My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 844: I was very satisfied with the service last night

 Chapter 844 I am very satisfied with the service last night

Yu Anran couldn’t find Bei Ye in the huge villa.

She saw that the room next door was open, and her curiosity drove her to put her hand on the handle, push it down a little, and open the door.

Just when Yu Anran was about to push the door open, Bei Ye's voice came from behind.

"What do you want to do."

Yu Anran let go of his hand as if he had touched a hot potato.

 Perhaps after what happened last night, Yu Anran's heart became more active than before, as if she still had some expectations.

Beiye looked at her outfit and found it very interesting, "You don't want to wear a valuable skirt, but you have to wear my clothes? Yu Anran, you did it on purpose, right?"

 Kitano approached her last words, as if there was a gentle laughter hidden in her tone.

Yu Anran remained calm, but her face showed an uncontrollable blush, much like a delicate flower.

Yu Anran knew early on that this man was talking rascally, so he couldn't control what he said, so he could only interrupt.

Thinking of what happened to the Yu Group, Yu Anran thanked him again, "Thank you."

  Oh, Yu Anran, who cherishes words like gold, adds the word "you" when saying thank you. This is so rare, probably because she is in a good mood now.

 “You’re welcome, you earned this all by yourself.”


Yu Anran looked up at him, seemingly unable to understand the meaning of his words for a moment.

Bei Ye lowered his head and said, "I am very satisfied with the service last night, so I generously invested twice as much as I promised you. How about it? Am I an interesting boss?"

Bei Ye’s words were like poison piercing his intestines.

Yu Anran's back was pressed against the wall, and she hid her hands by her side. The delicate expression on her face was a bit uncontrollable.

If someone asked Yu Anran how he felt at that moment?

 Perhaps when I was sitting on the top of the Ferris wheel, I suddenly fell. I never dared to go to that top again.

Yu Anran moved away from him and took a few steps until she was one meter away from him, facing him, bending down and thanking him, "Thank you."

  She stood up, her back straight, and she never lost the arrogance of Miss Yu's family.

"Mr. Bei, please lend me your room again and I will clean it up."

Yu Anran returned to her room and called her secretary, giving her address and asking her to drive to pick him up.

Yu Anran took off the shirt and put back on yesterday's clothes. Although the skirt was a little wrinkled, the lower skirt was still intact. Fortunately, she brought a thin shawl in her bag, which could cover the marks on her upper body.

But there is still some area around the collarbone that cannot be covered.

Yu Anran took out the concealer from her handbag and applied it carefully, applying it a little thicker and it was almost done.

After taking care of everything on her body, she quickly washed the shirt she had worn and returned all the quilts in the room to their original positions.

 Her body was very sore, but she tried to hold on by rubbing her legs.

 While waiting for everything to be processed, the secretary just arrived outside.

Yu Anran carried her bag and walked out with her chest raised and her head raised.

 She saw Bei Ye leaning against the door. She had no time to distinguish the look in Bei Ye's eyes, so she just said to him: "Goodbye."

 A goodbye is to erase everything before.

 Except for the blue skirt and the purple skirt, the room was as clean as if no one had been there.

 She left, unwilling to leave any trace.

The secretary exclaimed when she received Yu Anran, "Miss, what are you doing?"

“There was an accident.” Yu Anran only said one sentence.

 “I hope you can keep it a secret for me.”


 “Go to the pharmacy.”



 (End of this chapter)

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