My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1666: Nangong Yu's tears

Chapter 1666 Nangong Yu’s Tears

 “Brother Qingfeng, did you do this on purpose?”

Bei Jiyue's behavior after being proposed to was... she squatted next to Ye Qingfeng and burst into tears, her tears smearing on Ye Qingfeng's shirt.

 As for the answer, it’s obvious.

 But this scene is really weird!

Have you ever seen a man propose to a woman, and the woman squats down and hugs him while crying?

“Xiao Yue’er, can you let me put the ring on first?”

"Oh..." She quickly wiped her tears and stretched out her hand blankly.

The golden ring was just the right size when it was put on her ring finger.

"Brother Qingfeng, if I tell daddy that you proposed to me, will he kick you out with a broom?" She cried so hard that she still had the intention to joke with him.

Ye Qingfeng touched her head, always tolerant, "It doesn't matter, no matter how he chases her away, I will never leave Xiao Yue'er."

Bei Jiyue patted her chest and assured him, "Don't worry, I will definitely protect you when the time comes!"

Ye Qingfeng couldn't help but laugh, "Then I'm afraid that my godfather will really set me up as a non-resident household in the Bei family."

 “Hahaha, no way!”

 Two people who had been secretly in love with each other for many years squatted on the ground and laughed like children.


Bei Jiyue hasn't graduated from university yet, so getting married is certainly not in a hurry.

But Ye was only worried that his daughter-in-law would run away, so he went to talk to Yu Anran every day recently. In the end, the two families agreed to let the two children get engaged first.

 But even if it was an engagement, Ye Qingfeng took it very seriously.

It was also at this time that the heads of the Ye family and the Bei family discovered that Ye Qingfeng had been secretly planning for a long time!

When they agreed to get engaged, Kitano originally thought of making things difficult for Ye Qingfeng, which would take him a year and a half anyway. Unexpectedly, Ye Qingfeng directly threw out three sets of engagement plans, which confused both parents.

“Daddy, mommy, godfather, godmother, and Xiao Yue’er, you can discuss it and see what suits you best.”

 Ye Qingfeng smiled calmly.

Bei Ye was so angry that he couldn’t eat.

This brat has long made up his mind to marry his daughter. Maybe he has even arranged the marriage and is just waiting for their nod!

 Looking up again to see his daughter looking at the engagement ring with silly joy, Kitano was heartbroken.

 But in the end, Kitano did not question Ye Qingfeng’s engagement plan, but acquiesced to his daughter’s choice.

 The day of the engagement—

 In the splendid hotel, the guests coming and going are all high-profile people, because today is a big day for the engagement between the president of the Ye Group and the daughter of the Bei family.

 The invited guests are either rich or noble.

The two protagonists of today's engagement party are the most dazzling, attracting everyone's attention as soon as they appear.

This loving union won everyone’s blessing.

Nangong Yu, who was sitting on the edge, quietly wiped away a tear from the corner of his eye.

The two people who finally became an unmarried couple hugged and kissed passionately. Nangong Yu looked at the two figures and gradually lost consciousness.

She has seen Bei Jiyue working hard and secretly falling in love with her for many years. Fortunately, the two lovers finally got married.

She turned around and left her seat, heading towards the bathroom, but as soon as she left the hall, she was suddenly pulled away.


 She turned around in shock and saw Huo Yansi.

Nangong Yu frowned, "Why are you here?"

 “What, you don’t want to see me very much?”

“…” Nangong Yu rarely ignored him.

Huo Yanxi pinched her chin and said, "Yeah, it must be hard for the person in your heart to be engaged to someone else, right?"

 (End of this chapter)

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