My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 845: she can't get pregnant

Chapter 845 She can’t get pregnant

 The secretary went to the pharmacy according to Yu Anran's instructions, and she took birth control pills.

“Mr. Yu, you look ugly, why don’t you go to the hospital for a checkup? You can’t take this kind of medicine indiscriminately..."

 The secretary’s words were well-intentioned, and Yu Anran could listen to them.

  She knew that her body had been severely tortured some time ago, and now that the medicine was in her mouth, she put it back.

 Finding a place to change clothes, Yu Anran, accompanied by his secretary, went to the hospital to see the gynecologist.

 The doctor kept frowning when he examined her. Only when Yu Anran got the examination results did she realize that they were really not ideal.

The secretary asked with concern, "Mr. Yu, are you okay?"


 “Can I take that medicine?”


 “No need, why?”

“…” Yu Anran put the test results into his bag and did not answer.


the reason is simple…

 The examination results showed that her chance of pregnancy was as low as a few tenths. In other words, she will not be pregnant at all.

 Perhaps she should be alone and die alone.

 When Ye Weiyi and Ye Xichen returned from their honeymoon, they learned that the Yu family had turned the corner, and Ye Weiyi was happy for this.

Yu Anran mentioned the money to her, and Ye Weiwei waved his hand indifferently, "Don't worry, just pay it back to me when you really make a fortune."

Yu Anran knew Ye Weiyi’s intentions, and she didn’t tell Ye Weiyi what happened between her and Bei Ye.

  It’s all fruitless things anyway, so why let others know about it.

However, when both of them were silent, Ye Weiwei suddenly stared directly at Yu Anran.

Yu Anran finally couldn't help but ask: "What are you looking at?"

Ye Weiwei replied with his own intuitive feeling, "I feel An Ran, you seem to have become more beautiful."

 “No makeup today.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about, I just feel that you have a mature woman’s style between your eyebrows. How to describe it? Anyway, it’s just a lot different from before.”

Hearing Ye Weiwei's long comment, Yu Anran silently replied in her heart: Your eyes are really sharp.

 This kind of thing can be seen...

Of course Yu Anran would not admit it.

 One sentence denial, "You are wrong."

They were silent at the same time and said at the same time: "Your honeymoon is over, when will the wedding be held?"

 “When will you find a boyfriend?”

 The two of them were silent at the same time, and responded to each other's words at the same time: "I won't hold a wedding."


“But seeing you supporting the Yu Group alone, it feels so hard.”

“My mother also came here alone.”

"You mean mom? Have you reconciled with your mother?" Ye Weiyi caught the point instantly.

Yu Anran nodded and admitted, "Yeah."

 “I’m so happy for you!”


“Wow, how can you be polite without saying more than two sentences? You don’t need to say thank you if you don’t say anything, it’s such a small thing.”

"got used to."

“Although it is polite to say thank you, you don’t need to say thank you to people close to you, as it will make people feel alienated.”

"Is that so?" Yu Anran nodded obediently like a studious baby, "I understand."

Yu Anran's life gradually returned to its original trajectory.

 She goes to work during the day, spends the afternoon with her mother in the hospital, and returns home at night to give herself enough rest.

 She also found a doctor who was good at treating women's uterine cold to regulate her body.

However, she counted the days when her menstrual period would come and found that it was a few days late.

 (End of this chapter)

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