My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 158 Underground Cave and Encountering the Corpse Cockroach Again

Lin Yan's eyes were a little unbelievable. There was actually water in this underground world shrouded in poisonous mist?

Quietly leaving behind a few clones, Lin Yan followed the heavily armed Liu Lanqing and the four others and continued to move forward in formation.

But this time, due to the obstruction of the other four's perception, Lin Yan must take on greater vigilance responsibilities.

He touched his hair naturally and sandwiched the two little clones into his hair.

During this period of time, he really tested several power characteristics on the little clone.

One of them, which he named "Air Flame", can turn the power into flames, spread and burn according to the specific direction of air flow, and achieve precise long-range strikes.

Of course, when used by the clone, its power is almost negligible, but it gives the clone a special ability to sense changes in the surrounding environment through the flow of air.

Therefore, he created many "Qi Yan" clones at one time and compiled the "Qi Yan" into the warning "program", which greatly increased the scope of the clones' warning.

At this time, he placed the avatar on top of his head, which to a certain extent borrowed the characteristics of "Qi Yan" to help him observe the changes around him more accurately.

"Unfortunately, although these powerful characteristics have been tested, they are only limited to the little clones. The strange objects used are also the fire charcoal, gunpowder, and kerosene that I found randomly.

"We still need to test it on real people to determine what kind of strange object it is in order to make it successful..."

As he was walking, Lin Yan suddenly felt through the little clone that there seemed to be an abnormal airflow blowing from the left front.

He immediately glanced over, took a closer look, and shouted in a low voice: "Attention! There is a corpse cockroach ten feet away on the left front!"

Everyone paused and looked in the direction he was pointing. They saw a vague black shadow coiled in a thick poisonous mist, motionless. If Lin Yan hadn't pointed it out, they would have looked carefully. , it is impossible to discover.

"It really does!"

"With your Lin Yan, I didn't even notice it!"

Strength does not mean that he is strong in all aspects. Even Liu Lanqing, although extremely strong, in such a complex environment, his sensitivity to the surroundings is greatly reduced. In addition, the anti-virus suit is discounted, so many times, It can only be distinguished by sight.

Liu Lanqing nodded approvingly towards Lin Yan and said, "Who is going to solve it?"

"I'm immune to the poisonous mist, so I'll go ahead," Lin Yan said first.

"You have just reached the level of strength, can you do it?"

Lin Yan's expression remained unchanged: "Oh, you can try it."

Fan Xiaopeng wanted to retaliate, but when he saw Liu Lanqing's unkind gaze, he coughed twice and shrank his head.

Liu Lanqing nodded towards Lin Yan: "Be careful."

Lin Yan moved and quietly approached the corpse cockroach hidden in the poisonous mist.

I saw the poisonous mist stir a few times, but there was no sound, and I saw Lin Yan walking back quickly.

The clothes on his body were not messy at all, and there were no traces of hands at all. Only traces of green pus remained on his palms.

"nailed it?"


Fan Xiaopeng and Ning Xiaohui were secretly speechless.

Although they are now in the Huangpin Realm, they have only just broken through and have not yet tried their true ultimate strength. They saw that the corpse cockroach that had previously threatened their lives was like a bug and was blown away by Lin. Yan casually crushed him to death, and he was naturally shocked.

Liu Lanqing and Wu Qinglei also looked at Lin Yan deeply. This strength is stronger than the last time they met!

Is this still a rigid state?

How could he become so strong step by step in the rigid realm?

It is indeed a monster that can defeat Qin Xiang!

It's a pity, if there were stronger strength characteristics for him to choose from...

Liu Lanqing shook her head: "Keep going!"

Along the way, after walking for about a quarter of an hour, I encountered a hidden corpse cockroach again. Lin Yan discovered it in advance and took the initiative to kill it.

Along the way, the frequency of corpse cockroaches began to increase. In half an hour, they encountered seven corpse cockroaches. Lin Yan discovered them all in advance and took the initiative to kill them.

Everyone has finally discovered it. Lin Yan's discovery of the corpse cockroach was definitely not due to luck, but because he was really able to navigate this complex poisonous fog environment like a fish in water, and his perception was astonishing.

"There are corpse cockroaches ahead, two more. I'm going."

Until now, when Lin Yan discovered the corpse cockroach, he didn't say anything. He just said hello in advance and went out on his own.

Looking at Lin Yan's back as he hurriedly jumped out, Ning Xiaohui held her forehead and Fan Xiaopeng made a cut.

They had already seen that Lin Yan was so active because he was aiming at the spiritual marrow in the corpse cockroach!

But just a few pieces of first-grade spiritual essence, is that enough?

Well done in the Demon Suppression Department. Like this time, the two of them obtained the strength attribute with extremely low merit. They saved an unknown amount of money at once, which is simply not comparable to these few spiritual essences.

This is also true. Is there anyone in the city who has become rich and strong by hunting hard to obtain spiritual essence?

Aren’t they all those who have done well and been appreciated by the top and powerful forces, and then they have been promoted in a big way?

This time there was a little movement, but still very quickly, Lin Yan came back.

Liu Lanqing didn't think anything was wrong, nodded and moved on.

The faint blue halo became stronger and brighter, and after walking for a while, there was a sound of gurgling water.

Lin Yan was surprised to find that a luminous underground river appeared in front of him, flowing deeper into the underground world.

The dark river exudes a blue halo, exactly the same as the Netherworld River. It looks as if the Netherworld River appears here.

Why is this Netherworld River everywhere underground?


After Liu Lanqing passed the gas mask, a humming and distorted voice came out: "Last time, Bering and I only got here, but we were limited by the poisonous fog and were unable to continue exploring.

"This underground Netherworld River extends in all directions and runs through the entire underground. If you explore along this Netherworld River, you will definitely find more things."

The last time a group of them explored underground, the others were restricted by the poisonous mist and could not go deeper. Only the powerful Liu Lanqing and Bai Ling continued to go deep here, but there was no way to explore further.

But along the way before, except for some rubble residue and some ruins similar to bricks and rubble, no valuable information was found.

The river here is not wide, and a section extends from beneath the ground, like a tattoo of a faint blue halo on the dark skin of the earth.

Everyone followed the river here and moved forward cautiously. I wonder if it was because of the flow of the river that it drove the flow of air, causing the little clone above Lin Yan to sense more information about the air flow.

Unconsciously, he had become the leader.

Unconsciously, the surrounding space was slowly shrinking, as if the rock wall was pressing towards them.

"It seems that this section of the river flows into a cave. I don't know if there is a road ahead."

As they advanced further, the surroundings became increasingly narrow. The Netherworld River flowed into an underground cave about three to four feet high.

The few people naturally continued to go deeper into the cave. This time, the Netherworld River, which originally looked like a tattoo on the skin, seemed to have turned into a huge blood vessel, nearly dry blue blood flowing, and they also seemed to be in the huge unknown creature. Traveling through blood vessels.

For some reason, I didn't encounter any more corpse cockroaches along the way.

It was more than two quarters of an hour until they walked out again.

Just as Lin Yan was turning a corner, he suddenly retracted his body and said in a very low voice: "Wait! There's a corpse cockroach!"

Fan Xiaopeng pouted: "Then why don't you go quickly!"


Lin Yan immediately stopped him and signaled everyone to be gentle. He frowned slightly and lowered his voice: "Liu Zhang, the number of corpse cockroaches this time is quite large!"

Several people carefully poked their heads out and looked in the direction of Lin Yan's fingers. They all unconsciously lowered their breathing.

I saw two forks in the underground cave at the corner ahead, and the Netherworld River also flowed along the cave, dividing into two sections, the left and right.

And in the poisonous mist deep in the fork on the left, there were dozens of black shadows, wandering back and forth among them, which were corpse cockroaches.

Moreover, the poisonous mist is so deep that one does not know how deep it is and how many corpse cockroaches are hidden there.

Everyone's breathing was trembling. Although they were powerful, if they were surrounded by a large number of corpse cockroaches, even Liu Lanqing might not be able to survive.

"what to do?"

Wu Qinglei looked back at Liu Lanqing.

Liu Lanqing scanned for a moment and focused on the fork on the other side on the right: "Be careful, let's go to that fork!"

The location of the corpse cockroach was quite far away from the fork, and the underground cave was dim. With caution, everyone passed through the fork and entered the fork on the right.

Although the Netherworld River is divided into two parts, the concentration of the halo remains unchanged.

Everyone continued to walk forward for a while, and unexpectedly encountered a fork in the road again!

Moreover, this fork has three forks, dividing the road into three directions.

Lin Yan raised his hand and tried it: "There is wind at the three forks, which means that the front may be open."

Liu Lanqing said in a deep voice: "It seems that the underground waterways here are winding and complicated. Old Wu, it is up to you to mark them to prevent us from getting lost."


Next, Liu Lanqing chose the fork on the far left, and everyone continued to go deeper along the fork.

Along the way, the terrain was obviously getting lower and lower, as if it was going deeper into the ground.

But there are more and more forks, sometimes two, sometimes three or four.

And from time to time, there will be zombie cockroaches entrenched among them. Fortunately, most of them are in small numbers. Naturally, Lin Yan or everyone takes action to deal with them.

But everyone's expressions became increasingly ugly.

The corpse cockroaches appear more and more frequently, but they go deeper and deeper. If they are blocked by the corpse cockroaches in this sealed underground passage, I am afraid...


Lin Yan raised his hand in a low voice again.

Everyone looked forward and their breaths froze again. When they came out of the depths of the underground cave, there were actually more corpse cockroaches than at the previous fork!

And there is no fork in the road this time. If these corpse cockroaches are not dealt with, I am afraid that we will not be able to go deeper.

Liu Lanqing hesitated for a moment, then slowly raised her hand: "Back off!"

Returning along the road, Liu Lanqing lost interest in changing to another fork and went deeper, so she led everyone back along the original road.

There were two or three more corpse cockroaches blocking the road along the way. It was obvious that they wandered here after they entered.

After leaving the cave and returning to the underground world outside, everyone's breathing relaxed slightly.

The underground cave is not scary, but coupled with the huge number of strange and ferocious corpse cockroaches, the psychological pressure on everyone is really too great.

"Liu Zhang, what should we do next? How should we explore?"

Liu Lanqing said in a deep voice: "If we don't deal with the corpse cockroach entrenched in the underground waterway, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explore deeply.

"Next... let's change our plan, prepare for battle, and start hunting corpse cockroaches!"

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