My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1510: The tragedy of Xia Xiyun back then

Chapter 1510 Xia Xiyun’s tragedy that year

 But this thing is really an accident...

She also suddenly remembered that she met Han Qi, and when all her family members were looking for Han Qi, she felt uneasy about hiding it.

Mo Xiangnuan grabbed Ye Qingfeng's arm and hid behind him. Ye Qingfeng patted her shoulder, "What's wrong with Nuannuan?"

Mo Xiangnuan shook his head, "It's okay."

 “Let’s go back.”

Ye Qingfeng naturally hugged Mo Xiangnuan and stood beside Mo Xiangnuan in a protective manner.

Now Ye Zhiruo has gone to Han Qi to talk to him as a "confidant sister".

“Han Qi, you’ve been living a pretty cool life lately.”


"Okay, you big-headed ghost! You have used this trick of running away from home several times. Can you try a new trick?"

 “Then next time I will go directly to heaven.”

“Hey, I’m telling you, I haven’t seen you for a year, are you really drifting off?”

“Sister Ruo, I haven’t seen you for a year, why are you more verbose than Aunt Qiao?”

If Ye Zhiruo said something to Han Qi, he would say something back. If Ye Qingfeng was in the same car with them and heard this, he would definitely beat up Han Qi!

This time, Han Qi's mouth was tightly sealed. No matter whether Ye Zhiruo used gentleness or coercion, she could not get any valuable information out of him.

 They don’t even know why Han Qi ran away from home this time.

Ye Zhiruo usually teaches her children well, but she rarely scolds her. Even when she is angry, she is always reluctant to use scolding words to educate her children, especially in special situations. For example, Mo Xiangnuan was found after missing for many years, and Han Qi, who lost his mother since childhood.

They all knew about the tragedy that happened in Xia Xiyun, so every time she saw Han Qi, she felt very complicated.

"Qi'er, I don't want to accuse you, but running out like this will make us worried."

 “Aunt Qiao, I’m sorry.”

Han Qi was quite obedient in front of Ye Weiwei and did not get angry with her.

Ye Weiwei saw that this child looked a bit like Xia Xiyun, and couldn't help but sigh again, "Can you tell me why you ran away from home?"

 Han Qi remained silent when it came to this matter.

Ye Weiwei didn't want to blame him, but that didn't mean that he would let him push himself into a blind corner.

“Since you’ve come to S city, just spend two days here to relax and relax, okay?”


 Feeling that Han Qi was still cooperative, Ye Weiwei patted his shoulder happily and said, "I'll clean up your room first. Can you go down to Feng'er and the others to play for a while?"



After Han Qi and Ye Weiyi separated, they did walk to the hall.

The three brothers and sisters of the Ye family sat there waiting for him on purpose, but when Han Qi came down, they didn't know what to say.

Mo Xiangnuan hesitated for a long time, and the fingers of his hands were fighting with each other.

 Finally, she stood up!

 Everyone was attracted by her movements.

Mo Xiangnuan took two steps and stood directly in front of Han Qi. He bowed his head and apologized to him sincerely, "I'm sorry!"

Han Qi had looked up at her just now, but now he lowered his head after hearing her apology and looked at Erlang sitting there with his legs up, looking so unconcerned.

Ye Qingfeng had already frowned.

Mo Xiangnuan realized that Han Qi was angry with her because of being found, and now she felt even worse.

 “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.”

“Yo, if you didn’t do it on purpose, what’s the point of doing it on purpose?”

 (End of this chapter)

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