My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 257 Treasure Realm Methods and Past Anger

Lin Yan was quite shocked. The true martial arts realm was actually like this?

He had memorized all the words that the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit said just now. Now he chewed every word and said solemnly: "So, the core key is the so-called absorbing the spiritual inspiration of heaven and earth and condensing spiritual seeds?"

Heart phase seeds need to be catalyzed by spiritual phase seeds, and the way to advance to a wealthy realm that he knows does not have the so-called ability to absorb the wisdom of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the core key lies in the spiritual seeds after advancing to the powerful realm!

"Is it because of the lack of the special method of absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth?"

Lin Yan asked with a little luck.

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit shook her head as expected: "The method of absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth is not complicated. Human beings have strong spirituality and amazing creativity. Even if they don't know it, there are always people who can create it out of thin air. The key to the problem is... …There is no inspiration from heaven and earth for people to absorb!”

Lin Yan's heart sank heavily. This situation confirmed his worst guess.

Our Lady of Turtle Spirit continued: "About eight hundred years ago, one day, without any warning, the spiritual power of heaven and earth suddenly disappeared!

"Not to mention the human race, we are the ones who are born with the ability to absorb the wisdom of the world..."

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit couldn't find the right words for a moment, so Lao Qin said, "Born to be divine!"

“…Well, that’s what humans do call us.

“We are born with the ability to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but from that moment on, we are unable to absorb and perceive the existence of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

"If I hadn't accumulated a lot of spiritual power over time, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to maintain the treasure phase."

"So spiritual power is condensed by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?"

"It is the power of heaven and earth, combined with one's own spirituality, and the combination of yin and yang spiritual qualities, to condense the power. After I complete the activation, I will give you some."

Lin Yan refused to give up and asked: "Did the inspiration of heaven and earth disappear forever, or did it disappear for some special reason?"

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit sighed: "I don't know. I have also discussed it with some of the same creatures, the ones you call born sacred, but no one can accurately tell the reason. However, we all agree that the disappearance of the spiritual power of heaven and earth. It has nothing to do with that existence!"


The Mother Turtle Spirit has a stern look on her face. Even though this stern look looks a bit funny when placed on a cute little turtle that is always the size of a palm, it does not affect the fear and fear in her voice: "God! We all agree that heaven and earth The disappearance of the inspiration must be caused by that 'god'!

"One piece of evidence is that after the spiritual power of heaven and earth disappeared, there were many more condensed treasures under God's command. This proves that He can still absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth!"

Lin Yan's heart became more and more condensed. In short, it was God who, in some way, blocked the spiritual power of heaven and earth. Therefore, from now on, the original way to advance to the treasure realm with the help of spiritual power of heaven and earth was cut off!

That so-called god can actually cut off all spiritual power on the entire planet. No matter from any angle, it is an existence that Lin Yan cannot resist or even imagine!

Lin Yan felt his scalp numb, his hands and feet cold, and desperate!

There is only despair!

This kind of existence blocks the path of martial arts. What a desperate truth is this?

Our Lady of Turtle Spirit said with emotion: “From a certain perspective, human beings are a kind of unique creature.

"In the long period of time since I took in the Turtle Spirit clan, I have witnessed the amazing talents of human beings countless times. Human beings are inherently spiritually more active than creatures like us. There are always amazing talents in the group who have shown shocking performances. Talent.

"Just like the realm of luxury, after the inspiration of heaven and earth disappears, the original road to the realm of luxury has been cut off.

"But you humans have taken a different approach and opened up a new realm of luxury with the help of clever and strange objects that were originally just introductions.

“He even took the ideas of mind and treasure to go one step further and created two higher realms, the wonderful state and the state of mind.

“Such amazing and brilliant creativity really fascinates and envy us, the non-human race who are born with slow spirituality.

“It’s a pity that it’s useless.

"Without the genius of heaven and earth, all creation will be useless in the end. It will be sacrifice and bloodshed in vain. Even the starting point will never be reached..."

"No! What you said is wrong!"

Suddenly, Lao Qin roared loudly and pushed the golden turtle above his head to the ground.

His roaring voice sounded in the ears of one person and one turtle, like thunder: "Who said they can never be touched? Why do you say that they can never be touched!

"You, who are born sacred and powerful beings, have what qualifications do you have to judge human sacrifice and bloodshed!

"You will never understand why those people endured extreme pain and despair in the abyss you can't see, and endured eternal torture and destruction, just for a little thing, which you said was useless and in vain. hope!

"You will never understand why those people continue to move forward and risk their lives even though they can choose to retreat.

“Human beings are as small as dust, fragile as ants, born short-lived, and eternally hopeless.

“But humans are not beasts, slaves, poultry, or animals that are wantonly raised, slaughtered, and harvested!

"Those of you who are cowardly, fragile, and so-called born saints who are content to be slaves even though you clearly possess great power will never understand what those salary-earning pioneers live for and what they die for! "

The voice was decisive and resounding, which was completely incompatible with Lao Qin's personality.

But Lin Yan's ears suddenly echoed the desolation and sorrow that the old monk Wangyue said before he died.

The so-called use of my broken body as firewood, in the vastness of the world, lights a lamp, the lamp does not shine on itself, but only to shine on others... Where there is a lamp, there are people!

What did the ancient Brahma Kingdom, or in other words, human beings in the past eight hundred years, do in the face of that desperate opponent?

"Now, I really believe that you are Lord Qin, and you became like this for some hidden plan..."

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit was lifeless and floated up again, "I want to apologize to you. I do know something about the incredible and earth-shattering plans that you humans have made unyieldingly over a long period of time;

"I have occasionally heard of some geniuses who are astonishing and famous among the human race. They use time, space, and even themselves as weapons to fight against the irresistible and powerful god.

"From what I only know about it, it's already an extremely genius plan, and it's breathtaking.

"So I do want to apologize to you. The bloodshed and sacrifices of you people may be small, but they are by no means meaningless.


The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit rubbed her two forelimbs, then carried the turtle shell, leaned down, and made a movement similar to a human leg press.

Then suddenly a kick flew up, with a bright golden light, and kicked towards Lao Qin's head!

"Who allowed you to say that I was just living in peace and becoming a slave!"

Lao Qin screamed and was kicked out by the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit. Before it was over, the golden turtle suddenly accelerated and caught up with Lao Qin who was flying out. He circled behind him, kicked him again, and then caught up again. Go up and kick again!

Just like that, he kicked Old Qin in mid-air until he couldn't fall down.

While kicking, he said: "Who is cowardly? Who is weak? Ah? You tell me! It's true that I have great power, but who is willing to live in peace? I am willing to be a slave!"

Lao Qin screamed again and again, and all the strength he had felt just now was released, and he shouted repeatedly: "It's me, it's me! I'm content to live in peace, I'm willing to be a slave, sister Gui, stop fighting! I really know I was wrong!" "

After beating him violently for a while, until Lao Qin was able to use mental waves to express foaming at the mouth in his mind, Holy Mother Turtle Spirit kicked him to the wall next to him and followed the wall. Slide down.

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit exhaled a breath of evil breath: "However, what he said is right. Most of the people who are born holy eventually succumbed to the power of the god and the god general, and turned to the god for the inspiration of heaven and earth. Like me, several There are very few people who have been fighting for hundreds of years and never gave up!”

Lin Yan suddenly interrupted: "I remember that in just over a month since we knew each other, you wanted to give up three times?"

Moreover, the general behind the Flying Insect Demon obviously did not take the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit to heart, and it was very possible that he had even forgotten her.

Even this time, it was most likely because of the collapse of the Spirit Devouring Array that he suddenly remembered that there was the Turtle Spirit Madonna. She was humiliated by the Turtle Spirit Madonna, so she appeared in person to chase her.

Thinking about it this way, the fact that the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit can escape safely now is just... extremely lucky!

The little golden turtle froze in mid-air for a moment, then drooped down and dug around listlessly.

"Okay, let's get back to business. Holy Mother Turtle Spirit, can you tell me what the special method of absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth is like?"

The Holy Mother Guiling also became serious: "When I initially took in the Turtle Spirit clan, I also taught this special method, but due to the lack of heaven and earth, this method has been completely ineffective. But since you want to know, I will tell you, This is something that was passed down thousands of years ago, so there’s no guarantee there will be no problems!”

Immediately afterwards, the Holy Mother Guiling taught this method to Lin Yan in detail.

But just in the middle of speaking, Lin Yan frowned: "The general... turned around again and came towards us!"


"This time, his goal is extremely clear and his speed is extremely fast. He has obviously discovered our location!"

Lin Yan changed his mind for a moment and asked calmly: "Is there anything strange near the place you just passed by?"

"What's weird? Nothing. Except for a group of small fish of unknown species, there's nothing unusual about it."

"Xiaoyu?" Lin Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, "Among humans, many people have spiritual essence planted in their bodies, which makes them, to a certain extent, seem to have become puppets.

"Maybe there are similar puppets among these little fish!"

As soon as the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit thought about it, the golden turtle stood up: "What should we do?"

"First stay away from the group of small fish, and then turn around. This time, try to avoid other living creatures!"

"That makes sense!"

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit immediately took action. After a while, the direction was reversed. Lin Yan sensed the divine general again and was sure that he had not followed the change of direction. Only then did he feel relieved.

"This divine general is really persistent. If he keeps chasing like this, problems will arise sooner or later..."

But when it comes to solutions, Lin Yan is also bald and scratching his hair. There is no solution at all. The difference in strength is really too big.

"Forget it, let's continue talking about the method of absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth."

After finally listening to Mother Turtle Spirit's talk, Lin Yan felt that he had a general understanding of the ancient way of advancing to the treasure realm.

This method of absorbing the inspiration from heaven and earth also requires the use of strange objects from heaven and earth.

The difference is that at this time, this strange object of heaven and earth is used as an introduction, and combined with the special breathing visualization method, to attract the spiritual inspiration of heaven and earth that matches the strange object, thereby constructing the spiritual seed.

Similar to the characteristics of the powerful force of the realm, the quality of the strange object attractor will be different, and the types and grades of the spiritual energy absorbed will also be different. The spiritual seeds formed and the spiritual aspects achieved in the future will naturally be very different.

This spiritual seed will slowly absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and release it into the human body, causing the person's strength, including the body, to undergo transformation, forming an effect similar to the characteristics of strength.

It's just that this process is long and lasting, and it can eventually transform a person's strength and strength, reaching an extremely powerful level, even stronger than the Jade Realm.

Lin Yan carefully analyzed the two different ways to advance to the grand realm, and quickly realized the very clear differences between them.

The conditions for advancing to the spiritual realm are much looser. You only need to have a harmonious state of strength, cooperate with the wonders of the world, and absorb the inspiration of the world, and then you can naturally advance to the realm.

According to the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit, the wonders of heaven and earth become wonders because they absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth and undergo special mechanism transformation.

The reason why it has a natural attraction to people is that this wonder of heaven and earth contains the spiritual energy of heaven and earth with the yang attribute.

Just like yin and yang, positive and negative, and men and women attract each other, human beings lack the wisdom of heaven and earth since birth, and their own spirituality is of the yin attribute, so they naturally attract each other!

And this also explains why all the wonders in the world are always a certain part of living things, or the secretions of living things.

After advancing to the grand realm, while absorbing the spiritual inspiration of heaven and earth, filling the spiritual aspect, you can concentrate on refining martial arts, molding the mind, and reaching the treasure realm.

The whole process is logical and coherent, and it can even be said to be natural.

In contrast, today's Hao Realm not only has a rather weird method, but the advancement conditions are also much more stringent. You can't help but need rare items, and you also need to allocate a suitable state of mind. Only after they match each other can you advance!

This feeling is like forcibly combining the spiritual phase and the mental phase, two originally different steps, into one step, neither fish nor fowl.

Including the wonderful realm and the state of mind in the later stage, they seem to be just to make up for the roughness of the previous step, and the patches are the same. No wonder the increase in strength is better than nothing.

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