My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 316: Cooperation reached

It was both jealous and a bit bitter expression.

San Taifu shook his head helplessly as if venting all his aura all at once.

"So Naruto-kun, you know all about it?"

The Santa Fu sighed slightly, and said with a somewhat ugly expression.

This is like the feeling of being thoroughly seen by the opponent at the gambling table.

People can stud all at once!

But I feel like I'm in a deadlock.

The third wife is very clear.

The moment when my own affairs were completely opened.

In this negotiation.

He is already completely plunged into a passive situation.

Moreover, the most important point is that as Naruto said, I can’t help the group of people easily, and Xueren Village is indeed not under my control. The nominal command can be refined to the level, and how can it be made? In the past few months, Santaifu knew better than anyone about what level of orders these Xueren carried out.

"Well, this is also a small gain. Santafusan should have expected it? Everything I said before is still valid. I sincerely talk about cooperation, because I need the help of Snow Country! Santafusan I should know my personality very well, just like the existence of the five major countries. This is my promise. At least the immediate matter, I can promise to solve it at the least cost. In this case, Santa Fusan should be satisfied, right?"

Naruto smiled slightly and said with confidence.

"Oh, you won, Naruto-kun, just cooperate according to the conditions you said! Xueren Village can be handed over to you, but that is after all problems are solved, and future domestic and foreign military issues will also be handed over to you. You handle it, there is no problem, right?"

Only two or three seconds of silence.

This does not need to be considered too much.

After taking a deep breath, Santa Fu looked up at Naruto with a determined expression, and said the words in a deep voice.

"Of course! This is what it should be!!"

A faint smile appeared on Naruto's face.

Although somewhat forced and helpless.

However, such cooperation content can be reached.

The Santa Fu was reluctantly satisfied.

At the very least, starting from the current stage, the Snow Country will not suffer. As for the future?

That is the future.

"It shouldn't be too late. Tomorrow morning, Naruto-kun, you can join me to meet Her Majesty the Queen. The group of people in the country are almost unable to bear it."

"Well, of course you can."

Naruto nodded slightly in response.

Soon after.

Naruto also declined the invitation of Santa Fu to stay overnight.

Frankly speaking, I have a few friends staying in a hotel in the city. Tomorrow, I will take a few friends to meet the Little Snow Queen. I heard that Naruto is not alone. While the San Taifu was slightly stunned, it was also in his heart. He became more happy, he was still an ordinary person after all, and he didn't know how strong Naruto was at the moment.

Naturally, I think that more powerful ninjas can be better.

From the perspective of ordinary people.

The group of insurgents in Xuezhi is very powerful!

Than after Naruto left.

The Santa Fu sat in his seat.

Seeing the two Xueren who seemed to have recovered from the shadows and didn't know what had happened just now, San Taifu first sighed inwardly. Looking at the night view outside the window, Naruto could not help but appear in his mind. The figure, as well as another group of famous nobles, there are threats from the Fire Country and Konoha Shinobu Village.

"I don't know if this is good or bad for the future of Snow Country!"

But this thought only passed by for a moment.

He was completely thrown out of his mind by the third wife.

Once you make up your mind.

There will be no vacillation in the third.

The decision is to be executed to the end!

The San Taifu clenched his hands slightly, and a look of determination emerged from the depths of his pupils.

"Come on! Pass my order..."

Not to mention that the Santafu here decided to change his plan and re-arranged because of Naruto’s arrival. On the other side, Naruto who had already left, did not deliberately move any hands or feet on Santafu, but directly moved towards Ning. Ji, Yakumo, and Xianglin returned to the hotel where they were staying. This is not a question of trust, but a question of weighing pros and cons. Naruto knows that Santao is a smart man.

Such things as betrayal and breach of contract.

Santafu will not do it.

Because of the consequences.

He can't afford it.

The most important point is also.

A mere snow country.

Even in the worst situation, Naruto is confident that he can get it right.

So there is no need to do anything extra.

Naruto who drove straight back to the hotel.

It was discovered that Neji, Yakumo, and Xianglin were not resting.

Still waiting for his own return.

Naruto just returned.

Fragrant phosphorus sensed Naruto's breath.


"I'm back! Naruto-kun?"

"How? The result of the discussion?"

The sight of the three people gathered directly on Naruto.

Each had a solemn expression, because they knew very well that the outcome of Naruto's conversation this time would affect their next plans.

Take control of Snow Ninja Village.

This is the first step.

It is also the most critical step.

Naruto's strength is naturally the power that can sweep the snow country today.

But if it can't get the support of Snow Country.

They can hardly get a foothold here.

As a member of Naruto's group today.

Neiji, Yakumo, and Xianglin are naturally very concerned about the smoothness of the plan.

"Well, as expected, an agreement has been reached, and I can go to meet the Little Snow Queen tomorrow!"

Naruto smiled slightly and said softly.



Yakumo and Xianglin also showed a happy expression on their faces.

Neji nodded slightly.

"Is it tomorrow?"

"Yes, it should not be too late. The point is that the insurgents don't know when they will do it. We must make some arrangements first. Although it is easy to defeat them, we must try our best to ensure that there are no ordinary losses and casualties. can."

It's not just the struggle in Fenghuacheng.

It will also include the battle in Snow Ninja Village.

The leading Shangren in Xueren Village now.

Naruto must be cleaned up all.

But the remaining Xuenin, except for the diehards, the remaining Xuenin Naruto hopes to be preserved as much as possible, especially those who do not have a stand, but only obey orders. This is Naruto’s best. Excellent training subordinates!

War is never a person's business.

Naruto didn't mean to learn from Uchiha Madara's Moon Eye Project.

It is to unify the world truly.

Then it is bound to not rely on oneself alone.

The powerful companions naturally don't mention it.

The subordinates of the necessary base are also necessary!

Fight against the future.

It's not just Akatsuki!

There are five major countries.

The number of ninjas is very important.

Although the current Xueren Village is still very weak.

But Naruto has corresponding plans and self-confidence.

Besides, Snow Country itself has some epoch-making technologies!

Can strengthen Xue Ren's strength!

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