My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1511: The so-called one thing drops one thing

Chapter 1511 The so-called one thing drops one thing

“Yo, if you didn’t do it on purpose, what’s the point of doing it on purpose?”


As soon as Han Qi finished his sour words, he was kicked by Ye Qingfeng.

That warning look is enough.

However, Han Qi has become more and more disobedient to discipline in recent years. He basically has no fear when facing others of the same age. However, the friendship in the past is still there. Han Qi can still say a few words to Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo, but to Mo Xiangnuan This "stranger" who exposed him just after they met him deliberately made things difficult for him.


Mo Xiangnuan kept apologizing to him, and Han Qi said he didn't want to go no matter how much he tried to deliberately embarrass himself.

 “That’s enough, you don’t need to apologize anymore.”

Mo Xiangnuan muttered and sealed his mouth.

 When Ye Weiwei asked someone to clean up the cold room, Han Qi went in directly.

Mo Xiangnuan still felt guilty.

Ye Zhiruo comforted her and said, "Actually, you are right. It would be dangerous if Han Qi stayed outside. Of course he didn't want anyone to find out that he ran away from home, but to us, you are a great hero!" "

Hearing these words, Mo Xiangnuan felt warm in his heart.

It's just that Mo Xiangnuan has a pure heart. Although Ye Zhiruo's words can comfort her, she knows that Han Qi has not really let go of that matter, so she wants to find an opportunity to do something for Han Qi in order to get his true love. of forgiveness.

Han Qi took the money with him when he ran away from home, but came here with nothing.

Mo Xiangnuan ran to get him milk and cakes.

“Han Qi, are you hungry?”


 I brought you milk and mung bean cake. Do you want some? "

"I do not like."

“Then what do you like? Tell me whatever you want and I’ll get it for you.”

 “I want to go out now, can you help me?”

 “No!” In this matter, Mo Xiangnuan refused without hesitation.

Han Qi folded his hands and stood with his back against the wall. The corners of his mouth raised as he stared at Mo Xiangnuan, but it was not a sincere smile. Instead, it felt like he was watching a joke with fun.

“Since you can’t fulfill the request I mentioned, it would be best if you quickly disappear before my eyes.”

Mo Xiangnuan couldn't help but think in her heart: If it weren't for her inner uneasiness, she wouldn't want to come here to warm her face and give her cold butt.

 But, Han Qi is the boss now.

Moreover, Mo Xiangnuan was worried that Han Qi would take the opportunity to escape.

Thinking that Ye Weiwei and others cared so much about Han Qi, she would never help Han Qi escape.

“Han Qi, why did you run away from home?”

"none of your business."

“Well, I don’t want to worry about you, but I just want to tell you that doing this will make your family very worried.”

"none of your business."

 “Why are you such a bad-tempered person?”

"You know I'm bad-tempered and you still don't leave? Why do you stay here? Do you like to stay with me?"

 This young man, who is about to turn fifteen, is wild and unrestrained.

 Fortunately, if Mo Xiangnuan's temper is true, she has developed a gentle personality since she was a child, and she doesn't know how to curse and rarely gets angry. Moreover, Han Qi's words may sound excessive to others, but Mo Xiangnuan had been accustomed to hearing them in his life before he was fourteen years old. Han Qi's operation of only thundering but not raining was nothing at all!

Mo Xiangnuan still put the milk on the table for him, "Mommy said that drinking more milk is good for your health, so you'd better drink it."

"You can tell me anything else you need. I will definitely help you if I can."

 “Oh, you are really good-tempered.”…

 (End of this chapter)

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