My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 935: I will die...

Chapter 935 I will die...

"Brother Bei, I really don't know about this matter. Zimu and my mother did it without telling me. If I knew, I would never agree to them hurting Yu Anran like that!" Yi Xueyao wanted to do it anxiously. Abandon responsibility.

Beiye followed her words, "Really? Since you don't care, go to the hospital now for kidney removal surgery and let everything return to its original position!"

Bei Ye said, and actually reached out to pull her.

Yi Xueyao reflexively broke away and avoided, "No, no, it has become a fact now. If you dig it out, I will die!"

Beiye walked closer to her step by step, "Anyway, it's what you took from me. It's right to give it back to others."

"No, I can't, I will die..." Yi Xueyao kept waving her hands and stepping back.

 “So you are so afraid of death.”

Yi Xueyao understood that the Beiye standing in front of her at this moment was not the Beiye who wanted to repay his kindness, but the Beiye who came to avenge Yu Anran.

She couldn't explain clearly, so she could only bring up the past to play the emotional card, "Brother Bei, have you forgotten? I was the one who rescued you from the rain. If it weren't for me, you would have almost died!"

 “You still have the nerve to say it!”

“At first you told me that you would rescue me after Wang Hu left with the group of people, but then I asked you if you had seen anything, and you lied to me!”

“I, I didn’t, it was indeed me who rescued you, Zi Mu and the supervisor can both testify!”


When he was in the hospital, he asked Yi Xueyao, but Yi Xueyao said that she didn't even see anyone other than beating him up. The series of misunderstandings made him brood over that incident for five years!

As a result, we now know that it was Yu Anran who actually blocked the fatal blow for him.

 He already knew the truth and would no longer believe Yi Xueyao's nonsense.

Yi Xueyao felt even more frightened when she saw Beiye like this.

She hurriedly made excuses to leave, "Brother Bei, I still have something to do. I have to go find my mother. I'm leaving first."

 “Don’t be so anxious, you will see your mother soon.”

 “Brother Bei, what do you mean?”

Bei Ye’s words sent chills down Yi Xueyao’s spine.

"Brother Bei, we were wrong. Let's go apologize to Yu Anran. Everything my mother did was for me. Please let her go for my sake."

 “What face do you have?”

"I...we have supported each other for five years. Brother Bei, don't you miss our old friendship at all?"

"If you attack unrelated people, I won't say a word, but she and Xiang Zimu know Yu Anran's identity and are still so bold, don't blame me for turning your back on them!"

The strange thing is that they touched Beiye's bottom line!

This person's heart is inherently biased, and there is always a weight in comparison.

As expected, Yi Xueyao saw her mother soon.

When Mama Yi was released, she had a strong smell of smoke all over her body.

Yi Xueyao, who had already washed herself, took a step back, but thinking of her mother's help, she forced herself to hold back the smell and walk over.

 “Mom, are you okay?”

"It's okay, Yaoyao, are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

Yi Xueyao shook her head, "No, I'm fine."

 “That’s good, that’s good.”

When Yi’s mother saw that Yi Xueyao was well, she couldn’t wait to find her husband in another city.

Secretary Zhao paid close attention to Yi’s mother’s affairs and reported it to Ye Weiwei, “Miss, that woman has passed away.”

 “Then get ready.”

  This matter won't end that easily



 (End of this chapter)

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