My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,153 The secret method of swallowing the sky

Li Fan was distracted and just stared at the strange mirror not far away.

"Not only are they similar in appearance, but even their breath..."

With the origin of Tianxuan Mirror beside him, Li Fan is very familiar with Tianxuan Mirror.

But at this moment, the weird little mirror gave him the feeling that it was the twin brother of Tianxuan Mirror!

Li Fan's mind was shaken, and his thoughts turned rapidly.

"Tianxuan Mirror was once called Xuantian Mirror. During the Xuantian Sect, King Xuantian obtained it from the ascension passage. It is a relic of the immortal world."

"What about this one in front of you?"

At this moment, Li Fan couldn't help but have the idea of ​​going forward to find out.

But after thinking for a moment, he finally stopped.

This black Tianxuan Mirror always gave him an inexplicable uneasy feeling.

Li Fan decided to wait and see what happens.

The blood dripped and dripped on the mirror. Sun Luyuan's face turned a little pale, but he still had no intention of stopping.

Li Fan even saw fear in his eyes, as well as his slightly trembling arms trying to retract.

But I don't know why, I can't control my behavior.

It wasn't until a burst of strange fluctuations erupted from the mirror and the black light restrained that Sun Luyuan collapsed to the ground as if exhausted.

After taking out several pills and swallowing them, and adjusting his breath, his complexion returned to normal.

Sun Luyuan looked at the small mirror with a faint light in front of him, a trace of greed and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Don't know what he is thinking.

After a while, his stiff body started to move again.

From his arms, he took out a small mirror.

Adjust the angle of the mirror so that it faces the small black mirror.

The newly taken out one is naturally the Tianxuan Small Mirror.

Li Fan clearly saw strands of green light being sucked out of the Tianxuan mirror, and then poured into the small black mirror.

And after absorbing the Tianxuan Small Mirror, the black mirror seemed to become more like the Tianxuan Mirror.

Sun Luyuan seemed to be counting the time.

After a while, while the black mirror was still devouring it, his expression changed slightly, and he quickly put away the small Tianxuan mirror.

And how could Hei Jing, who was feasting on food, let go?

A burst of black mist suddenly emerged from the mirror, transformed into a human shape, and roared at Sun Luyuan: "It's not enough!"

"I want more!"

Powerful fluctuations emerged from the figure in the black mirror, like a storm sweeping through the entire secret room.

Sun Luyuan gritted his teeth and insisted on putting away the Tianxuan small mirror.

While facing the figure in the black mirror, he said: "Little brother, control your heart! If you swallow it too fast, it will cause the Tianxuan Mirror to notice it, and then all your efforts will be in vain!"

After hearing Sun Luyuan's words, the black mirror figure seemed to regain some sense.

His figure kept shaking, as if he was resisting himself.

After a period of struggle, he finally suppressed his inner desires.

"Brother, I'm in so much pain..."

"Brother, I can't hold on any longer."

"Brother, let me out quickly!"

Crying, begging, hating...

Various emotions appear in turn on the black mirror figure.

But no matter what attitude it is, the beginning of every sentence is always the word "Brother".

And Sun Luyuan seemed to be tortured by these shouts.

In the end, he could only close his eyes and once again use his own essence and blood to quell the resentment of the figure in the black mirror.

After receiving the essence and blood, Black Mirror became calm again.

Sun Luyuan was relieved and collapsed on the ground. There is no trace of the demeanor of a strong man.

It took him half a day to recover.

Standing in front of the black mirror again, he chanted silently.

Following Sun Luyuan's manipulation, a ray of light bloomed from the black mirror.

Countless characters and pictures flashed rapidly in it.

Sun Luyuan watched with great concentration, fearing that any detail would be revealed.

Until finally, the brightness of the picture becomes darker and darker, and finally disappears.

Only then did Sun Luyuan look away with some reluctance.

"The harvest this time is enough for our Sun family to tide over this difficulty."

"When Lu'er comes out of the Dharma Protector Hall and takes up an important position in the Immortal Alliance. With the Sihe Dao, our Sun family can truly gain a foothold."

Sun Luyuan murmured to himself.

But Li Fan, who was watching the whole process from the sidelines, was distracted and saw some tricks.

"It's not an immortal weapon of the same type? But it's based on the human soul and uses some secret method to corrode the Tianxuan Mirror? In order to obtain a large amount of information that cannot be obtained by ordinary means?"

"Even if it is not an immortal weapon, it is extremely impressive to be able to invade the Tianxuan Mirror."

Li Fan looked at Sun Luyuan, who seemed to be seriously injured.

While the other party was recovering from his injuries, he seemed to be closing his eyes to digest the information he had just obtained from the black mirror.

"With my distraction, I want to control it..."

"I'm not completely sure. Especially when there's that weird black mirror next to him."

After thinking again and again, Li Fan was distracted and did not choose to take action immediately.

Instead, he decided to lurk first.

After Sun Luyuan and Hei Jing separate, he will start plotting again.

Another seven days passed.

When Sun Luyuan opened his eyes, the first thing he did was to make seals with his hands to temporarily seal the black mirror in the secret room.

Feeling what Sun Luyuan had done, the foggy figure in the black mirror struggled to emerge again.

But he was sealed inside the mirror and couldn't go out.

After all the disturbances disappeared, Sun Luyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

He opened all the restrictions and left the secret room.

After a while.

Li Fan was distracted and quietly flew to the black mirror.

"The material of this mirror body..."

"It doesn't seem to be a creation of the Xuanhuang Realm."

"It seems that the speculation that it is an immortal weapon is not completely wrong."

"It's just that the original power of Xianlu has gone nowhere, leaving only an empty shell, occupied by that figure."

With Li Fan's current knowledge, after careful observation, he discovered something.

In order to verify his guess, he was distracted and began to study the seal left by Sun Luyuan.

"Huh? There are some shadows of the immortal-level formation. But it's too rough."

I called the terminal dissociation disk for support, and soon it was cracked.

Then Li Fan was distracted and did not directly destroy the seal, but slowly transformed it on its basis.

"Brother, why did you come back so soon this time?"

"Have you encountered any problems again? Hahaha..."

The black shadow's somewhat crazy voice came from the mirror.

Li Fan didn't answer at all, but continued to modify the formation seal.

The black shadow talked to himself for a while, and finally realized something was wrong.

"Aren't you brother?"

"Who are you?"

The voice was full of anger and panic.

"Disgusting thing, stay away from me!"

The black shadow screamed, and the black mirror continued to tremble.

"Noisy!" Li Fan snorted coldly.

A silver thunderbolt emerged from the void, and then struck hard on the black mirror.

The mirror body, which was forged from an unknown material, actually had a hint of burnt black.

The shadow's scream was also interrupted by a scream.

After a while of silence, the black shadow seemed to recover.


He was about to attack again, but what greeted him was another thunderbolt.

I recommend a book called The Fourth Natural Disaster of Taneda Ryu. Interested book friends can check it out.

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