My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1665: Jiyue Qingfeng, I’m proposing

Chapter 1665 Jiyue Qingfeng, propose marriage

Bei Jiyue was actually happy when she accidentally broke up the good relationship between Nangong Yu and Huo Yanxi.

When she was dating Ye Qingfeng, she couldn't help but tell him all her vision for the future.

"Brother Qingfeng, let me tell you, for someone as good as Sister Yu, how could anyone not like her?" Bei Jiyue said with a silly smile.

Ye Qingfeng listened quietly, without interrupting or denying her beautiful imagination.

He just waited for her to finish speaking before asking gently: "Well, you won't be sad anymore, will you?"

Bei Jiyue nodded vigorously, "Of course! You have to think for the best in everything, and you will definitely have good days in the future!"

Seeing her finally smiling, the big stone in his heart finally fell.

Ye Qingfeng stared at her and said with a smile: "Since you are so happy, I will give you another gift."


"follow me."

 The two naturally held hands.

Ye Qingfeng took her to a villa she had never been to before. From the entrance to the villa, everything she saw was beautifully laid out. It is not as formal, simple and elegant in style, nor as casual and comfortable as European style, nor as natural and brief as American style.

 This place has a fairytale feel.

Bei Jiyue looked at it for a long time and thought deeply, "This decoration is a bit strange."

Ye Qingfeng asked her with a smile, "What's so strange?"

Bei Jiyue stood on the stairs, holding her chin with her hands and looking at the exquisite layout below. She thought about it and said, "It's a bit like the house in the storybook I read when I was a child."


“I liked it so much at the time, I even drew a picture, but I don’t know where it was lost.”

"I know."

“Huh?” Bei Jiyue looked back at him in surprise.

Ye Qingfeng pulled out a piece of drawing paper like magic and said with a smile: "Here it is."

Probably because it has been over time, the creases on it are clear and the color of the pen has faded a little, but you can vaguely see the childish style of the little girl when painting and her imagination and longing for beautiful fairy tales.

Bei Jiyue was stunned when she saw the painting on the paper.

Ye Qingfeng’s thoughts drifted back to more than ten years ago.

 The little girl at that time was only five or six years old.

Bei Jiyue, surrounded by stars, has been a little princess-like existence in their eyes since she was a child. Of course, the princess loves fairy tales and childishly made a promise that she must build a castle when she grows up.

 She drew her best imagination on paper. In fact, the drawings of a five- or six-year-old child were very simple, but he understood them.

Not only that, he also kept the childish painting properly.

I don’t know when he came up with the idea of ​​turning her wish into reality. Today, he can finally hold the hand of the little princess in his heart and enter the fairy tale he created for her.

On the day of Ye's Group's press conference with Coco, he deliberately showed his sincerity in the live broadcast because his castle was about to be completed. On that day, he could bring the little girl over and confess his love to her in her childhood dream.

He was prepared for everything, but he failed to predict that the little girl's jealousy would spread to others.

 Fortunately, it’s not too late.

 Now, not too early, not too late, just right.

Bei Jiyue was so moved that she shed a few tears in front of Ye Qingfeng.

It just so happened that at this time, Ye Qingfeng also took on the heavy responsibility for the finale!

He stood in front of Bei Jiyue, took two steps back, held the ring box in both hands, and knelt down on one knee, "So. Will Miss Bei Jiyue marry Mr. Ye Qingfeng?"

 (End of this chapter)

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