My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 198 The plans and emperors of the ancient Brahma Kingdom (6800 are no longer distinguishable

Return to the underground lake island, before the old monk’s wood carving.

"You expected that, right?"

Lin Yan's gaze fell on the front face of the wooden sculpture of the old monk Wangyue, and his gaze seemed to penetrate this lifelike but stiff and lifeless face.

"The mist of chaos emerged from the Netherworld River on the side of the corridor. The corpses that died in the Netherworld River came back to life one by one, and mutated, becoming stronger and weirder...

"You must know why this is, right?"

Silence, in the silent darkness, Lin Yan's voice seemed to be swallowed up by the darkness.

Suddenly, a bit of golden light lit up again, and thousands of brilliant arcs of light bloomed from the old monk's fingertips. In the golden light, the splendid palace illusion emerged again.


The shadow of the old monk slowly condensed, but this time, both the palace in the distance and the old monk nearby were all illusory and dim.

Lin Yan's eyes seemed to be covered with a shadow, and he looked at the old monk quietly, waiting for his reply.

“The Domain of God is pervasive and intrusive to everything, not to mention an empty corridor. Even if you hide in the lake or even underground, you will eventually be enveloped by the Domain of God.

"As for those corpses, they were infected by the realm of God. They were not resurrected from the dead, but became containers, giving birth to new ones favored by God.

"They can still wander around the outside world now, but when they are completely stable and the transformation is successful, they will never be able to leave the realm of God. They will forever be called part of the realm of God."

God's favored one?

Part of the realm of God...

Lin Yan's pupils shrank again: "You can indeed see what's happening in the outside world!"

"It's not that magical. I just used the power of the Eight Heavenly Dragon Formations."

Lin Yan was silent, thinking about what he just said in his mind.

"The fog of chaos is pervasive? Could it be said that even if it is covered by a deep layer of water, the fog of chaos will invade?"

"The fog of chaos is not a real fog. It can invade the lake water and spread through the lake water. It won't take long, at most three or two days, this place will be filled with the fog of chaos."

Lin Yan's silence, chaos and mist, contained extremely profound mysteries that could never be treated with common sense.

Perhaps, using domain to describe it is indeed more accurate than fog.

God's realm, God's favored ones...

Does God really exist in this world?

"Master, is that Chaos Mist coming for you?"

The illusion of Wangyue was obviously silent for a moment: "You guessed it right."

"What are you doing? Or what have you done? If you stop, can the fog of chaos recede again?"

"I can't stop anymore... The Realm of God has set its sights on this place, and there is no way to avoid it even to the ends of the earth."

There was no joy or sadness in his eyes as he looked toward the distance. I wonder if it was Lin Yan's illusion, but he always felt as if his eyes were overlooking the entire lake.

"Then what can be done? Is it possible that you can only wait here to die?

"You said before that you were asking me for help. What was it about?"

"Don't be impatient, little friend. This matter is complicated and needs to be explained slowly..."

Lin Yan could only sigh helplessly: "Then let's talk about it first, what are you doing in this underground world?"

Looking at the moon, he closed his eyes and said "Amitabha", and then suddenly opened his eyes. In his eyes, there seemed to be powerful sharpness shooting out. At this moment, he was no longer an old monk, but like a general commanding millions of soldiers, heading towards the unknown. Unbelievable enemies challenge you.

His voice was solemn and solemn: "We...infringed on God's domain and tried to seize God's authority!

"Once upon a time, we took Buddha as our faith and worshiped the Holy Spirit Buddha, but now...

"We want to create our own Buddha!"

Lin Yan frowned: "Isn't Buddha an illusory belief? I don't understand what you mean..."

“Manpower is sometimes poor, but the power of gods and Buddhas is immeasurable.

"Human beings are weak and insignificant. In this world, they are just like ants or dust, drifting with the tide and having no control over life and death.

"Only by seizing the power of powerful gods and Buddhas and creating a Buddha that belongs to mankind can we seek a trace of dignity in this world..."

Lin Yan heard clearly that what he was talking about was dignity, and there was only a trace of dignity...

Wangyue raised her hand and pointed lightly at the land below.

"Do you know what the island below is?"

Lin Yan thought of the squirming, wide-opening giant eye on the island: "Is this island alive?"

"It's more than that..." The old monk Wangyue's eyes were deep and he told a shocking truth in a very plain tone, "This small island... is the Buddha! It is the Buddha of our Brahma Kingdom faith!"

Buddha? The the Buddha? !

That giant eye, that weird outline...

Lin Yan was shocked and finally came to his senses: "The Buddha you believe in is not illusory, but a real creature!"

Wangyue's voice seemed to penetrate endless historical years: "A thousand years ago, in the early days of the Brahma Kingdom's ignorance, the realm of gods covered the sky and the sun. The living space of the human race was extremely narrow, and the entire human race was only a small village of several hundred people. tribe.

“Until one day, a vast and infinite sixteen-armed holy Buddha came out of the mist!

“He helped our ancestors dispel the fog and open up a vast territory.

“Humanity has flourished since then, and the ancient Brahma Kingdom has been established and prospered for hundreds of years.

"For this reason, we take the Sixteen-Armed Saint Buddha as the belief of the Brahma Kingdom, and the Brahma Kingdom has also become the kingdom of Buddha...

"Until the emperor discovers the truth about the gods!"

The extension of Wangyue is extremely complex, with reverence, anger, and loss, but the heaviest thing is a deep despair that Lin Yan has never seen before and is completely difficult to understand.


“The emperor killed the sixteen-armed holy Buddha!

"Now, the sixteen-armed Buddha, whom we revered as a god, is right under us!"

Lin Yan had already had a premonition, but his face was still pale and his heart was shocked.

No wonder a huge island can be supported by only nine jade pillars;

No wonder its surface texture is so weird;

No wonder he has one eye!

This huge island is clearly the body of a living being, and it could have floated on the water!

A terrifying creature that is over a hundred feet tall, that is, three hundred meters tall?

Lin Yan had already seen the giant corpse cockroach that was tens of meters tall, and had also caught a glimpse of a strange creature thirty or forty meters tall with eight arms and eight eyes in the mist.

But compared to the 300-meter-tall sixteen-armed holy Buddha, the corpse cockroach and strange creatures are like the difference between a baby and an adult.

Three hundred meters, nearly the height of a hundred-story skyscraper!

If he stood in front of people, what kind of terrifying and shocking great existence would he be?

Such incredible creatures are indeed like gods and Buddhas to humans...

But such an incredible god and Buddha was killed by the emperor that the old monk called him!

And it was nailed here with nine small jade pillar nails.

How can this be? !

How can manpower do this!

Lin Yan stood on his head with hair all over his body and had goosebumps all over his body. He felt a terrifying evil aura belonging to a super life form, passing upward from the soles of his feet, instinctively giving rise to a sense of dizziness.

" really dead now?"

"already dead……"

"But His eyes..."

Wangyue said quietly: "The terrifying life force of such incredibly powerful creatures is beyond the imagination of small humans like us.

“Although His body is dead and even deformed into other forms due to being soaked in water for many years, there are still some parts of His body that are not completely dead!

"Just like His sixteen eyes, twelve of them are turbid and dim, but there are still four that patrol the world and are still open."

With so many eyes, it’s no wonder that the ancient Vatican Congress used eyes as a totem and believed that many eyes meant strength.

Lin Yan even thought of the corpse cockroach, the Buddha and the demon in the bloody sarcophagus, the eight-armed and eight-eyed monster in the fog of chaos...

Are these things related to the so-called Sixteen-Armed Saint Buddha?

Lin Yan was silent, then said: "How do you kill such a creature?"

"have no idea……

“Human beings shouldn’t be able to kill such terrifying creatures.

“But the Emperor did it.

“And he did it alone.

“After the emperor killed him, he mobilized 100,000 Buddhist soldiers and spent a month day and night before transporting him to this special underground world.

"He also used an ancient artifact to set up this formation of eight heavenly dragons to digest and seize the power of the Buddha, and spent a long time to create mankind's own Buddha..."

Lin Yan recalled the records about the Corpse Buddha Cockroach in ancient books and slowly recited: "According to legend, there was no Buddha in ancient times. People tried to build a Buddha but failed. The sky and the earthquake were furious, and the Corpse Buddha Cockroach was born on the Buddha's bones."

"That's what we did.

"The corpse Buddha cockroach was an accidental creation during our early experiments on Buddha corpses.

"Or maybe it wasn't an accident, but something hidden, something done randomly...

"But a mere corpse cockroach is nothing more than an insignificant disaster in the great cause of Buddha-making...

"Attempting to steal the power of gods and Buddhas with the body of an ant is like trying to find a grain of sand in a sea of ​​lava with a physical body. Without the determination of a united will and a river of blood, it is impossible to achieve it.

"You must have encountered the poisonous fog outside Yuchi Lake, right?"

Lin Yan nodded and immediately realized: "Is that from the Buddha's corpse?"

"That's Buddha's corpse poison!

"Buddha died and gave birth to corpse poison!

"This eight-part Tianlong Formation, while absorbing and digesting the power of the Buddha, also sucked out the Buddha's corpse poison, and discharged it outside Yuchi Lake through the formation.

“The Yuchi Lake was originally full of lush vegetation and green mountains. It was called the Emerald Earth and a fairyland on earth.

"But from that day on, the mountains withered and all beasts died. Since then, it has completely turned into a dangerous poisonous lake."

Lin Yan was inexplicably shocked. After the Buddha died, the toxins naturally produced in his body actually changed the ecology of the entire underground world?

"What about these bloody sarcophagi? What's inside?"

The old monk Wangyue paused for a moment when he heard the words, and an extremely strong sadness appeared on his face. His expression changed instantly. In just a short moment, even the illusion trembled slightly.

"In the blood-colored sarcophagus...are my Tianmu Temple, the world-famous three thousand saints of the Buddha!"

Lin Yan's eyes widened: "Are those sarcophagi full of people?!"

"Not now..." Mochizuki slowly lowered his head.

"Although the Buddha dies, his spiritual essence is immortal.

“In order to seize the true power of gods and Buddhas, the spiritual essence of Buddhas must be destroyed.

“In ordinary spiritual marrow, the ectoplasm can be harmonized and suppressed with the help of magical magical objects.

"But the true spirit of Buddha is too powerful and cannot be sealed, controlled, or destroyed..."

“Only people!

"Human beings are born with spirits. Although compared to gods and Buddhas, they are like fireflies and bright moons, but there are more than one people!

"It can be hundreds or thousands, it can be tens of thousands, sand can be gathered into mountains, water can be gathered into seas..."

This sentence should have been majestic and impassioned, but when the old monk said it, all he could hear was endless sorrow and despair.

“First, ten thousand Buddha soldiers killed themselves in front of the Buddha, using their own blood and resentment to wash away and suppress the spiritual essence of the Buddha;

"Three thousand Buddha's sons will then seal the sarcophagus and jointly consume the Buddha's spiritual essence.

"Buddha's disciples are young, and every one of them is no more than nineteen when they enter the sarcophagus. It is the golden age of life and the time when spiritual quality is at its most vigorous.

“But a young man’s temperament is unstable and not long-lasting.

"Under the erosion of the Buddha's spiritual essence, he was in great pain, constantly changing, and he was no longer a human being.

“In order for them to consume the Buddha’s spiritual essence for as long as possible, we must wake them up at all times and help them find their anchor point as human beings.

"Do you know how to make a person remember himself forever and never forget him?"

Lin Yan's heart was as cold as ice, as if frozen by frost: "How to do it?"

"Hate! Huge hatred!"

The old monk's whole body was shaken violently, and even the technique of mirror, flower, water and moon began to shake.

“Every Buddhist son is carefully selected, an orphan who was bullied by the nobles and whose parents died.

"Every Buddhist disciple is also a stunning genius.

“Each of them has a kind-faced and affable master.

“The master treats the Buddha’s disciples as if they were his own children, caring for them in every possible way and caring for them with all his heart.

"In the eyes of Buddhists, master is their most trustworthy relative in the world.

"When every Buddhist disciple has completed the seed of his own mind, reached the state of mind, and reached the peak of his spirit and spirit...

“This is the day when the preparations are truly completed, the coffin sealing!

"First, the master deceived the Buddha into the coffin on the pretext of advancing in martial arts!

"After the coffin is sealed, the master will reveal all the plans.

"Including their parents, they were also killed in a deliberate plan...

“My parents’ hatred, the betrayal of my closest relatives, the despair of my life’s future…

"Such overwhelming resentment, catalyzed by the special sarcophagus and strange objects, made the Buddha the most powerful container in the world. And within decades, the resentment did not dissipate. Only in this way could it be able to digest and absorb the true spirit of the Buddha..."

Lin Yan felt as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

Buddhas and demons, Buddhas and demons, what these monks of Tianmu Temple do are truly creating demons!

But what's even scarier is...

"Did every Buddhist master actually agree to such a plan? To adopt a child destined to become a vessel from the very beginning?"

The old monk Wangyue was even more shocked, he closed his eyes and trembled slightly, and whispered: "Of course it's not..."


“In this world, only sincerity can be exchanged for sincerity.

"If the master knew the plan, how could he truly establish the closest connection with the Buddha?

"Buddha's master...actually doesn't know that Fuzi is going to be used as a container!"

Lin Yan's pupils tightened: "Then they..."

"We tricked them!

“I deceived them from the very beginning!

"They really think that this sarcophagus is to help Buddhist disciples absorb the power of the Holy Buddha, break through the happy state, and reach a more powerful new state!

"Including resentment, they also believe that it is to protect the Buddha, so they are willing to cooperate...

"For this reason, they embed their own essence eyes into the body of the Buddha, in order to help the Buddha at the critical moment and enable them to successfully complete their transformation!

"They firmly believe that everything they do is to create a new realm for Buddhist disciples, and they are willing to sacrifice themselves for this..."

Lin Yan only felt that his bones were chilling. There was no doubt that only the devil could design such a terrible plan...

"What happened next? Did the masters find out?"

"Of course I found it, regret, anger, pain, madness...

"But it was all useless. They were tied to the sarcophagus by bronze chains, and they used special medicine to turn into flesh and blood and pus, which penetrated into the entire sarcophagus!

"Together with their grievances, in the end, the last link to digest the Buddha's true spirit will be completed!"

The blood color in the blood-colored sarcophagus turns out to be like this...

The warmth and affection of the Buddha and the master eventually became the nourishment of this plan, and not a single bit was wasted, all of which were maximized...

Lin Yan took a deep breath: "Is this... the plan made by that emperor?"

The old monk silently acquiesced.

"What a... devil!"

"Nonsense! My king is the most benevolent and sage emperor in the world!"

Lin Yan looked at the old monk as if he were a fool: "Are you telling me that the emperor who made such a plan is the most kind and wise?"

The old monk's face suddenly suffocated, and then he closed his eyes, his face full of sadness and panic: "I don't know, I really don't know. The former emperor loved the people, was generous, concise, and compassionate. He was a born holy Buddha emperor. , for the sake of his people, he was able to go into desperate situations alone, and the king died in the country... But one day, he suddenly..."

The old monk's illusion shook and distorted again.

"Wake up! Wake up!"

The old monk Wangyue was suddenly shocked, the fluctuations in his body stabilized, and his expression became calm again.

He showed a hint of melancholy: "Let me laugh, little friends. Over the past few hundred years, although I occasionally woke up, I was still asleep most of the time, so my mind was still slightly affected and I couldn't control myself. This is what immortality requires." The price..."

Without waiting for Lin Yan to ask, the old monk said: "My little friend, do you know why you can't come to the God's Realm sooner or later, so you have to come now?"

Lin Yan already had the answer in his heart: "Your plan to create a Buddha will be completed!"

"That's right. In fact, as early as a year ago, the true spirit of the Buddha in this Buddha's corpse had been consumed, and our plan to create a Buddha was only the last step away.

“From that day on, the Buddha’s power inevitably leaked out, attracting the attention of the realm of gods.

"After that, I tried my best to use the Eight Heavenly Dragon Formations to suppress the power of the new Buddha.

"However, I still accidentally leaked the power of the Buddha several times, causing landslides and ground cracks, and even further, causing the exploration of the realm of gods..."

Lin Yan's breathing tightened slightly, and he interrupted hastily: "You mean, the previous earthquakes and the earth dragon turning over were all caused by the leakage of the Buddha's power?"


Lin Yan hesitated for a moment and asked solemnly: "If someone falls into a coma every time there is an earthquake and cannot be cured by medicine or stone, what would be the reason?"

The old monk Wangyue looked puzzled: "Coma? The power of Buddha is a spiritual power that is more powerful than physical strength. It is impossible for ordinary people to feel it and will not be affected... ...Unless he is of the same kind as Buddha, he is also a slave in the realm of God!"

Lin Yan was shocked. He slowly stretched out his hand and took out the jade statue of Xiaozhi from his arms. There were already wind and thunder gathering in his eyes.

"Then what if this person can absorb a large amount of spiritual marrow remains and transform from a person into a jade statue like this?"

The old monk looked at the little Zhiyu statue while looking at the moon, with a hint of surprise and uncertainty on his face.

"Goddess... No, no, Goddess will not shrink to such a small size. It seems that after all the changes, someone has done more in-depth experiments based on Goddess..."

Lin Yan asked in a deep voice: "Master, what exactly is a goddess?"

Wangyue sighed: "The Goddess Transformation is one of the several plans implemented by the emperor that failed and was abandoned. This plan is intended to transform people into God's favored ones, so that people can retain their own will and become God's favored ones. part of the realm, so as to avoid or even attack the threats of the realm of God from within...

“It’s just that this plan failed and was abandoned.

“Ninety-nine percent of the ten thousand women who participated in the experiment were transformed into jade and never woke up again;

"The remaining people who woke up are no longer human beings, but have completely become God's favored ones, losing themselves..."

"Because the casualties were too great, this plan was finally banned..."

The old monk suddenly paused, closed his eyes and clasped his hands, and recited a Buddha's name: "Maybe it's not forbidden..."

Lin Yan understood what he meant. There were too many casualties and it was banned openly, but what about privately?

It may still be going on!

And judging from Xiaozhi's body and everything seen in the spiritual marrow at that time, it is very likely that this experiment is still being carried out hundreds of years later!

"Master, do you know if there is any way to transform this jade statue into a human again?"

Wang Yue looked at Lin Yan quietly: "You know, even if the creatures created by this goddess' method are successful, they will end up being half-human and half-god, and it is almost impossible to completely retain their humanity.

“The more mature the goddess, the more so.

"Even if you know this, do you still want to wake her up?"

Lin Yan was silent. After Xiaozhi wakes up, is it possible that she will no longer be Xiaozhi?

"Isn't there a way to preserve her sanity and make her an adult again?"

"Once the goddess transformation begins, it cannot be least in the Brahma Kingdom, that is the case."

Lin Yan exhaled: "Master, please tell me how to turn the jade statue into a human form?"

"It's okay to tell my friend. It's just... I have to wait for you, my friend, to help me complete one thing, and I will tell you naturally."

Lin Yan raised his brows slightly: "Master, please tell me."

Mochizuki slowly stretched out his fingers and pointed at the other seven jade pillars around him, except for the jade pillar in the center.

"The Buddha-Building Plan has been successful, but it has lasted for too long that all seven of my companions have completely lost their wits...

"Even I can only support it for a month or two at most...

"My little friend, now that the true Buddha is born, there is only one final step left.

“The original plan was for the eight of us to work together to break the seal connected to the Central True Buddha.

"But now, I can only trouble you to break the seal and help the true Buddha break out."

Lin Yan looked at the jade pillar in the center. This jade pillar was the only one among all the jade pillars that did not have a blood coffin hanging on it.

Moreover, the surrounding jade lotus petals are completely wrapped together to form a budding flower, which is obviously the most unique.

"what should I do?"

"Around the central jade pillar, there are eight connecting jade branches hidden in the flesh and blood of the Buddha's corpse. You need to break these eight jade branches at the same time to help the real Buddha escape.

"Only when a true Buddha is born can he have the power to resist the realm of gods and have a chance of survival...

"After you finish, I will tell you everything about the goddess."

"that's all?"

"That's it. But there are two things you need to pay attention to.

"First of all, the Buddha's corpse is tough, and it is not easy to cut it open, but I have seen your strength, and I think it will not be a problem for you.

"Secondly, the power of the True Buddha is strange and infinite. When approaching the True Buddha, you need to guard your mind. Once you lose your mind, you will be attacked by the True Buddha. However, it has not yet awakened and is not strong. I think you can withstand it. .”

Lin Yan looked deeply at the old monk Wangyue.

So far, Old Monk Wangyue gave him a good feeling. He was very honest and did not deceive anything.

But with such ancient ruins and such ancient existence, Lin Yan naturally couldn't completely believe him.

What's more, do you still need to find outsiders to break the eight small jade branches?

Although it can be said that the old monk has turned into stone and cannot leave, there is always something indescribably weird about such a huge formation.

"Master, I have to go back down first to see my teammates and give them some instructions. I'll come back later and help you."

Wang Yue sighed slightly: "It's common sense that little friends don't trust me. Anyway, little friends, please go back as soon as possible. The realm of God has spread to Yuchi Lake. The situation is critical. There is not much time left. Please pay attention to safety, little friends. …”

After saying this, the golden light illusion disappeared again, and the surroundings turned into darkness again.

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