My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,152 Alternative Mysterious Heavenly Weapon

Wu Ninglu didn't know the specific name of the Sun family's treasure and what form it existed in.

However, based on speculation about the Sun family's fortune, the power of this treasure is likely to be related to deduction and prophecy!

About a thousand years ago, the Sun family was just an ordinary small cultivating family.

The strongest among the clan is only in the Nascent Soul realm.

But from one day onwards, the Sun family's fortunes suddenly seemed to change. Not only did he break through several realms of divine transformation, he also saved a seriously injured Hedao by chance.

Under the blessing of this great cultivator of Hedao, the Sun family has soared to the sky.

The sudden rise of the Sun family naturally attracted the attention of many forces. On the surface, it seems to be purely luck.

But not everyone thinks so.

Especially the forces behind the plot that plotted against the Hedao monk who was rescued by the Sun family.

It was also the mastermind behind Wu Ninglu who assigned him to lurk into the Sun family at the expense of his appearance.

The Chen family is one of the largest families in Tianquan Prefecture. Most of the family members are proficient in refining medicine and hold many important positions in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance Alchemy Hall.

At that time, it was just because of old grudges that he planned to put the Hedao monk to death. But the plan that was supposed to be foolproof was ruined by a little Nascent Soul monk!

After elimination, it was determined that there was no leaker. Moreover, the Nascent Soul monk from the Sun family suddenly traveled across several states through the teleportation array on the day of the incident, waiting for Hedao to be seriously injured on the way to escape.

It seems like I knew this would happen a long time ago!

All this is so unreasonable. Since then, the Chen family has been eyeing the Sun family.

Under the Immortal Alliance system, although there is a huge disparity in strength between the two families. But the Chen family did not dare to directly kill people to seize the treasure. Especially after the seriously injured Hedao recovered, there was a vague suspicion that the Chen family was responsible.

And waiting for the Chen family to settle all the troubles and come to their senses.

The Sun family has already established a relationship with the big shots at the Immortal League headquarters, and has also moved to Tianquan Prefecture from another state. And a Hedao monk was born in the family.

The Sun family has risen too fast. Various coincidences on the road to success convinced the Chen family that the Sun family must be hiding some great treasure.

But the Sun family is very cautious in doing things. Since the foundation gradually stabilized, they rarely used that treasure.

Although the Chen family coveted it, they couldn't find a suitable opportunity to make a move.

Even the clan has gradually forgotten this matter.

It wasn't until more than fifty years ago that the Sun family once again became famous in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, which stirred up their dusty memories.

At the headquarters of the Immortal Alliance and on the way to the Guardian Hall, just by passing by each other, the head of the Sun family recognized the identity of the spy from the Five Elders Society who had lurked in.

He directly attacked and started fighting with the opponent.

This incident naturally alarmed the senior officials of the Immortal Alliance, and they were arrested. After some investigation, they found that the identification of the head of the Sun family was actually true!

The spy of the Wu Lao Hui, who was carrying a jade token, was ordered to use [Evil Curse] to attack Yan Fajue.

Fortunately, he was noticed in time and a disaster was avoided!

After this incident, the Sun family took a step further and was able to develop its power in the Dharma Protector Hall.

As for the Chen family, they once again focused their attention on the Sun family.

After investigating the past events, it was found that the Wu Laohui spy had been well hidden all along. Even his close friends and relatives have never doubted his identity.

But such a perfect spy was recognized by the head of the Sun family at a glance!

Although during the interrogation afterwards, the head of the Sun family insisted that this was his intuition. After a detailed investigation, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance ruled out the possibility of the Five Elders directing and acting on their own. The occurrence of this incident is still difficult for many people to understand.

In the end, it had to be attributed to the Sun family's "good luck."

But several elders of the Chen family who still had memories of what happened back then immediately recalled their speculations at that time.

After that, a conspiracy surrounding the Sun family's treasure slowly unfolded.

After decades of continuous exploration, the Chen family has mastered several important clues.

First, this treasure may not be complete. Over the years, the Sun family has been secretly searching for something.

Secondly, every time the treasure uses its abilities, it seems that some kind of supplement must be made. Every time the Sun family performs amazingly, the head of the Sun family will mysteriously disappear for a period of time.

Third, activating the treasure seems to come at the cost of consuming the Sun family's bloodline. In the past few years, several descendants of the Sun family have disappeared for no reason, with no trace of their bodies alive or dead.

Although they have a lot of information, the Chen family has been reluctant to snatch it. Naturally, it was because of the suspected "prophecy" ability of that treasure.

If it fails, it will expose itself. Maybe we will miss this treasure forever.

Until recently, the Chen family, which had been waiting so hard, finally had the best opportunity for a breakthrough.

The spy discovered the traces of the head of the Sun family. It seems that he was injured a little while helping to replenish the treasure. In order to prevent accidents, he should stop going out and return home as soon as possible to heal his injuries.

The treasure was still cooling down, and the strongest head of the Sun family was seriously injured.

This is simply a God-sent opportunity!

Therefore, the Chen family risked being discovered and ordered to contact Wu Ninglu, always paying attention to the movements of the head of the Sun family.

"I didn't expect that the feud between the two families has lasted for nearly a thousand years."

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Li Fan couldn't help but become more interested in this so-called Sun family's treasure.

Without him, the several behaviors of the head of the Sun family are very similar to Li Fan's past behavior.

He, Li Fan, achieved foresight by really turning everything around.

What ability does the Sun family’s treasure have?

Li Fan was not kept waiting for too long.

More than ten days later, Li Fan was distracted and keenly noticed that a somewhat messy Hedao aura returned to the Sun family.

Leaving Wu Ninglu's body and locking the opponent's position, Li Fan quietly sneaked into the opponent's side.

Although the head of the Sun family was very cautious, the formation restrictions he arranged were all in vain in front of Li Fan.

Without noticing a distraction, he had already followed him to the secret room.


The head of the Sun family, Sun Luyuan, a Hedao monk, actually coughed up a few drops of blood.

However, he didn't care about his injuries. He took out an object with distressed eyes and carefully placed it back in its place.

Then, he cut a wound on his wrist and used the blood to make a sacrifice.

When Li Fan saw this item, his original self and clone, who were thousands of miles away, were all slightly shocked at the same time.

"This is……"

"Tianxuan Mirror?"

The items that Sun Luyuan irrigated with blood looked somewhat similar to the Tianxuan Mirror.

However, in previous contacts, the light representing the power of Tianxuan Mirror was mostly green.

But at this moment, the small mirror in the secret room glowed strangely black.

There is another chapter probably around 1:30. Don't wait any longer.

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