My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 126 My name is Guo Fan, my senior is Wu Jing

After Zang Wei left.

The smile on Lin Yan's face slowly faded, his face was expressionless, and there was an air of indifference about him as he stared at the few wealthy "famous people" present.

Except for the silver-haired old woman who looked relieved, the rest of the people all shrank their heads and looked away, like frightened quails.

They understand the rights of the patrol camp better than Lin Yan.

The so-called being in charge of the civil order in Ding'an City, simply put, means that anyone who is deemed to disrupt the order in Ding'an City can be killed!

Anyone who dares not to cooperate will be killed without mercy. If anyone dares to lead a crowd to resist, his family will be exterminated and his family will be confiscated!

The patrol battalion was able to suppress the entire situation in Ding'an City in just a few days entirely because of the two teams led by Qin Xiang and Xiao Ye, as well as the commander-in-chief Liu Lanqing, who was in the south and east of the city. Massacre!

Countless gangsters and families died in one night, with heads rolling in and rivers of blood flowing, including some long-established celebrities!

The patrol camp that had just been established had become a powerful force in Ding'an City within a short period of time.

This is what is meant by the saying that the power of life and death is in one's hands.

So even though everyone here had doubts about Lin Yan's ability to defeat the Four Alliance Gang and his strength at such a young age, they still did not dare to offend because of the prestige of the Demon Suppression Division and the Patrol Battalion.

They were all waiting for the young team leader to make his move.

But Lin Yan didn't say a word, just looked at them coldly, making each of them sweat profusely and restless.

"The husband and wife bow to each other and send them to the bridal chamber!"

Until Zang Wei and Pang Feiyan went to the side hall together.

Lin Yan just looked away, poured himself a glass of wine, and picked it up.

"Song Tian, ​​have you written down all the names of these seniors?"

"Remember it, sir." Behind him, Song Tian opened a booklet.

Everyone's expressions changed, and one or two timid ones began to tremble in their hands and feet.


Lin Yan picked up the wine glass with an expressionless face: "You are all seniors and understanding people. You don't need to say much. I will just say three points."

It's not even three o'clock yet? All the seniors shivered and straightened their postures.

"First...have you given your congratulatory gifts?"

Everyone's expressions tightened. The man with the sinuous face, who had spoken the most just now, couldn't help but smile and said, "Send it, send it."

"What did you give me?"

His face suddenly suffocated, what else could he give?

Originally, he didn't think Zang Wei could get through this test safely, so what he gave as a gift was a silver bracelet bought at a roadside stall, and he was greedy for cheap and bought a fake one for only one tael.

At this moment, I can’t even say anything!

Lin Yan glanced at everyone. Except for the silver-haired old woman, everyone looked away with blushing faces, not daring to mention what they had given.

His eyes were dark and he said meaningfully: "Senior Brother's wedding banquet may only be this once in a lifetime. I had already asked someone to send congratulatory gifts in advance early in the morning. Song Tian, ​​what did I send?"

Song Tian said: "Your Excellency has given me a fist-sized piece of red crystal sesame, two centenary-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, ten bottles of Qi-blood treasure pills, ten brilliant gold beads, two specially forged century-old alloy locks, and also Silver, preserved fruits, and other miscellaneous items.”

so much!

The hundred-year-old Polygonum multiflorum and the fist-sized Red Crystal Zhi alone are already worth the years of collection of a wealthy family!

Everyone was shocked. This Lin Yan really had copied some wealthy family to get so many treasures!

Lin Yan looked cold. He had obtained these things from the secret vaults of Yang Zheng, Hong Xi and others at that time. He selected some qi and blood medicines that he could not use and gave them to Zang Wei as gifts.

"You are all seniors and elders whom senior brother respects very much. You can't give me a congratulatory gift that can't be compared to me, right?"

Everyone was excited. This Lin Yan was going to scrape their blood and extract their bone marrow!

"Well, Mr. Lin, you gave us too many things. We really can't take them out!" one person said cautiously.

Another person said: "Yes, Mr. Lin, please be accommodating. The gifts we send are as small as possible, but what you sent is indeed too much..."

Lin Yan had no expression on his face. After listening to what these two people said, he turned to Song Tian and said, "Mark the names of these two people."

Both of their expressions changed: "Sir, you..."

"shut up!"

The cold light in Lin Yan's eyes suddenly surged, and there seemed to be wind and thunder gathering in his eyes. The wild and terrifying aura belonging to the [Qinglong Yufeng Lei] fully bloomed, and the endless murderous intent directly enveloped the two of them.

The two of them were sweating profusely and their faces were full of fear. They were so blind!

The reason why they dare to bargain is because they just don't believe in evil. They feel that Lin Yan is so young and cannot have such terrifying strength. He must have gained the position through connections. Maybe they can figure it out after some exchanges.

But they were wrong!

Totally mistaken!

What the hell kind of freak is this!

Why is there such a terrifying momentum!

Lin Yan's face was filled with chills, and he said solemnly: "You think my temper is good, right?

"You old cysticercids, the reason why you are still alive to talk to me now is just because today is my senior brother's wedding banquet!

"And you are the seniors that my senior brother values!

"Do you really think that I dare not kill you?

"Whether it's true or false, remember it all, play your role well and don't talk too much.

"If my senior brother notices it and ruins his good mood at today's wedding banquet... he will die!"

His momentum slowly subsided, and he nodded crazily like a chicken pecking rice at the wine table.

Everyone here, even Song Tian behind Lin Yan, was sweating and soaked to the skin, but the guests at other tables were completely unaware.

"Finally, I don't want other forces to cause trouble for Longmen Pavilion in the future. Since you are elders, you should shoulder the responsibilities of elders. Don't let me hear anyone say that Longmen Pavilion has no luxury and no one to protect it. .

“I don’t want to repeat the above three points.

"Of course, if you disagree, if you violate it, if you don't want to do it..."

Looking around, Lin Yan uttered four words coldly: "Then go die."

The cold sweat on everyone's bodies seemed to have condensed into ice, and they were all bitingly cold.

Lin Yan's face returned to calmness, as if nothing had happened. He raised his glass and saluted the guests: "Finally, I wish you all a happy cooperation."

Everyone hurriedly raised their glasses and remained silent.

After the wedding banquet.

Lin Yan and Chen Yuan smiled and said goodbye to Zang Wei, Pang Feiyan and Pang Tong, whom they had not seen for a long time.

After leaving the door, he met many wealthy people driving carriages and delivering congratulatory gifts. Lin Yan stood quietly for a moment. After watching them send everything into the Longmen Pavilion, he waved his hand: "Let's go!"

After helping Chen Yuan and Xiaozhi onto the carriage, Lin Yan asked Song Tian to send them back first.

Song Tian was also frightened by Lin Yan just now, and now he was as silent as a cicada, not daring to look at Lin Yan.

"In addition, there are seven corpses in the hidden alley behind the Longmen Pavilion. Find someone to deal with them to prevent them from smelling."

Song Tian's body trembled even more. This corpse was of course a member of the Four Alliance Gang: "Yes!"

After the two of them left.

Lin Yan took a long breath and walked slowly along the streets of Longhufang.

Over the past few days, he has been thinking about how to improve his strength, and the focus is naturally on the strength characteristics.

But after thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out the reason, because he knew too little about the characteristics of force.

Reluctantly, he turned to think of a way to start from his own existing strength.

The fastest way to improve your strength is, of course, to use spiritual marrow to quickly catalyze special effects.

He now has six second-grade spiritual essences in his hand, one third-grade spiritual marrow, and an already formed spiritual light of enlightenment.

However, a single spiritual light of enlightenment cannot push a martial art to 100% proficiency, and the Black Jade Bodhi has just been used, and it will take two to three months to accumulate it to perfection.

In addition, second-grade and third-grade spiritual marrow can be replaced with lower-grade spiritual marrow, which can be multiplied several times, so it would be a pity to use it directly.

So he kept it for the time being without using it, and prepared to make careful plans.

So in the past seven days, he has been exploring the special effects of [Blue Dragon Yufeng Lei].

When he faced Hong Xi and the others in the mine tunnel, he unintentionally revealed his wild and terrifying aura without using [Blue Dragon Yufeng Lei], and instantly shocked all three of them.

Later, he kept thinking, could he use this kind of momentum skillfully in regular combat?

After seven days of training, he has mastered this technique.

Walking out, Lin Yan's thoughts wandered and he recalled the group of people from the Four Alliance Gang just now.

One magnificent realm, six tough realms.

At that time, he directly showed his terrifying momentum, instantly intimidating the high-ranking people among the pedestrians, and then took the opportunity to hit his head with all his strength, killing him instantly, and then relied on his speed advantage to quickly kill the six high-ranking people.

Otherwise, even if he can defeat Haojing now, he cannot achieve an instant kill. If they get entangled together, it will be easy to alert the senior brother and ruin the wedding banquet, which is probably not beautiful.

Another example is that at the wine table just now, he used this terrifying aura to directly intimidate the entire table.

But in fact, if there were one or two powerful people who wanted to confront him at that time, his illusion of momentum would be exposed immediately.

Those people will also know that he can only match the combat power of one powerful realm at most, and cannot challenge so many powerful realms by himself.

Of course, this is on the premise that [Blue Dragon Yufeng Lei] is not turned on.

He walked forward leisurely, but his speed was not slow.

Jiufang in the inner city is now under martial law, and is guarded by dedicated personnel to prepare for the upcoming talent competition.

Lin Yan showed his belt card of Demon Suppressing Guard, and naturally he was able to move forward unimpeded. Soon, he arrived at Nanshan Gong's House in Chengyangfang, which was also the destination of this group.

"At that time, the young man said that he left something in Nanshangong's house..."

In the past few days, Lin Yan often wandered around Nanshangong House in the name of patrolling, but he did not find any abnormalities or ambushes.

In addition, the contestants waiting for the genius battle will be here soon, and Nanshan Gongjie is a place where genius seeds can live.

If I don't go and take a look, I'm afraid I won't have the chance for a while.

After visually inspecting the building of Nanshan Public House, Lin Yan walked around in a circle, and then dived straight in.

He still remembered that the location of Nanshan Gong's house was written on the thunder order found from the leader of the Black Tiger Gang.

He was determined to explore it in detail, but Nanshan Gong's house had been mostly ruined and damaged in the previous battle between the young man and Ji Ying, and was still being repaired. He was afraid that he might not be able to find any effective clues.

According to the position mentioned by the young man at that time, Lin Yan carefully touched it.

After about four or five breaths, Lin Yan's eyes shone slightly, his chest bulged, and he quickly walked out of the public house without any surprises.

Soon, after twists and turns, he arrived at the mansion assigned to him in the Demon Suppression Division.

Chen Yuan is next door, and Xiao Zhi is playing next to her. Lin Yan greeted them, then went straight into the room and gently locked the door.

When the oilcloth package was spread out, there were actually five yellow-sealed booklets of similar sizes and different thicknesses lined up in sequence!

There is also a letter envelope at the bottom.

No wonder it was bulging, Lin Yan was breathing slightly, he had just taken a cursory glance.

At this time, I observed carefully and found that all the names were written on the cover, and they were all transcribed manually. From left to right, the names were:

"A Brief Explanation of Tiger Shape Boxing"

"Strength Characteristics: The Devil Tiger Swallows the Mountain"

"A Brief Explanation of Jinghong Fist"

"Characteristics of Strength: Infinite"

"The Tao Te Ching"

There are actually two powerful characteristics!

Lin Yan's eyes widened, he suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and took out the envelope below.

On the envelope, it says:

My name is Guo Fan, and I received an occasional gift, so I follow the wishes of my predecessor Wu Jing and compile the essence of my martial arts for future generations who are destined to do so.

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