My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 256 Martial arts cross paths and new realms

The entire Insect King Chain suddenly fell apart due to the sudden annihilation and collapse of a quarter of the Insect King, revealing the golden turtle shell in the middle.

Lin Yan couldn't tell what the god would do, but after a few breaths, the golden turtle shell suddenly shattered, and an invisible terrifying force suddenly stirred up the surrounding ocean, causing a monstrous tsunami!

The god general was obviously extremely angry. With his impulsive movements, his power spread and shattered several unlucky insect kings, including one of Lin Yan's clones.

Then, the god general used some unknown force, and all the remaining insect kings suddenly rose into the air, connected and transformed with each other again, forming a brand new insect king chain, which was probably caught by the god general with his hands.

From the perspective of the Insect King's clone, it looks like a giant whip lock thousands of meters long, caught in the hands of a small humanoid.

The god general picked up the Insect King Whip Lock and swung it wildly towards the surrounding sea area. The terrifying vibration was like thunder, and it exploded crazily.

Since the Insect King's Whip Lock is thousands of meters high, in terms of height, it can already connect to the foggy planet above!

Therefore, when waving, it is really upright, stirring the fog on the upper level and the sea below.

After venting for a moment, the god general stopped moving, seemed to have chosen a direction at random, and ran out dragging the giant insect king's whip lock.

Lin Yan opened his eyes: "Let's go! Go to the right and forward!"


"The divine general is moving again, facing forward to the right, which can maximize the distance between us."

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit immediately moved gently and swam towards the right front.

Lin Yan once again sensed the movement route of the divine general and found that he had not turned and was still moving in that direction. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay. The divine general will be farther and farther away from us. We are safe."

"Okay! Great!"

One person, one turtle and one old Qin were completely relieved.

All the members of the Turtle Spirit clan have been sent out of the body of the Holy Mother Guiling. Now, only Lin Yan and Lao Qin are left in the world inside the body.

Lin Yan went directly to the Guiling Clan's office area, found an office, sat down, leaned on the back of the chair, and let out a long sigh of relief.

He had not slept for several days and nights. Although his body could still hold on with strong support and the Holy Fire of Essence, he was still extremely exhausted mentally and could not relieve himself.

"I'll take a rest first. Remember to hide as deep as possible so you don't get discovered..."

While talking, Lin Yan closed his eyes, leaned back on the chair, and fell asleep slowly.

The consciousness is chaotic and hazy.

Suddenly, Lin Yan seemed to vaguely hear Xiaozhi's voice.

"Brother, brother..."


Lin Yan wanted to answer, but he felt that his eyelids and mouth were weighed down by a heavy weight, and he could not open them at all.

"Brother, brother..."

Lin Yan felt that Xiaozhi's voice was right next to his ears, so lifelike and real, as if she had reappeared, but he could not open his eyes and answer her no matter what.

Suddenly, a ferocious face suddenly entered his consciousness. It had a weird and disgusting shape. It was the King of Flying Insects!

Then more and more insect kings appeared, pulling each other into a huge insect king chain. Each insect king that formed the chain was roaring and shouting, converging into a chaotic and indescribable sound that impacted Lin Yan's spirit. and consciousness.

And at the end of these terrifying and huge insect king chains, a small, inconspicuous figure was walking towards him step by step...

Lin Yan woke up suddenly and sat up from the back of his chair, covered in cold sweat.

Was that a dream just now?

But the feeling given to Lin Yan was extremely real.

Closing his eyes and sensing for a moment, Lin Yan's pupils suddenly shrank and he stood up suddenly: "Quick! Change the direction! About sixty degrees to the left and forward! That god general may have discovered us!"

Perception, the divine general who was getting further and further away from them actually changed his direction at this moment and quickly chased them in their direction!

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit moved in response, and the little golden turtle floating next to Lin Yan also suddenly accelerated and swam quickly around Lin Yan.

Lin Yan said calmly: "How long have I slept?"

"Less than half an hour."

"Where are you going?"

"I am going to take back my power one by one. Previously, I suffered a plot by a traitor from the Turtle Spirit Clan, which caused my spiritual power to be stripped away from the seal. In order to prevent my spiritual power from being taken away by other creatures, I hid it in several places. , now, I’m heading to one of those places.”

Lin Yan sensed it again and found that the divine general had not changed his direction and was still walking in the original direction.

And if you judge carefully, the direction does not coincide with where they are at this time, but points to a certain location when they came from.

This means that the general did not track the location of Our Lady of Guiling in real time, but suddenly learned the location of Our Lady of Guiling when she passed by a certain location?

Similar to, the surveillance area is general?

Lin Yan frowned: "Is the place where you hide your spiritual power still far away?"

"It'll be there soon."

"Okay, let's get it as soon as possible. Once we get it, we'll turn in another direction!"

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit continued to go in the original direction, and Lin Yan kept paying attention to the movement of the divine general. Half an hour ago, they had separated far enough apart, and the divine general was not faster than the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit. For the time being, There is no danger yet.

Not long after, the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit arrived at her destination. No one knew what she had done. The entire golden turtle shone brightly for a moment.

"Phew, I finally got some of them back! However, these spiritual power seals have been solidified for too long. Give me a day or two to activate them. When the time comes, I will give you a big gift!"

Lin Yan was noncommittal. This spiritual power thing is probably something similar to mana or magic power?

But why does it still need to be activated?

Ignore this doubt for now.

Lin Yan thought that in what seemed like a dream just now, he saw the Insect King's chain and the divine general approaching him quickly. When he woke up, he found that this was indeed the case.

So what he dreamed about in his dream, with Xiaozhi calling him, was it not entirely a dream?

When Our Lady of Turtle Spirit turned around and made sure to distance herself from the god general again, Lin Yan looked at the Madonna of Turtle Spirit who was swimming around like a child: "Mother of Turtle Spirit, can you tell me, What's going on with the treasure phase and the spiritual realm?"

The golden turtle circled up and down, stood up, put his upper limbs on his waist, and said: "Then you have asked the right person! No one on this planet knows more about treasures and spiritual realms than me. Got it!"


Lin Yan was shocked again. Sure enough, in the "Hegemony Three Jue" inheritance, the star mentioned by the domineering man at that time really meant a different planet? !

But Lin Yan did not interrupt the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit.

"You said before that you have seen a divine general showing his power, so you must know how terrifying his power is, right?

Lin Yan nodded, recalling the strange wooden-armored general and the unknown general this time...

He couldn't help but say: "I still can't imagine that the flesh and blood of a creature can exert such terrifying power."

"Of course flesh and blood cannot!"

The golden turtle stretched its body and swam around comfortably.

"All living beings in the world are limited to flesh and blood.

"Even if someone like me is born with a huge body that far exceeds that of other creatures, the strength of the flesh and blood body alone is far less than the strength of the god general.

"However, flesh and blood has limits, but the spirituality of living beings can be endless and has no limit!"

Lin Yan said in a deep voice again: "Spirituality?"

"Spirituality, that is, spiritual essence and soul power, is the joint manifestation of the Three Treasures of Essence, Qi, and God. It is the blooming expression of one's life consciousness, life wisdom, and life spark. It is also the only source of power that can transcend flesh and blood."

Lin Yan is not unfamiliar with the word ectoplasm, or spirituality.

For example, right now, the Bodhi Gold Medal is absorbing the power of his spiritual energy and is about to condense it into a black jade bodhi again.

For example, Nine Wisdom Bodhi is successfully shaped by absorbing the spiritual essence contained in spiritual marrow and other substances.

The former can transform and have magical special effects, and the latter can make him enter the emptiness state of enlightenment, both of which are extremely magical.

Therefore, Lin Yan is not surprised that spirituality, or spiritual essence, contains magical power.

"So, the treasure phase mentioned is essentially derived from spirituality?"

"Yes, the so-called treasure phase is the self-incarnation formed by the combination of the self-mind phase and the spiritual phase of heaven and earth.

"He and his true body are one body and two sides, one mind and two bodies. It is the materialized release of self-spirituality!"

Lin Yan asked again: "What are the mental and spiritual aspects? What are the aspects?"

"I know this! I remembered it!"

At this time, Lao Qin intervened and said: "Everything seen with the eyes, heard by the ears, smelled by the nose, tasted by the tongue, felt by the body, and shaped by thinking can be called a phase!"

"This is a summary of the Buddha's thoughts. It is a phase explained with the body as the center. Although it is correct, it can only be said to be one-sided.

"The explanation I know is that a phase is a part of the system space that has the same intensity properties everywhere and can be significantly distinguished from the surrounding environment."

Lao Qin shook his head: "I don't understand, I don't understand... By the way, Sister Gui, I think it's better for me to call you Little Gui. You see, you call me Big Brother and Mom, and I call Big Brother. , isn’t he a generation higher than you? It’s totally fine to call me “Little Turtle”… Oh, don’t kick me, don’t kick me! Isn’t that what I call you? And if you don’t want to call me mom now, there’s no need to kick me!”

The little beetle was obviously furious. She kicked Old Qin on the head and called her mother. This was what she subconsciously shouted when she was confused by the Xuanwu aura on Lin Yan's body when her mind was covered in dust!

What does it have to do with her now!

Lin Yan quickly said: "Okay, don't interrupt!"

The little beetle moved its limbs and lay on top of Old Qin's head. It knocked Old Qin's head with its limbs in disgust and said:

She seemed to like the way she stepped on Lao Qin's body. She simply lowered her two hind limbs and stepped on Lao Qin's shoulders. Her forelimbs were clasped on Lao Qin's head, making a supporting posture, and continued:

“Heaven and earth carry yin and hold yang, and all things are divided into yin and yang. Spirituality also has yin and yang!

“All living beings are self-spiritual, formless, ever-changing, and unpredictable, which is the Yin of spirituality;

“By surrendering one’s own spirituality, one can gather the spiritual Yin and form a mental state;

“And there is also inspiration between heaven and earth!

“The inspiration of heaven and earth is vast and grand. It has existed since ancient times and is eternal and unchanging. It is Yang.

“If you can breed spiritual seeds and absorb the spiritual inspiration of heaven and earth, you can form a spiritual form!

"When the mind phase and the spirit phase are combined into one, they can form a treasure phase between illusion and reality. The advancement can interfere with matter and produce great power, and the retreat can open up a higher dimension of the spiritual realm, thus getting rid of the bondage of flesh and blood. Get rid of the limitations of your body and gain infinite power!"

The heart phase and the spirit phase merge into the treasure phase...

Lin Yan seemed to see a practice method that was completely different from the martial arts he had been exposed to before, and was completely two levels of practice, appearing in front of him.

He asked: "In the realm of human martial arts, in addition to the realm of strength, strength, and heroism at the front, there are two realms at the back, namely the wonderland and the mind state.

“Someone told me that this is the pinnacle of martial arts.

"Is the state of mind here what you call the state of mind?

"In other words, the mental phase, spiritual phase, and treasure phase you mentioned are the realms of the road after these realms?"

Both Liu Lanqing and Ling Shuangxue have said that the state of mind is the pinnacle of martial arts, but compared to the jade level, their strength only increases by one-tenth or even less.

This statement is obviously contradictory to the powerful power of Baoxiang mentioned by Holy Mother Turtle Spirit.

Unexpectedly, before Holy Mother Turtle Spirit could speak, Lao Qin shouted: "No, no!"

He held the Turtle Spirit Madonna on his head, and his voice sounded a little angry, sad, and confused.

"What's wrong?"

But Lao Qin froze again and couldn't explain why. He just said: "It's wrong anyway! Human beings can't condense treasures at all! Human martial arts paths have been cut off long ago!"

Lin Yan understood as soon as he heard it. He must have recalled something again, but the memory was not complete, and the memory was stuck.

The two forelimbs of the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit slapped left and right continuously, and hit Old Qin's head a few times, and then said: "Xiao Qin is right, the spiritual phase, the heart phase, and the treasure phase I mentioned are not what you just said. Said martial arts follow-up.

"Strictly speaking, the spiritual phase, the mental phase, and the treasure phase should actually correspond to the magnificent realm, the wonderful realm, and the mental phase."


Lin Yan's eyes narrowed slightly: "But the heroic realm, the wonderful realm, and the mental realm are not as powerful as you said!"

"That's because nowadays, the path of human martial arts, after reaching the great realm, has been completely cut off and has gone astray!"

Lin Yan's palms tightened slightly: "What should I say?"

"Actually, I only have a partial understanding of human martial arts. All my knowledge, including the understanding of those secrets, only comes from a senior who enlightened my spiritual wisdom and returned my bloodline to my ancestors more than a thousand years ago.

“He said that he came from an alien planet, and it was he who told me that there are countless planetary worlds similar to ours outside the sky.

"According to what the senior said, these three realms of strength, strength, and heroism are actually collectively referred to as one, called the mortal realm!

"And above the mortal realm, there is no such realm as the wonderful realm or the realm of mind, but a great realm called the treasure realm!

"The so-called transforming the ordinary into a treasure means that you can escape from the mortal body and have the power to open mountains and cross seas!"

The eyes of the little mung bean tortoise of the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit had a faint look in their eyes, as if they were recalling the endless past events long ago.

"So the name Baoxiang comes from the treasure realm?"

"It should be said that the name Treasure Realm comes from the Treasure Appearance," Our Lady of Turtle Spirit corrected, "I once heard him explain the method of advancing to the Treasure Realm.

"The first step is to follow a special method to absorb the spiritual inspiration of heaven and earth and condense a spiritual seed when you advance to the great realm!

"The second step is to refine one's own martial arts, and with the help of the spiritual seed, melt one's own spirituality into a heart seed.

"When the heart phase seeds are successfully condensed, they will automatically merge with the spiritual phase seeds, swallow up the spiritual machinery of heaven and earth, and the energy of the universe to form a self-treasure phase. From then on, they will transform into mortal bodies and reach the ultimate treasure realm!"

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