My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 197 No Way to Enter the Earth

A black dot appeared, expanding vaguely in the fog of chaos and turning into a huge black shadow.

Immediately afterwards, a gap was opened in the chaotic fog, and a staggering humanoid figure, as if it had just learned to walk, slowly walked out of the fog.

Lin Yan's pupils shrank again and he exclaimed in low voice: "Guo Fan..."

The humanoid figure that came out turned out to be Guo Fan.

But that's definitely not Guo Fan.

The right half of his face was covered with wriggling granules, and his right hand was completely folded to the left, growing together with the bottom of his left ribs, as if both hands were growing on the left side. On the right rib, there is a thick granulation that is growing rapidly and has spread to more than one meter in length, as if something is about to grow.

And his head, which has been completely deformed, sticks out pointedly toward the back, as if there is flesh crawling, and it is simply not human-like in length.

"Wrap,, fan..."

As if babbling, Guo Fan tilted his head, imitating Lin Yan and repeating what he said.

The remaining left eye is innocent, like a newborn baby, full of curiosity about everything around it.

The sprouts were still growing. In an instant, half of Guo Fan's face turned into insect-like compound eyes, mouthparts, and chitinous carapace. But his right arm grew to a length of three to four meters. It formed a strange fleshy patch covered with sarcoma and spikes, like a caterpillar magnified hundreds of times.

He has completely turned into a monster, and the innocent look in his eyes has slowly transformed into an evil and bloodthirsty look. While staring at Lin Yan, the bloodthirsty and longing color in his eyes doubled.

At the same time, there was no human voice in his mouth but a terrifying sound, like the roar of a ghost. The sharp flesh contact suddenly flicked, causing Guo Fan to turn into a bolt of lightning and pounce towards Lin Yan. come over!


Wind and thunder intertwined, and the green dragon rose. As fast as Guo Fan rushed forward, he flew back as fast as he could, and all the skin and flesh on his body were torn apart by the wind blade. There was no blood, only dry and rotten flesh, and he flew backwards into the mist of chaos. middle.


In the mist, there was suddenly another loud noise and a tragic howl, and then Guo Fan's figure was seen flying backwards out of the mist again at a faster speed!

Lin Yan frowned slightly, stepped out of the way, and allowed Guo Fan to fly upside down and hit the rock wall heavily, directly collapsing a large layer of the rock wall and pressing it underneath.

Lin Yan took a look and saw that the mutated Guo Fan's whole body was now twisted into a twist. Even the thick needle-pricking flesh on his right arm was broken and disappeared somewhere.

It was lying in the pile of rocks, constantly squirming, and in the crevices of the rocks, it softly shouted in a very simple voice: "Bao Fan, Bao Fan..."

Lin Yan turned his head solemnly and took two steps back.

In the mist, a figure so huge that it almost filled the entire tunnel broke out of the mist.

Its body has a gray-white color, like a kind of tarnished jade, but in many places, there is a kind of blue-black, chitinous carapace growing.

It was clearly humanoid, but its hands and feet were covered with sharp spikes, and on its back were two sets of huge wings as thin as cicada wings, like insect wings.

His head was also completely deformed. The upper part expanded, while the lower part shrank, squeezing the originally inconspicuous features on his face to the position of his chin.

At this moment, it is holding the spiked fleshy flesh that belongs to Guo Fan and stuffing it into its big mouth that is almost squeezed to the chin. It is not afraid of the spikes above it, swallowing and biting it, and the blood-red juice flows from it. The corners of his mouth dropped, not unusual.

Lin Yan vaguely recognized who the person in front of him, or rather this monster, had been.

Pang Yinlong!

The person who was made into a giant divine weapon by Guo Fan was the owner of the Longmen Pavilion!

But now, it has further mutated from a giant divine weapon and turned into this weird appearance now!

The fog of chaos...what exactly is it?

How could a corpse or a monster continue to undergo such horrific changes?

Lin Yan backed away slowly, not wanting to get entangled with him.

Unexpectedly, in the next moment, a strange hand full of spikes appeared in front of him!

So fast!

Lin Yan's expression changed, and [Qinglong Yufeng Lei] suddenly opened to the maximum, and the golden armor instantly formed from the body and covered the whole body.


Terrifying air ripples exploded directly between the two fists. The opponent's mass was too great and the force was extremely strong. Lin Yan was directly knocked backwards by this punch, plowing two long marks on the ground.

Lin Yan talked about the palm of his hand. The golden armor on it had been punctured and cracked, and there were even a few blood-red holes on his fist. With just a movement of rejuvenation, he immediately returned to normal.

He looked solemnly at the giant divine soldier.

The spikes on its hands had been cut a lot by the wind blades and lightning during the collision. However, there were only a few invisible white marks on the flesh underneath and behind.

So hard!

Lin Yan remembered that Wu Qinglei mentioned to him later that this giant divine weapon blocked Liu Lanqing in place!

Although its speed and attack are insufficient, its body is so hard and solid that even the strength of jade cannot penetrate it!

But now, after the mutation, this giant weapon seems to have undergone further transformation. Its speed and attack have made terrible improvements, and it can actually suppress his [Blue Dragon Yufeng Lei]!

Behind the giant god soldier, two pairs of wings slowly flapped.

Lin Yan's expression immediately changed slightly. It was precisely because of these wings that this giant divine weapon was incredibly fast, almost able to catch up with his [Blue Dragon Yufeng Lei]!

Bang bang bang!

In just a short moment, the two of them struck each other more than a dozen times. Lin Yan felt as if each punch was hitting a mountain of diamonds, and the force of the shock seemed to crush all the muscles and bones in his body.

In a moment, his hands and body were dripping with blood, all of which were injured by the sharp and sharp blades on the hands of the giant gods.

Behind the giant soldiers, the fog of chaos became thicker and thicker, and it continued to spread towards them.

"We can't get entangled with it any longer..."

Lin Yan took a breath, his expression serious.

When the giant divine soldier collided again, Lin Yan did not dodge or dodge, relying on the brute force of [Qinglong Yufeng Lei] to stop it in place.

Then the phantom of the green dragon tumbling out from the side of him, biting the arm of the giant god soldier, and at the same time, his body directly wrapped around the giant god soldier.

The giant god soldier burst out with brute force and frantically tried to break free.

At this moment, the Qinglong phantom vibrated and distorted. It was not that the Qinglong phantom was not strong enough, but because the situation was urgent. Lin Yan's injection of power was a beat slower. When the power was completely released, the Qinglong phantom stabilized and held it. The giant god soldiers were firmly in place.

At the same time, Lin Yan's whole body ignited with dark flames, and instantly turned into a spear as thick as a human arm. With the brute force of Qinglong Yufeng Lei, he directly stabbed the spear into the chest of the giant god soldier!

It was not easy for Liu Lanqing to break through the defense of this giant divine weapon because her strength characteristics were mainly burning and flame, and she was not good at attacking difficult targets.

But the violent flame weapons are the best at conquering strong walls!

A sting!

The spear penetrated the giant soldier's chest with great force, and he felt a strong sense of obstruction, but in the end, the violent flame spear still passed through his chest!

This time, it seemed to be beyond the giant soldier's expectations. It instantly became frightened and struggled wildly.

Even the phantom of Qinglong was shaken by him, twisting and flickering.

The next moment, another pitch-black spear penetrated its head directly, nailing it to the rock wall!

The Titan Soldier's movements froze for an instant, then his struggle slowly weakened, and then he stopped moving.

Lin Yan moved his feet and threw the giant soldier to the ground. Not worried, he directly pulled out the long sword of Zhu Yan and slashed it several times, directly dividing the giant soldier into several pieces.


Feeling the vibration of the Bodhi Gold Medal, Lin Yan stabbed the chest of the Giant Divine Soldier with a knife, and with a light gouge, he dug out a piece of spiritual marrow that looked like an internal organ.

"Third grade? Or fourth grade?"

Putting away the spiritual essence, Lin Yan looked back and glanced at the monster that Guo Fan had mutated into. It was completely lifeless at this moment and died in the pile of rocks in the posture of a monster.

Behind him, the sound of water continued to sound, and noisy and chaotic sounds gradually emerged throughout the chaotic fog.

Lin Yan's heart sank even deeper. He was the one who threw Guo Fan's body into the Netherworld River, and the Giant Divine Soldier also fell into the Netherworld River.

But now, they have all mutated into monsters...

In addition, I have heard before that corpses thrown into corpse cockroaches will not rot for a long time...

Could it be that they all turned into similar monsters in the end?

How many corpses or creatures have entered the Netherworld River during this long period of time?

If they all wake up from the fog of chaos...

Lin Yan's mind was serious, he stopped staying and quickly retreated towards the way he came from.

Soon, the chaotic mist behind him swallowed up the corpses of the Giant Divine Soldier and Guo Fan.

In the distance, Lin Yan seemed to hear a series of excited and greedy chewing and swallowing sounds, and the chaotic mist behind him.

Standing on the edge of Longsuishui Pond again, Lin Yan's mood at this moment was as high as heaven and earth compared to before.

If this road is also cut off, he really can't think of any other place where he can escape the fog of chaos?

Do you want to stay in the lake all your life, waiting for the fog of chaos to recede?

What if the fog of chaos does not recede?

One day, he will be swallowed up by the fog of chaos and die.

Lin Yan took a deep breath and thought of the old monk who looked at the moon.

He seemed to know in advance that the road he was taking was a dead end.

He said before that he wanted to ask for help. What was it?

He obviously already knows that the fog of chaos is approaching. Does he want his help to be related to how to solve the crisis of chaos and fog?

There is also the matter of Xiaozhi, I haven’t had time to ask him yet...

The old monk Wangyue is a monster who lived in the ancient Brahma Kingdom hundreds of years ago and has lived up to this era. His understanding of the fog of chaos must be far stronger than that of contemporary people...

Lin Yan plunged into the dragon's water pond.

The old monk must have expected that he would leave and come back...

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