My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 936: Let the mistress taste the feeling of being fucked

 Chapter 936 Let the mistress taste the feeling of being fucked

Yi’s mother Li Ru wanted to go back and ask for forgiveness from her husband, but she didn’t expect that when she walked into the house, she would see clothes scattered on the ground on the way into the living room, and there were also... women’s clothes.

At this time, the ambiguous breathing sounds of a man and a woman came to her ears.

Li Ru looked for the sound. When she saw a man and a woman on the sofa, she couldn't believe what she saw.


Li Ru covered her mouth and shouted, but the two people who were having a heated fight on the sofa didn't hear it at all.

Li Ru saw with her own eyes that the woman rubbed her husband's neck and put her big red lips on the man's face.

 Li Ru was so angry that she walked over to the two people on the sofa, grabbed the man's arm and shouted, "Jiang Shiyao! Get up!"

Jiang Shiyao is the name of Li Ru’s current husband.

Jiang Shiyao was dissatisfied with his good deeds being interrupted. He was even more disgusted when he saw Li Ru crying. He stretched out his hand and pushed her away, pointing at the door and telling her to get out, "Get out!"

They have been living together for many years. Although Li Ru used to be someone else's mistress for money, she really likes Jiang Shiyao now. Unexpectedly, the old couple of many years have suddenly changed, and Li Ru can't accept it.

Conflict has arisen, and the husband and wife are quarreling.

The charming woman on the sofa stood up wearing a man's coat and put her hands on Jiang Shiyao's neck. "My dear, why is this woman so fierce?"

The charming woman deliberately rubbed Jiang Shiyao while she was talking. The angry Jiang Shiyao immediately lost some of his anger and turned to coax the woman, "Leave her alone, she is just a crazy bitch, let's go back to the room."

"Okay, I'll do whatever you want." The woman deliberately teased Jiang Shiyao, and Jiang Shiyao definitely couldn't stand it anymore.

Li Ru chased after her and tried to separate the two of them. The charming woman deliberately pretended to be hurt, and tears immediately fell out, "Oh, it hurts so much."

 Her thin skin and tender flesh turned red when pinched.

The lustful man couldn't stand the sight of a beautiful woman crying so much that Jiang Shiyao took his anger out on Li Ru and pushed Li Ru to the ground regardless.

Li Ru also pointed at him and scolded him, so Jiang Shiyao hugged the charming woman and left, out of sight.

When the two were about to enter the room, Li Ru ran over and said softly, "Husband, what happened before was my fault. Did you deliberately find a woman to come back and make me angry? I know you are not that kind of person. Husband, please forgive me, I promise I will never hide anything from you again."

Li Ru lowered her status to ask for forgiveness, humbled to the dust.

Jiang Shiyao seemed a little hesitant when he saw his wife, who had been with him for many years.

The charming woman caught a glimpse of the two people's movements and expressions, and deliberately spoke in a cooing voice to divert Jiang Shiyao's attention, "My dear, is this woman really your wife? She doesn't seem to match your temperament at all."

With the beautiful beauty beside him fanning the flames, Jiang Shiyao disliked Li Ru even more.

 Point to the door and chase people away, "Go away, get out of my house."

Jiang Shiyao pushed Li Ru away completely, took the beautiful woman into the room and locked the door. No matter how hard Li Ru knocked on the door, she ignored him.

Li Ru lay on the ground crying and knocked on the door relentlessly.

I don’t know how long it took before the sound in the room finally stopped.

 The beautiful woman excused herself to the bathroom and sent a recording.

 (End of this chapter)

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