My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 157 The phaseless clone has more functions and anti-virus suit

"Go this way."

Liu Lanqing took the lead and led everyone to a gap in the cliff.

Lin Yan looked down. The cliff here was still like a natural chasm, dividing the entire land into two halves. The moisture mist and green poisonous mist below filled the air, making it bottomless.

But it was in an eerie silence, without any sound.

"Probably because the poisonous fog has dissipated, the corpse cockroaches have hidden deeper into the source of the underground poisonous fog..."

The cliff here is downward, and every five or six feet away, a thick and long gray-black iron nail is inlaid. It is similar to the nail ladder found under the cave at that time, which is convenient for warriors to get down the cliff.

Ning Xiaohui explained smoothly: "This is what we nailed before."

The four of them took out the detoxification pill again and took one. Liu Lanqing waved his hand: "Down!"

She took the lead and walked first, followed closely by Wu Qinglei, Ning Xiaohui, and Fan Xiaopeng. Lin Yan stayed at the last one because it was her first time climbing this trail.

The cliff is extremely dangerous, but the five of them are all masters of martial arts. In addition, they have nailed ladders to pave the way, so it is natural for them to walk on flat ground.

After climbing down for a while, Lin Yan saw that the large wooden box on Fan Xiaopeng's back blocked his view, making the other four people not pay attention to him, and his heart moved slightly.

With a light touch of his fingers, he found a small crack on the rock wall, and then a formless clone jumped out from his fingertips, retracted into the narrow gap, and sat down cross-legged.

Every two or three nail ladders, Lin Yan put down a formless clone and hid it in the rock wall. Occasionally, he would also throw it out to spread it out as much as possible.

The cliffs here are mysterious and dangerous. This little avatar is on the cliff, commanding him. If he can sense and discover something, it can also give him a timely warning.

During this period of time, after systematic, day and night, and occasional use of enlightenment spiritual light to greatly improve efficiency, Lin Yan not only tested several power characteristics, but also discovered many aspects of the phaseless clone. The wonderful use.

For example, the phaseless clone is not a dead thing. He can set some actions or behavioral logic for the phaseless clone in advance and let it act according to certain rules.

For example, now, the rules he has set for these phaseless clones are to monitor the surrounding situation without exposing themselves. If they find a situation that threatens themselves or appears unexpectedly, they should call the police in time.

Equivalent to a sentry tower and siren.

Of course, the more complex the rules, the more preconditions to consider, and the more troublesome it is to set them in advance.

For the short setting like the one above, it took Lin Yan an hour or two to finally complete the setting and barely be able to adapt to the surveillance mission.

In other words, the phaseless clone is equivalent to an intelligent robot. Its intelligence limit is very high, but it must expend energy to "program" it in advance. The more complex the programming, the more intelligent it can be used.

If a lot of time and effort are spent to program it with extremely complex intelligence, it can even act like a real person.

“Unfortunately, it takes a lot of time and effort to achieve this level.

"However, the intelligent settings of the phaseless clones can be accumulated, and the rules that have been set can be used directly next time.

"So over the years, given time, maybe my formless clone can really produce advanced intelligence..."

The phaseless clone requires energy to maintain, and will starve to death if left for too long.

But it can survive by eating, so when each formless clone flies out, it holds a small piece of minced meat in its arms, which is enough to sustain it for two or three days.

Of course, eating when you are hungry is also an order programmed in advance.

All the way down to the middle of the cliff, the surrounding poisonous mist was so thin that it was almost invisible due to the surge of air.

But as it approached the bottom of the valley, the poisonous mist became thicker, taking on a dark green color and being extremely thick.

The space at the bottom of the cliff was larger than Lin Yan had imagined. It was like this crack in the earth was just a narrow entrance. The further down you go, the more open it becomes to the front, back, left, and right.

Lin Yan could hardly tell that this was a crack in the earth. Instead, it seemed like he had entered an underground world with no boundaries, shadowy and shadowy.

A thin layer of light blue halo scatters from the depths of the underground world, filling the surrounding space with an unknown sense of mystery.

Lin Yan looked up at the sky. The sky had shrunk into a blue and white gap, like a crack in the sky.

It felt like two worlds were stacked on top of each other, and he just accidentally fell into this brand new world through the gap that opened between the two worlds.

"The concentration of poisonous fog here is too strong, let's go, let's change positions and go to the ground!"

Liu Lanqing looked down, whispered something, then turned her palms into claws, grabbed the rock wall, and moved sideways.

The group of people moved sideways along the cliff. Under the thin blue light, they could not see clearly what was at the bottom of the cliff. Lin Yan noticed that the poisonous mist at the bottom of the cliff was extremely unevenly distributed.

It may be due to insufficient air circulation that the poisonous mist is as thick as thick ink in some places, but in other places, the poisonous mist has almost dissipated, causing the poisonous mist at the bottom of the cliff to be scattered in layers and disconnected, as if it was covered by some kind of bacterial colony. The hyphae seemed to be infected, and they were strange and oozing.

But Lin Yan was naturally not afraid of the poisonous mist.

Just following Liu Lanqing, they found a place where the poisonous mist was extremely thin, and then everyone continued down the cliff and stepped on the ground.

The gravel on the ground is rugged, and they are all red and yellow rocks, which obviously only appear deep underground.

"Pay attention to the poisonous fog around you!"

Liu Lanqing drank lightly.

Ning Xiaohui approached Lin Yan and whispered: "Last time, a corpse cockroach suddenly jumped out of the poisonous fog and almost took Fan Xiaopeng away. We have to be careful."

Lin Yan frowned: "Corpseids generally don't leave the poisonous fog, right?"

Ning Xiaohui shook her head and pointed upward: "It won't happen up there, but here, corpse cockroaches will occasionally jump out of the poisonous mist."

Lin Yan was slightly shocked. Could it be that what the corpse cockroach needs is not the poisonous fog environment, but something else mixed with the poisonous fog?

The group formed a frontline formation, led by Liu Lanqing, while Lin Yan was placed at the back due to his "weakest" level of strength.

It was convenient for him to leave some formless clones behind. I wonder if it was because of the poison-reducing effect. The clones condensed with his essence and blood were extremely resistant to the poisonous mist and could barely withstand the poisonous mist here.

Liu Lanqing and the others had obviously explored this place with a clear destination. They carefully shuttled through the place where the poisonous mist was thin, walking around the thick poisonous mist, as if walking through a maze of poisonous mist.

Lin Yan felt more and more strange in his heart. How come the huge number of corpse cockroaches he saw at that time were all gone?

While walking, Lin Yan's eyes narrowed slightly: "That's..."

There were fragments of flaming red glazed tiles and broken walls. This was the palace he saw embedded in the rock wall at that time. The smashed debris actually fell here.

There were actually two half-rotten carcasses of corpse cockroaches underneath, which were obviously unlucky enough to be trapped underneath.

"There is spiritual marrow in the corpse cockroach's body..."

Fan Xiaopeng curled his lips: "We have already looked for it, and the spiritual marrow has probably been eaten by other corpse cockroaches."

Do corpse cockroaches eat spiritual marrow?

Lin Yan inexplicably thought of the monster that ate the same kind of spiritual marrow and internal organs in the illusion of claw-shaped spiritual marrow.

Continuing inward, under the powerful perception and caution of the group, there was no danger.

The dim blue light slowly became brighter.

After walking carefully for about half an hour, not knowing how deep he went, Lin Yan noticed that the concentration of the poisonous mist around him had increased significantly. The thin areas of poisonous mist were becoming fewer and fewer. The thick poisonous mist looked like balls of dark green mucus. , becoming more and more dense.

Liu Lanqing raised her hand and saw that Wu Qinglei and Ning Xiaohui had used their strength to block the toxin invasion, and said, "Okay, take out the equipment."

Fan Xiaopeng quickly put down the wooden box behind him and opened it. His eyes suddenly lit up: "I have seen this thing before. It seems that several seniors from the White Tiger Academy used it in the ruins last time! I heard it is very expensive!"

Lin Yan glanced at the wooden box, and his pupils shrank immediately. What was placed in the wooden box turned out to be... four sets of extremely special materials, light white, one-piece, like protective clothing!

There were four more inside, obviously gas masks.

He took a deep breath, and the world once again showed an unexpected side to him.

Liu Lanqing saw Lin Yan's expression was different and thought he was curious, so he explained: "This is called a gas protective suit. Wearing a mask can completely block the intrusion of toxins. It is made of a rather rare material. It is light and tough. Therefore, the price is extremely expensive, and there are not many sets in the entire Demon Suppression Division."

After explaining, she added: "When you arrive in Fucheng in the future, you will know that this world is not like Ding'an City at all. There are many, many magical creations like this."

I already know……

Lin Yan showed a surprised expression at the right time.

After they were fully dressed, the four of them moved their hands and feet, looking like the kind of scientific research experiment researchers they had seen in movies in their previous lives.

"It's still a bit bulky, not very flexible, and it also hinders the field of vision."

"Just be content. At least I can't feel the impact of the poisonous mist on me while I'm breathing heavily. This anti-virus suit is really magical!"

After everyone had adapted, Liu Lanqing, who was wrapped in a protective suit, glanced at Lin Yan: "The poisonous fog will become thicker next, are you okay?"

Lin Yan shook his head.

"So, let's move on and explore the underground water area we discovered before!"

A bit late today

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