My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 127 Fusion of Power Characteristics and Ethereal Realm

Lin Yan first picked up the letter, opened it and read it carefully. His expression gradually softened, and while he was surprised, he also revealed a hint of complexity.

The letter said that the young man named Guo Fan, the fake city lord, had received the mysterious scripture "Miaofa Tao Te Ching" from an ancient ruins as a gift from his ancestor Wu Jing, and his strength had greatly improved.

So he followed the instructions of that senior and recorded the essence of his martial arts for those who were destined to do so in the future.

"Killing you, but getting a gift from you, is this an impermanent thing in the world..."

Shaking his head, he put this useless emotion behind him.

Lin Yan carefully read Guo Fan's records on the "Miaofa Tao Te Ching".

According to what he remembered, this "Miaofa Tao Te Ching" is not a martial arts technique, it is just an ordinary scripture, but it has miraculous effects.

It can integrate powerful characteristics!

Power characteristics are inherently independent. One person can only produce one type, let alone fusion with each other, even if they exist at the same time.

However, by reciting the "Miaofa Tao Te Ching", two originally independent strength characteristics can be integrated into each other, taking them to a higher level and becoming a more powerful, high-quality strength characteristic!

This Guo Fan, through the "Miaofa Tao Te Ching", merged the Xuanpin strength characteristic [Demon Tiger Swallows the Mountain] with the Huangpin strength characteristic [Infinite], thus producing a more powerful strength that reaches the jade level. Features: [Nightmare Tiger Devours the Sky]!

Of course, this name was given by himself. This is a strength characteristic that does not exist in records. At least Guo Fan himself has never heard of it.

"If it can fuse the powerful properties of low-grade products into high-grade ones, if it really has such a miraculous effect, wouldn't this "Miaofa Tao Te Ching" be a peerless treasure? Its value is far beyond my imagination!"

Lin Yan asked Wu Qinglei that different strength characteristics, different conditions, and different rarity of the required rare items are also different.

The Huangpin strength characteristics similar to "Shadow Wind" and "Heavy Mountain" require rare items, and only five great skills are needed to redeem them.

But if it is a Xuanpin power characteristic, the required rare items, if converted according to value, will be doubled dozens of times, with a starting value of at least two hundred great powers!

Converted to Lin Yan's current salary, it takes two days for a small amount of work, which means it would take 4,000 days and more than ten years to save one!

When it comes to the strength characteristics of jade, the value of rare items is even more exaggerated, and it cannot be converted into great merit at all.

It is impossible for such treasures to flow into ordinary people.

If that's all it is, it's just expensive.

The key is that with the powerful characteristics, it is very likely that you will not be able to succeed in one go!

Once it fails, you still need to prepare the same rare item!

The cost is even more terrifying!

Therefore, the higher the quality of the strength characteristics, the more difficult it is to achieve.

People like Liu Lanqing, who possess the top-notch powerful characteristics of jade, are simply rare, and they are among the best in the entire Qianyuan City!

This is also the reason why Wu Qinglei advised Lin Yan.

Just because you see Liu Lanqing, you can't think that the power of jade is close at hand, just like you can't think that you can easily become a billionaire just because you are a classmate with a rich second generation.

In essence, they and Liu Lanqing are from two different worlds!

But now, Guo Fan said, "Miaofa Tao Te Ching" can combine low-grade strength into high-grade power?

Doesn't this completely break the grade level of strength characteristics? !

Lin Yan read down carefully again, his excitement slowly subdued.

"Sure enough, this fusion is not without limitations..."

The restrictions are extremely strict, with at least three restrictions.

First, not all force characteristics can be blended together. Only a very small number of force characteristics that are compatible with each other can be blended through this sutra.

Second, if you want to test whether the characteristics of the two strengths can be integrated, you must practice the corresponding prerequisite skills to the state of combined strength, which is the proficiency level, which is about 65%.

65% proficiency!

This is almost the essence of mastering a skill!

For ordinary people to reach this level, it only takes a few years. It is simply impossible!

The reason why Guo Fan chose to fuse the two powers of [Devil Tiger Swallowing Mountain] and [Infinite] was not because he didn't want to choose something else, but because he had spent several years testing and testing that the characteristics of these two powers could be integrated.

This is the reason why he is naturally talented and amazing.

An ordinary person would not be able to test a fusion solution even if it took decades.

This is also the reason why Guo Fan deliberately left these two powerful plans to save those who are destined to waste time later.

“But 65% proficiency is not a problem at all for me!

“With the blessing of spiritual enlightenment, I can reach 65% proficiency in any martial arts technique with just two or three points of spiritual light of enlightenment!

"As long as there is a sufficient supply of spiritual essence, I can test it quickly with extremely high efficiency. Guo Fan can find a fusion solution, and I will definitely be able to find more solutions!

"So, the only thing in front of me is the third restriction..."

Third, that is the "Miaofa Tao Te Ching" itself!

The "Miaofa Tao Te Ching" itself is just a sutra, with no mystery at all.

Only by reciting it from time to time, at the spiritual platform, can a little clear enlightenment arise, and then deepen the enlightenment day by day, and after years and months, reach the dark and ethereal realm, and then be able to integrate the powerful characteristics with the ethereal realm.

The threshold for this kind of enlightenment is extremely high, and it requires great wisdom, understanding, and mind to understand it. Otherwise, even getting started will not be possible.

"That is to say, only one whose understanding is far beyond that of ordinary people can comprehend the mysterious and profound ethereal true meaning... Doesn't this match the function of spiritual light?"

So the third restriction cannot restrict him?

If this "Miaofa Tao Te Ching" is true, to him, it is a unique treasure that is tailor-made and fits perfectly!

Compared with the powerful characteristics of jade, they are a hundred times more precious!

Lin Yan immediately took out the scriptures from the "Miaofa Tao Te Ching" and opened it in front of him.

"The Tao is formless, wonderful and empty. It reaches nothing but contains the ultimate existence. It reaches the void yet contains the ultimate reality. It is invisible but can change..."

I read it quietly in a low voice, and between the lines, there are subtle words and great meanings, which seem to contain infinite philosophy. When I read it, I feel calm and calm, and I feel like I have some enlightenment.

The entire article was about a thousand words long and was read very quickly, but Lin Yan just felt peaceful and calm and felt nothing.

Guo Fan recorded that he only had an enlightenment after reciting it once, and then after reciting it a hundred times, he had a clear enlightenment. Then he spent three years reciting it silently every day, and then he reached the ethereal state.

Is it the way he reads it that's wrong?

Turn back to the first page and start chanting silently from the beginning.

So again, twice, three times... By the tenth time, Lin Yan could memorize some of the passages silently.

By the thirtieth time, he had temporarily memorized most of the text.

However, nothing was felt.

No matter how you recite it, this scripture seems to be a classic text with a simple meaning, without any mystery.

"Sure enough, don't I have this talent..."

Lin Yan turned to the first page of the "Miaofa Tao Te Ching" and decisively activated the Bodhi Gold Medal to release the remaining aura of enlightenment!

The world of thinking suddenly expanded, and millions of things were contained in the mind. The vast and empty world was filled with enlightenment.

The verses I just recited were arranged word by word in my mind involuntarily, as if they were gilded and bright.

Looking at the passage in front of me again, I feel completely different.

There seemed to be an invisible rhythm in every sentence, constantly washing and impacting his mind.

Almost in an instant, Lin Yan captured that bit of spiritual enlightenment, and a bit of spiritual light bloomed. From then on, the scriptures seemed to have an anchor, and each word jumped out and merged into the spiritual light.

It seemed like a whisk was sweeping through his mind, sweeping away the dust and distracting thoughts, making his mind more ethereal and pure.

This is different from the emptiness of realizing spiritual light, but the emptiness of realizing one's own existence, getting rid of all distracting thoughts, causing the spirit to affect the physiology, thus forming a physical emptiness inside the body!

In this dual realm of spiritual emptiness and physical emptiness, he seemed to see the power in his body.

Originally, he thought that his strength was completely under his control.

At this time, he saw that his strength was as rough as a fierce horse, moving like a stubborn monkey, and growing wildly, like a rough stone embryo with burrs everywhere.

But under the influence of this void, his control was greatly enhanced, and he completely controlled his strength, calmed his restlessness, and made it docile and round, as if the burrs had been polished away and turned into a perfect jade!

Lin Yan had a clear understanding in his heart.

The reason why "Miaofa Tao Te Ching" can integrate the strength properties is because it can enhance people's spiritual strength!

This greatly increases the ability to control the force, calms the microscopic restlessness of the force, improves the quality of the force, and makes the control more smooth, so it can withstand two force characteristics at the same time!

This is just like when enchanting, a crude and low-quality weapon can only be enchanted once, but a strong and high-quality weapon can be enchanted multiple times!

So, can the "Miaofa Tao Te Ching" really only integrate two powerful characteristics?

If we understand it more deeply, can we integrate more powerful characteristics? !

The aura of enlightenment continued to bloom, and Lin Yan recited the "Miaofa Tao Te Ching" over and over again.

Every time I recite it, I have a new understanding, which makes the ethereal realm deeper and polishes my own power to be more harmonious and pure.

Until the light of enlightenment completely dissipated, Lin Yan continued to recite the "Miaofa Tao Te Ching" again and again, his mouth was full of saliva, his heart was full of joy, and his energy was full.

After a long while, Lin Yan exhaled a long breath, and there seemed to be a divine light gathering in his eyes, and he felt energetic.

"What a wonderful scripture this "Miaofa Tao Te Ching" is!

"Just by reciting it, you can actually enter an ethereal state, as if your mind and wisdom have grown.

"It has greatly enhanced my control over my body, making my strength more integrated, and my overall strength has increased by at least 20%!

"The power loss is greatly reduced, and the usage time of [Qinglong Yufeng Lei] can be extended by at least two seconds!"

A clear realization arose in his heart that the function of "Miaofa Tao Te Ching" was not to integrate the characteristics of strength at all!

That's just incidental.

It is very likely that it is also a martial arts technique, specifically used to hone the spiritual mind!

The evidence is that the skill column on the Bodhi Gold Medal has been updated:

[Skills]: Swallowing (100%), Five-Animal Hand (100%), Dragon-shaped Fist (100%), Iron Buddha (43%), Qianjun Break [Incomplete·Growth] (40%), Miaofa Tao Te Ching ( 65%)

"It took Guo Fan three years to reach the ethereal realm at 35%.

"And a spiritual light of enlightenment can actually increase it by such a huge amount, a full 65%!

"It seems that this kind of skill, which does not require the physical body to coordinate movements, is very harmful to the effect of spiritual enlightenment!

"Just one or two more enlightenment auras can push it to 100% proficiency.

"So...can it also produce special effects?"

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