My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 317: Goodbye Fenghua Xiaoxue

"It is true. For future considerations, it is most appropriate to limit the scale to a certain range."

Ning Ci nodded slightly.

"It's not too early today. Let's take a break. The next few days may be time to get busy."


At the moment.

The three of them also dispersed and returned to their own rooms.

Because I also came to the Snow Country.

Compared to before.

The safety factor has improved a lot.

Except for Yakumo and Xianglin, they are still in the same room.

The rest of the people don't need to gather in the same room anymore.

Than the next day.

When the first ray of sunlight shines on the earth in the early morning.

The standard biological clock also woke up Naruto in time.

Almost immediately.

With a slight movement of Naruto's eyelids, he stood up. After stretching, Naruto looked out of the window at Fenghua City, which was obviously more lively and bustling than a few months ago. His eyebrows raised slightly, and his pupils also revealed. A faint light came.

No need for Naruto to wake up one by one.

In about the set time.

Yakumo, Neji, and Xianglin also got up separately.

The four of them simply settled after breakfast.

It was under the leadership of Naruto.

Toward the location of the daming palace.

Although Fenghua Xiaoxue hates the existence of his uncle, Fenghua Rage, but not to the point that he even hates the palaces he built. Of course, the most important point is that the huge palace complex wants to be demolished. If it is rebuilt, the manpower and material resources required are not something that the country of Snow, which has been poor and weak for more than ten years, can afford. He wants to be a good name and revives the country of Snow. Will do such things that waste the people and money.

The palace is still set up here.

Moreover, all the front areas are used as office space for various officials and departments, and only the second half of the area remains as the residence of Her Majesty the Queen.

Hiji Naruto brought Yakumo, Xianglin, and Neji to the palace.

Santai Asama was already waiting in advance at the gate of the palace.

Saw the arrival of Naruto.

Especially the three of Ningci, Yakumo, and Xianglin around him.

There was also a deep smile on Mita Asama's face.

It's just that ordinary people's Santafu naturally couldn't judge the strength of Neji's trio.

But from his perspective.

Since it was called a companion by Naruto.

At least they are all ninjas with considerable strength.

Because of the leadership of Santao Asama as the minister of the interior.

There were no guards along the way to intercept the interrogation.

Go straight through the Central Avenue unobstructed.

He came directly to the back palace where Fenghua Xiaoxue lived.

Fenghua Xiaoxue, who had been reported by Santa Fu long ago, was already waiting for the arrival of Naruto and his party in the reception hall.

Than Naruto's figure followed the moment he stepped into the hall beside Santa Fu.


Fenghua Xiaoxue, who could still sit on the throne before, was bright, stood up and greeted him directly.

"Your Majesty!"

Naruto bowed slightly.

Neji, Yakumo, and Xianglin behind him also bowed and greeted Naruto.


This is the existence of the Lord of a country.

Even when I saw Fenghua Xiaoxue.

Xianglin and Yakumo are amazed at Fenghua Xiaoxue's youth and charm, but they still salute Fenghua Xiaoxue relatively modestly. This can be regarded as common sense in this world.

The same is true for ninjas.

Even in name only.

But the rules are still rules.

"Naruto-san, the relationship between us doesn't need to be so productive, right? Just call me Xiaoxue as before!"

The Santa Fu changed.

Fenghua Xiaoxue did not change anything.

Still that kind, kind, and innocent girl.

Although this is indeed Naruto's subjective arbitrariness.

But looking at Fenghua Xiaoxue with a slightly dissatisfied little temper in front of him with a joyful expression.

The expression on Naruto's face also became softer.

"This is a palace after all, and basic etiquette should still be present."

Naruto said with a chuckle.

Seeing Fenghua Xiaoxue is still what she once knew.

This makes Naruto happy more than anything.

"okay then."

Fenghua Xiaoxue's mouth pouted slightly, as if she was a little unhappy.

On the contrary, it made Yakumo and Xianglin feel that the Queen was more cordial. The two people who looked at each other also saw a gleam of color in their eyes.

"Master Xiaoxue, please invite Naruto-kun to take a seat first."

The Santa Fu on the side also inserted a sentence at the right time.

"Oh! Look at me! Naruto, sit down before talking!"

I heard the words of Santa Fu.

Her Majesty the Queen patted her forehead seemingly annoyed.

Hastily turned sideways in a welcoming posture.


After each seated.

"This is Neji Hyuga, this is Kurama Yakumo, and this is Uzumaki Phosphorus, both of whom are my most trusted partners."

Naruto first introduced his three friends to Koyuki Fuuka and Santao Asama.

Neji, Yakumo, and Xianglin also bowed slightly toward Xiaoxue's position and saluted again.

"Since it is Naruto-kun's partner, that is also my friend. You don't need to be so formal in private, just follow the feeling between friends."

It's true that Santa Fu is a trusted subordinate.

But from the bottom of my heart.

Fenghua Xiaoxue trusted Naruto the most.

It is to save yourself from danger.

It also allows oneself to come out of the shadow ten years ago.

you can say so.

Get rid of the dead father-Fenghua Zaoxue.

The position that Naruto occupies in Fenghua Xiaoxue's heart is the most important one.

And since that day.

Her Majesty's emotion towards Naruto has undergone a special change, just like the slight signs that appeared in the original book, but at this point, Fenghua Xiaoxue herself has not figured it out, let alone Naruto.

It's just different from the original book, Naruto never came to the Snow Country at all.

Naruto in this life directly chose to defect to Konoha, and even took the Snow Country as his new starting point. The intersection between the two reappearing, what kind of development will be in the future, that is really only the goddess of destiny. Wife just got it!

Of course, these are things to follow.

At present, the focus is still on the matter of the Snow Country.

"This time I came to the Snow Country, the general reason, Santa Fu Sang should have already told you, Xiao Xue."

Naruto turned sideways slightly, looking at Fenghua Xiaoxue at the top, with a serious expression on his face.

"Well, Santa Fu has already told me about it. Don't worry, Naruto, the Snow Congress fully supports you!"

Unlike Santa Fu, we have to weigh the pros and cons and consider many things.

Fenghua Xiaoxue did not hesitate at all, she just nodded and expressed her willingness to support Naruto, from Fenghua Xiaoxue's perspective.

Naruto is his benefactor.

It is also the most trustworthy existence in this world.

Just as Naruto had saved himself from a desperate situation.

Now Naruto needs help.

Fenghua Xiaoxue believes that she should do her best to help Naruto.

As for the issue of Fire Country and Konoha Village?

Fenghua Xiaoxue believes that Naruto will solve all this.

Because Naruto is the hero the Queen thinks!

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