My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 123 A lot of benefits and a lot of spiritual essence

"Sure enough, I can't kill him..."

Lin Yan turned back to look at Xiao Ye, with a hint of anger on his cheeks and sarcastic: "Why, if you can't beat one, why do you want another one?"

Xiao Ye's face was stern: "My friend is too impulsive. I apologize to you on his behalf."

"Apologise?" Lin Yan said expressionlessly, "How about this, I kill him first and then apologize to you?"

As he spoke, Lin Yan's hand covered the back of Qin Xiang's head.

Xiao Ye's eyes tightened, but he made no move: "If you want to kill him, you can. But you have to think carefully. Qin Xiang was born in a noble family, and there is a huge monster behind him. You are just a mediocre citizen in the lower city, can you bear it? , the revenge that will follow?”

Lin Yan narrowed his eyes: "Are you threatening me? Not to mention whether they can come to the lower city. You also said that I am just a mediocre citizen of the lower city. If I can kill a noble child of a noble family, wouldn't it be a big profit? Special profit?"

Xiao Ye unconsciously clenched the handle of the knife with his wrist and stopped talking. He couldn't tell whether Lin Yan was telling the truth or a lie, and he didn't want to irritate him.

If he really kills Qin Xiang, things will be terrible.

The two were confronting each other, one was tense, and the other was with the old god. Xiao Ye unconsciously felt that his momentum seemed to be suppressed by Lin Yan.

After a while, Lin Yan relaxed his face, grabbed Qin Xiang's neck, lifted him up, and took his sword into his hand.

Xiao Ye's whole body suddenly tensed up.

"Let's go!"

Xiao Ye asked coldly: "Where to go?"

"Of course I'm looking for Liu Zhang! Let her judge! In the Demon Suppression Department, colleagues kill each other, what kind of crime should they be!"

Xiao Ye's pupils shrank slightly, he was silent for a moment, and said: "Okay!"

Xiao Ye was in front and Lin Yan was behind, carrying Qin Xiang like this, swaggering through the city of Ding'an.

Qin Xiang was shaken awake halfway, but when he saw himself being carried like a piggy, swaggering through the market, his face turned red with anger, and he immediately fainted again.

All the way to the Zhenmo Si Mansion.

The person he met head-on was Fan Xiaopeng, who seemed to have just returned from doing something, carrying a pile of papers. At first he saw Lin Yan carrying someone, and he shrank his neck, recalling the scene when he was being held up by the neck by Lin Yan.

When he saw clearly that what Lin Yan was holding was Qin Xiang, the scroll in his hand fell to the ground. He couldn't help but exclaimed loudly: "Eh, Qin Xiang? Qin Xiang! Lin Yan, you have killed Qin Xiang." Beaten up?!"

His lips trembled in astonishment.

A slight black line appeared on Xiao Ye's forehead. He originally wanted to go in quietly and keep it as secret as possible.

But when Fan Xiaopeng exclaimed, all the demon-suppressing guards and clerks in the entire mansion popped up and stared at Lin Yan and Qin Xiang in astonishment.

Xiao Ye unconsciously covered his face with his hands. After Qin Xiang woke up from this scene, he was afraid...

Forget it, I've tried my best...


A quarter of an hour later.

There were crowds of people outside the door, and they poked their heads in from time to time.

Qin Xiang's popularity in the Demon Suppressing Division is far higher than Lin Yan imagined. After all, he has a distinguished background, extremely high talent and strength, and has the appearance of a handsome young man. He is definitely a model of young girls' love of youth and men's jealousy.

But now, he was thrown to the ground like a dead dog, and even the division's divine weapon Li Fengjian was snatched away...

Everyone looked at Lin Yan, who was tapping the Li Feng Sword as if nothing had happened, and all shrank their necks.

Where did this ruthless person come from?

Above, Liu Lanqing sat softly on the chair, tapping the edge of the table with her jade fingers. On her shoulders, the red parrot that she hadn't seen for a long time stood up again.

"So, Qin Xiang was brought here because he felt humiliated, brought trouble to you, was knocked down by you? Xiao Ye, is what he said true?"

Xiao Ye sighed: "It's true. I advised Qin Xiang not to be impulsive, but he didn't listen. I can only follow him to avoid causing any harm."

Liu Lanqing's charming face showed sarcasm: "You are a great swordsman, but you can only use your mouth to persuade others."

Xiao Ye's expression changed for a moment, and he was stunned and didn't answer.

Liu Lanqing curled her fingers, and suddenly, two fiery red rays of power shot out, shooting straight at Xiao Ye and Qin Xiang.

Xiao Ye's expression changed, but he suppressed the urge to lift the knife, and allowed the force to enter his body. His skin suddenly turned red, but he held the handle tightly and endured it.

Qin Xiang, who was unconscious on the ground, suddenly woke up after the force entered his body. Before he could see his surroundings clearly, he turned over and half-knelt on the ground. He couldn't help but let out a low scream. The force he withstood was much stronger than Xiao Ye's. .

Looking at Qin Xiang who was half-kneeling on the ground, sweating profusely and clinging to the mud, Liu Lanqing said lightly: "Qin Xiang, it seems that this small temple in Zhuque Yuan cannot accommodate a big Buddha like you... !”

Liu Lanqing did not continue, but Qin Xiang trembled slightly: "Liu Zhang, I know I was wrong."

Liu Lanqing then turned to Lin Yan, with deep surprise flashing in her eyes. She could see clearly that Lin Yan was still in the Hard Realm.

A person from the lower city's Gang Realm could actually defeat someone from the Divine Weapon Valley, a Genius Gang Realm?

How did he resist Qin Xiang's move, the extremely powerful sword wind ring?

Even if she faced that move, it would take some effort to resolve it. How did Lin Yan defeat it?

No matter how you think about it, it is an incredible thing.

She suppressed her surprise and smiled warmly: "Lin Yan, you have been wronged, but do you have any other appeals?"

Lin Yan pointed to the wound on his chest: "Liu Zhang Mingjian. Qin Xiang intercepted me halfway and almost injured my life. He left me with extremely serious injuries and caused great mental pressure on me. I must be compensated!"

Qin Xiang was in great pain while glaring at Lin Yan. Who was being paraded through the streets under so much mental pressure?

Who lost face? !

Liu Lanqing nodded: "That's right! Qin Xiang, I remember that your salary and meritorious services this year have not been redeemed, right? So they were revoked and replaced with Lin Yan as compensation!"

Qin Xiang's eyes turned red for a moment, not because he felt sorry for his salary and meritorious service. To a member of a noble family like him, this was nothing at all.

But record!

I am afraid that the revoking of his salary and meritorious deeds will soon spread throughout the Demon Suppressing Division and become a laughing stock. Once the news returns to the Valley of Divine Weapons, his reputation and reputation will be hit hard!

But under Liu Lanqing's gaze, he gritted his teeth and did not dare to refute.

"Liu Zhang, how much is this meritorious service worth?"

"In exchange for your merits, at least four or five great merits. Anyway, I won't treat you badly."

"Thank you Liu Zhang, but..." He pointed at Qin Xiang, "After all, he comes from a noble family. If he intends to retaliate against me, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist!"

"You are worrying too much. Not to mention the natural chasm between Fucheng and Xiacheng, let's just say that this Divine Soldier Valley has always been harsh.

"Since you defeated him openly, no one will trouble you. If Qin Xiang really finds the master behind it, then he will never be able to stand out in the Valley of Divine Weapons in this life."

Lin Yan was unmoved and continued: "Liu Zhang, even if he doesn't trouble me, he might still trouble my relatives and friends. Even if he doesn't trouble me explicitly, he will trouble me secretly..."

Liu Lanqing stroked her forehead: "You are a cautious master. Anyway, I promise you that as long as I am here, Qin Xiang will never have any thoughts of revenge against you. Qin Xiang, do you think so or not? "

Qin Xiang's cheeks turned red and he gritted his teeth and said, "Yes!"

Lin Yan said gratefully: "Thank you Liu Zhang!"

"If nothing happens, please retreat first."

Lin Yan cupped his hands and said, "I'm resigning."

After that, he took Qin Xiang's sword and walked out.

"My sword..."

Qin Xiang endured the pain and gritted his teeth.

Lin Yan raised the sword: "Your sword? It used to be, but not now. This is my trophy."

Qin Xiang glared angrily: "Liu Zhang, he is going too far!"

Liu Lanqing knocked on the table and said with a smile: "Lin Yan is right. Who told you to lose to him? You can only blame yourself for being hopeless."

Qin Xiang gritted his teeth.

"But Lin Yan, this sword is a fine sword from the Divine Weapon Valley. If you really hold it in your hand, I'm afraid you won't be able to hold it."

Lin Yan nodded and said: "Liu Zhang Yingming, I am not a swordsman, and it is useless to hold a sword. If... you can get one hundred and eighty second-grade spiritual essences to redeem this sword, I can reluctantly agree."

One hundred and eighty pieces of second-grade spiritual essence? !

Qin Xiang was so angry that he rolled his eyes and fainted again.

At this time, Xiao Ye was silent for a moment, took out a small gold bag from his arms, and threw it to Lin Yan.

"There is a third-grade spiritual marrow here, plus some second-grade and first-grade ones."

Lin Yan opened the gold bag and took a look, a light flashed in his eyes.

At a rough glance, there are two second-grade spiritual marrow, five or six first-grade spiritual marrow, and a gray sharp stone with a strange shape, like the claws of a beast. It looks different from the spiritual marrow, but it emanates. The breath of spiritual essence.

Lin Yan looked around, Xiao Ye stared at him coldly.

The sword in my hand is indeed not an ordinary weapon, it must contain more than this spiritual essence, but if I really want to take this sword away, I am afraid it is impossible, not to mention useless...

So he took the spirit marrow and threw the sword to Xiao Ye: "Deal, welcome back!"

After that, Lin Yan said goodbye, turned around and walked out.

Lin Yan immediately accelerated outside the Demon Suppression Division and soon left Ding'an City.

Seeing the wild and dense forest around him, Lin Yan's face slowly relaxed. The frivolous and angry expression he had just in the Demon Suppressing Division slowly turned into a serious one.

Just now, he deliberately showed an arrogant and domineering attitude and made various demands. On the one hand, he wanted to gain as much benefit as possible, and on the other hand, he also wanted to test other people.

As a result, Liu Lanqing unexpectedly showed tolerance for him and even obtained more benefits for him.

Is it because he showed talent?

Or is it because she is using Lin Yan to suppress Qin Xiang and Xiao Ye?

Or... this was simply a scene they performed, and Qin Xiang was originally sent by Liu Lanqing?

No, that's not right.

Lin Yan quickly rejected this horrifying speculation. If Liu Lanqing had contact with that young man, why bother to deal with him in the first place?

But then I thought about it, Liu Lanqing was unusually tolerant of him, and even gave a lesson to the two wealthy geniuses Qin Xiang and Xiao Ye for this, but it really seemed a bit suspicious.

After much thought, Lin Yan gradually fell into the trap of skepticism. Lin Yan quickly shook his head to get rid of all these distracting thoughts.

All in all, this time, he made a lot of money. Not only did he get a bag of spiritual essence, but he also got several great achievements for nothing. He can now prepare to plan things with strength characteristics!

busy recently……

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