pakistani on price and various other cooperation issues.

However, this state of the night light also let the Bab's wary mind relax a little.

Not a connoisseur, where would you be so clear about fineness?

Not a real buyer, where would it cost so much drool to dispute the price?

After a sale, he finally argued for a while and reached an agreement verbally.

Ba Yi, "Brother Ye, you are really a capable person. I Ba Yi have been shipping for so many years and have never given such low prices as today."

Luminous smiled, "Well, we have a big demand, and your cargo will not make any money. Otherwise, it will be cheaper for us at one time, and there is an extra transportation fee behind it. Brother Baba is also considerate and considerate."

Ba Yi, "If it weren't for this share, and for your fate with Brother Ye, I wouldn't give you that price."

Luminous, "Yes, yes, thanks to Brother Baba, it ’s worth seeing, okay, Brother Baba, it's not too late. Now that we're sure, I should go, I'll go to Baiyi to talk about transportation . "

Baba, "So anxious?"

Luminous, "No way, the family is waiting, and, I'll get it earlier, let's get rich earlier, but this Baimao is said to have never seen the dragon, and I'm not familiar with life, I want to be in this golden triangle It's not easy to find him. "

Ba Yi nodded, thought for a while, and said, "Brother Ye, I don't think you need to bother, then I know Bai Ji, I'll send someone to talk to him."

Luminous, "That ’s not okay. My faucet has repeatedly explained that the source of goods and transportation must not be lost. I must go to see the talents of Baiji himself. Brother Baba listens to what you mean, and knows where Baiji is. ? Please ask Brother Baba to show me the way. I can find it more easily. "

Baba thought again, and then said, "Let ’s look at it, Brother Ye, I sent someone to invite that Baima here. What do you think? You only took two people on the road. To be honest, my brother is not very good. rest assured."

Luminous froze, and then waved with a smile, "No need to trouble Brother Baba, it's better to go to him by myself, and it seems more sincere. I'm looking for someone to do business, and letting people run around, it's not appropriate."

But the Ba Yi waved his hand with a bit of arrogance, saying, "Nothing is troublesome. No one in this Golden Triangle can give me a little face. He is a idiot. The business is big, but he met me. He must also be respectful. You are my brother-in-law, so let him come over, there is nothing inappropriate! "

Luminous, "This ..."

Ba Yi, "That's the way it is! You stay with me for one night today, and tomorrow morning I'll send someone to ask that Bai Yi to come over."

Ye Guang looked at Ba Yi with a firm expression on his face ~ ~ Some understand it.

It ’s not good intentions for Ba Ba to invite Bai Ba to come here, it ’s just that he is not completely relieved about Luminous.

Please come here, Bai Ye, in fact, do not want to let Ye Guang out of his sight, out of his control.

Want to understand this, Yeguang is not good no matter how to persist, and then persist, fearing that it is the Bab, they have to be suspicious again.

Nodded his head, Ye Guang laughed, "Then listen to Brother Baba, it would be best if Bai Ao can come, and I will save myself to go around, thank you Brother Baba."

Baba haha ​​smiled and patted Lu Guang's shoulder, "haha, Brother Ye, you're welcome!"

this day.

Luminous, and the leopard and the blue leopard, the three, settled in this thief's den.

The Bab was really enthusiastic about their hospitality, waiting for good wine and good food.

A few people even had a glass of wine in the evening, talking and laughing, caring seemed very close, seem to have known each other for many years.

In the end, during the battle for barbarian and Ye Guang, Ye Guang was defeated by being drunk.

The amount of luminous alcohol is not very good, but this time I drank a lot, but it was fake drunk. When he was drinking, he had been working hard to force the wine out. It can be said that after drinking for one night, there was not much alcohol in the stomach , All turned into water.

In such a thief's den, keeping yourself awake is not enough.

Pretending to be drunk, just in order to avoid the two beautiful women who had been refreshed by Baguang fortress.

Luminous said that he is a principled person.

How could I be sorry for Liu Chiyan?

Passive doesn't work either!

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