My Star Teacher

Chapter 618: 【Baba】

Yeguang's staff at this time is a strong buyer. With his acting skills, he also looks like a decent performer.

He chuckled, and Ye Guang looked at the black skinny man and said, "Negotiate with me, just you? You're not worthy."

Speaking, Ye Guang pulled out a stack of banknotes from his pocket, "Show me the way, all this money is yours."

The black and thin man looked at Luminous, and then his eyes rested on Luminous's banknotes, his eyes burning a little.

"You can go to General Bab. From here, about fifteen kilometers will reach his territory." The black and thin man said, "But I can tell you that General Bab is not easy to mess with, you better really I ’m here to do business, and I ’m big enough, otherwise, maybe General Babb will feed you wolves. ”

Luminous shrugged, "This doesn't need you to care, these are yours."

With that said, Luminous threw money in front of the black skinny man casually. The money was not bundled, and it suddenly fluttered and scattered. The black skinny man squatted down and started picking up money.

There are many villagers who have been watching the black skinny man and Luminous not far away. A woman also rushed over and picked up the money quickly with the black skinny man.

Ye Guang didn't say much, and in the direction pointed by the black and thin man, he took the leopard and blue leopard forward.

Out of the village, the leopard whispered, "There is a tail."

Blue Panther, "More than one."

Luminous, "Five o'clock in the back, and two people in the right."

Thunderstorm also said in the headset, "Target has been locked, two people in total, you move closer to me, we will solve them."

Luminous thought for a while, lowered his voice, and said, "Thunder Leopard, I have an idea. We might as well let them follow, and the three of us would just go to the territory of General Batu. Message. "

Thunderstorm, "No, this is too risky. You only have short weapons. In case of crossfire, the risk is too great."

Luminous, "Baba must have all kinds of bright whistle and whistle along the way. If we all lurk in the past and enter their territory, we suddenly appear in their territory as unknown people. Once they are found, it basically represents a crossfire. We The goal this time is not Ba Ba, but to find out the news of Bai Ba, there is no need to fight with them. "

"The three leopards and the blue leopards and I are now under their surveillance, and we should relax our vigilance relative to each other. We will enter the territory of the Bab as a businessman doing business with him. It may be easier to find the opportunity to find out the news of Bai Yan from his mouth. "

Thunderstorm considered for a while silently, some could not decide.

The leopard also commented, "Thunder Leopard, I agree with the sheep's proposal. It is not easy to find the white owl. Even if it sneaks into the territory of the Batu and writes small miscellaneous fish, it may not be possible to ask the whereabouts of the white owl. They will fight grass and scare snakes, and they are more likely to obtain information directly through the poisonous slugs of the Bab. "

Thunderstorm thought for a while, and then said to Yeguang and others via radio, "Okay, action approval, we will be lurking to follow, and we will retreat as soon as possible. We will give you support and cover at any time, keep in mind, and protect yourself! The news can be explored again, none of you can be okay! Understand! "


Luminous, leopard and blue leopard responded in a low voice, then the three of them acted as planned and swayed on the road in the direction of General Bab's territory.

The other members of the Viper Squad followed Luminous and others, lurking through the jungle.

Along the way.

Luminous et al found multiple dark whistle.

But these dark whistle did not step forward to question a few people, but originally only two people followed Luminous and others, now it has become four.

When the luminous trio were on the road, they had secretly dealt with the earphones in their ears, and they must be inevitable when they entered the territory of Batu. Such things as wireless headphones, if they were found, could basically People are defined as bad people, and it will be difficult to say what will happen at that time.

After entering the territory of the other party, as long as the other party is thinking of killing them, it does not make much sense whether or not they can communicate with Thunder Leopard while wearing headphones.

After a long way, there was a checkpoint in front of it. There were several armed men with guns and live ammunition. The main weapon was AK.

In other words, why do gangsters like ak such martial arts?

"Stop! Who are you?" The sentry soldier asked.

The Yeguang trio held their hands open slightly and stepped forward. "We are here to discuss a big deal with General Bab."

The man led by the checkpoint glanced up and down at Ye Guang, and then winked at several soldiers. Several soldiers came forward and began searching for the three of Ye Guang.

Luminous had guns and weapons on them, short pistols, sabers, daggers and the like were searched out by several soldiers.

In such a place, if there is no guy at all, then it is called a problem.

"Take them in."

After a body search, the team leader drove a jeep and drove the three men to Batu station.

The luminous trio's hands were tied up, and a black hood was still covering their heads. They sat in the jeep and wobbled for a while, and reached General Bab's residence.

Then the three were blindfolded and led into a wooden house.

Waited about five or six minutes.

Luminous heard the sound of a group of people entering the house, and the black hood on his head was removed.

"Who are you?"

In front of Yeguang was a big bearded man with a scar from his forehead across his face.

"You are General Bab?" Ye Guang asked.

Dasu Xuhan leaned on leaning on ~ playing with a dagger, "I'm Ba Bu, kid, answer my question, who are you? Where do you come from? What do you do here?

Luminous smiled, "General Babb, do you usually do business with others like this?"

Ye Guang reached out his tied hands and motioned.

Ba Yi looked at Yeguang, "boy, my patience is limited, you better not skimp your head and answer my question, otherwise"

Babb said, the dagger on his hand was chopped on the table, his face threatened.

Luminous shrugged and looked at Ba Yi, and said, "Well, let me introduce myself first. My name is Ye Liangchen, the leaves of the leaves, and the good times of Liang Chen's beauty. I am from China. General Bab talked about some business. "Yeguang paused," big business. "

Ba Yi glanced at Luminous, "Big deal, how big is it?"

Luminous, "Actually, how big you can buy and sell is not with me, but with General Babb, you can supply me with less goods, as long as you give, how much I can eat."

At this time, Luminous, with a smile of evil charm on his face, was very confident, his temperament seemed to have a trace of evil, superb acting skills, so that he did not look like a good person at this time.

The two leopards and blue leopards, who have not spoken at the same time, also looked at each other.

They couldn't understand what Luminous and Bab said.

However, you can also see the state of Luminous at this time.

I couldn't help feeling that it was a mixed show.

This acting

(Battlefield Literature https: //)

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