My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 124 The patrol battalion is having a wedding banquet

Return to Jijiazhai.

Lin Yan hesitated for a moment, then found his senior brothers Zang Wei and Pang Feiyan and informed them of the whereabouts of the museum owner Pang Yinlong.

After hearing that Pang Yinlong turned into a three-meter-tall giant monster and finally fell into the Netherworld River, the two of them looked gloomy and could not calm down for a long time.

Three days later, Zang Wei found Lin Yan: "Junior Brother Lin, Feiyan and I are going back to Longmen Pavilion."

"Elder brother..."

Lin Yan was silent for a moment and said: "Senior Brother, Longmen Pavilion is now occupied by outsiders. Let me go back with you."

Zang Wei shook his head: "I went to investigate yesterday, but it's just a dirty little gang. There are no tigers in the mountains and the monkey is the king. I can solve it myself."

"That's fine."

At this time, Zang Wei's eyes flashed with sadness and he said, "Besides... Feiyan and I are going to get married!"

"What? So sudden?" Lin Yan had a look of surprise on his face.

"The children of the Jianghu are informal. In fact, it should have been done a long time ago. But I haven't been able to get any news from the master, and I don't want to be rude to Feiyan. Now, the Dragon Gate Pavilion needs us to take on the responsibility, but we can't delay it any longer."

"Congratulations, senior brother!"

Zang Wei and Pang Feiyan were childhood sweethearts, so they were naturally a good match.

"We have decided to get married at the Longmen Pavilion in a few days, and by the way, we will re-open the Longmen Pavilion. When the time comes, you must come to support us!"

"Whatever Senior Brother says, you will definitely be there!"

Zang Wei shook his head and sighed: "In this mountain, there are more and more people, and there is a mixture of fish and dragons. Junior Brother Lin, you should go back to the city as soon as possible. There is always a place for you in Longmen Pavilion!"

After saying that, Zang Wei turned and left.

Lin Yan was slightly silent. What the senior brother said made sense. The poverty in the mountains could not compare with the convenience and prosperity in the city.

And now, due to the Demon Suppression Division's move to explore the poisonous fog, there are more people in the mountains than before.

Visually, there will be more people during the genius battle.

"It's really time to go back to the city. But in the upcoming battle of geniuses, countless strong dragons from the outer city will pass through, which will inevitably affect the order in Ding'an City. I don't know what kind of regulations Liu Zhang will make..."

Not long after, Xie Lingyan also came.

"Miss Xie, are you going back to the city too?"

"As you guessed it, I still have many junior brothers and sisters, and I cannot ignore them. Now that the rebellion in Ding'an City has been put down and order has been restored, it's time for me to go back."

"Are you going to reopen the Qinghong Martial Arts School too?"

Xie Lingyan sighed slightly: "There is no Qinghong Martial Arts School!"


Xie Lingyan pointed in the direction of An City, her red lips parted slightly: "In Ding'an City, the nine inner city squares, many pavilions and houses have been requisitioned by the newly arrived Demon Suppressing Division, and the Qinghong Martial Arts Hall is also requisitioned. among them."

Requisition nine squares in the inner city?

Liu Zhang is planning to arrange all the people from the outer city to the nine squares in the inner city?

Xie Lingyan pointed at his waist: "I have given enough money as compensation. If the master is gone, the martial arts school will be gone. Next, I plan to take my junior brothers and sisters as a guest teacher and merge them into Longmen first. Let’s talk in the museum.”

Lin Yan nodded: "That's fine."

The next day, Zang Wei, Pang Feiyan and Lin Yan agreed on a wedding date in seven days, and left hand in hand with Xie Lingyan.

Along with them were Huwa and several other capable young girls, all of whom were well-known from nearby villages.

"Brother, can we see Sister Feiyan and Sister Xie again?" Xiao Zhi raised her little head, pursed her mouth tightly, and was about to cry.

Lin Yan rubbed Xiaozhi's hair and gradually made a decision: "See you soon."


Seven days later.

Ding'an City, the official residence of Zhenmo Si.

Lin Yan was waiting outside the area where the female relatives of the Demon Suppression Division were located.

Not long after, two people walked up from behind.

"Lin Yan."

Turning around, Lin Yan's heart skipped a beat.

Chen Yuan specially combed her makeup and hair today. She stood upright in a snow-white skirt and her green silk threads were gently fluttering in the wind, making her look bright and moving.

Xiaozhi's head popped out from behind her buttocks, her little head held high and her cheeks shy.

Chen Yuan also dressed her up, putting on a light yellow skirt, which was very cute.

"Sister Chen, let's go."

Chen Yuan gave him a beautiful look: "Is this what you're wearing?"

Lin Yan looked up and down, convinced that he had changed out of the patrol battalion official uniform, and asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

Chen Yuan scratched his head in distress: "That's okay, you're not getting married anyway, so let's go."

When they got out of the door, a carriage had been waiting for a long time. The man driving the carriage had an upright face and was very handsome. He turned out to be Song Tian, ​​the eldest son of the Song family, Song Yuansi.

When Song Tian saw Lin Yan coming out, he quickly raised his hands and said, "Sir."

Lin Yan raised his hand: "Mr. Song, I just need a carriage, you don't need to drive it yourself."

"What did you say, sir? You are now the leader of the team, and it is my duty to drive the carriage for you. Besides, there are differences between superiors and inferiors, so you should call me Song Tian."

Seeing Song Tian's insistence, Lin Yan helplessly helped Chen Yuan get on the carriage, and then picked up Xiaozhi as well.


The whip was waved, the horses' hooves were neighing, and the carriage was moving forward.

The interior decoration is simple yet luxurious, and it is worthy of being the carriage of the Song family, one of the former wealthy families of Ding'an City.

Lin Yan sat in the car, swaying with the car, and looked at Song Tian who looked serious through the raised curtain.

He, the son of a gangster from a low-level gang, was sitting in the car, but the rich man was willing to drive for him outside.

Things in life are indeed impermanent.

A few days ago, after careful consideration, Lin Yan decided to return to Ding'an City.

The mountains are pure and bitter, and they were originally a pure and pure place. However, because more and more people came to Jijiazhai out of admiration, they became less pure.

In Ding'an City, Demon Suppressor Liu Lanqing took drastic measures, changing the past attitude of the city lord's government and handing over the hands of the shopkeeper, and established an extremely powerful patrol battalion to take charge of civil stability in Ding'an City.

In a short period of time, many gangsters were eliminated, many gangsters were suppressed in Ding'an City, and the order of the entire Ding'an City was completely changed.

It was precisely because of this that Lin Yan decided to return to Ding'an City.

In Ding'an City, the safest place is the Demon-Suppressing Division, and within the Demon-Suppressing Division, the safest place is the female dependents area.

After all, Liu Lanqing, the most powerful expert in the entire Ding'an City, is permanently stationed there. Even Xiao Ye and Qin Xiang do not dare to act recklessly here.

So for Xiaozhi's safety, Lin Yan finally returned to Ding'an City, and by the way became the captain of the fifth team of the Demon-Suppressing Patrol Battalion, also known as the captain.

When he took over, he was confused.

Unexpectedly, that night, countless wealthy people from Ding'an City came to visit him, but he turned them away.

Only then did he realize how popular this little captain was in Ding'an City.

There are only five teams in the patrol battalion. Liu Lanqing also serves as the battalion commander, and Wu Qinglei also serves as the deputy battalion commander and is in charge of the affairs of the patrol battalion.

The first four teams were led by Qin Xiang, Xiao Ye, Fan Xiaopeng, and a demon-suppressing guard whom Lin Yan didn't recognize.

It follows an elite model. Each team has no more than fifteen people. The core is composed of demon-suppressing guards, and most of the remaining members are masters of the major wealthy sects in Ding'an City who have dedicated themselves, made meritorious deeds, and actively surrendered.

In particular, the first and second teams under Qin Xiang and Xiao Ye were even joined by powerful martial artists. Once dispatched, they could easily wipe out a wealthy family in Ding'an City.

But Lin Yan's team didn't exist originally. It was completely added by Wu Qinglei's reserve.

Obviously he didn't want to let go of Lin Yan's fighting ability, so he casually gave him the title of team leader.

Therefore, he currently only has two kittens under him. One deputy captain, Ning Xiaohui, is responsible for supervising him. The only real subordinate is Song Tian.

"Fortunately, the other four teams now have enough manpower, so I don't have anything to do. They patrol once a day in the morning and evening. Two days is considered a small effort, but the money is in vain.

"It's just that when the people from the outer city slowly arrive, I'm afraid it won't be possible to have such leisure time..."


The carriage stopped: "Sir, we are here!"

Lin Yan opened the curtain and helped Xiaozhi and Chen Yuan out of the carriage.

In front of us is the courtyard of Longmen Pavilion.

The door wall is decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, full of joy, and is covered with happy words.

The plaque on it has been transformed into a new mahogany plaque, and it still has the familiar three characters "Longmen Pavilion".

Lin Yan looked up and felt slightly dazed for a moment.

Less than half a year ago, he was like this, standing in front of this plaque, hesitant and anxious, waiting for the decision of his fate.

But now, time has changed and the world seems to have changed.

"Let's go in."

Entering the hall, lanterns with red strings and window grilles were hung everywhere. The senior brother was wearing a red robe and was greeting the guests. When he saw Lin Yan, he hurried over.

They were close friends, so there was no need to say anything. After a few words, Zang Wei led him to the main table and asked him to sit down.

Chen Yuan and Song Tianze had other seating arrangements, and Xiao Zhi also followed Chen Yuan.

Sitting down, Lin Yan looked around.

The people sitting at this table are all people of extraordinary bearing and high moral character. Both men and women are all dressed in luxurious clothes, with bright eyes and high spirits. Most of them have the temperament of being in a high position.

This kind of magnanimity... The people sitting at this table are all senior level masters.

Seeing that Zang Wei actually led Lin Yan to this table, several people focused their attention on Lin Yan, examining him with suspicion.

"To put a young boy at this table, this Zang Wei doesn't understand etiquette..."

There was a middle-aged guest with a very anxious face, a mole on the left side of his face, and his fists as big as bowls. He murmured something to another guest next to him.

Lin Yan just sat quietly and said nothing.

The guests gradually entered the venue, and the auspicious occasion gradually approached.

Perhaps because he was getting tired of waiting, the anxious-looking middle-aged guest opposite could not help but strike up a conversation with the people next to him.

"This Zang Weite doesn't understand etiquette, so he just left us seniors hanging here."

"Don't say that. When the guests come in, the groom has to go and greet them. Let's just watch the wedding quietly."

"A big day is a big day, but I'm afraid it won't work if you watch it quietly." The tone was meaningful.

"Huh? Brother Hong, what do you mean?"

Everyone at the table also gathered their gazes.

The scumbag-faced guest god was there, knocking on the table: "Do you still remember the Four Alliance Gang in the east of the city in the past?"

"The Four Federations? Weren't they disbanded three years ago? Hiss, you mean..."

Several guests looked thoughtful, and a few seemed not surprised by the presence of the old god.

"The Four Federations were forced to disband under Pang Yinlong's coercion. The four families of Zhao, Wu, Sun, and Wang have been holding back this feeling."

The sloppy-faced guest said jokingly: "After Pang Yinlong's accident, these four small families secretly united again. If the Longmen Pavilion is established again, they have always been planning to cause trouble."

A smart silver-haired old woman on the right said disdainfully: "Looking for trouble? Master Pang is dead, but we old guys are not dead!"

She thought her words would arouse responses from the others around her, but she didn't expect that after she finished speaking, the other guests around her were all silent and their expressions could not help but change slightly.

"You? Haha, everyone here has been favored by Master Pang!"

Everyone remained silent.

A bald man on the left suddenly said: "I heard that one of the four Wu family members broke through to the realm of wealth last year."

Thanks to book friend 20230409151837116 for the 100 coins and Once upon a time there was a mountain for the 500 coins! grateful!

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