My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 114: No puppy love allowed

Chapter 114 No Puppy Love

The stern and rigid head teacher walked in front and gave her a serious warning.

“First point, you are not allowed to wear short skirts and shorts in school. Unless there are special circumstances, you must wear school uniforms.”

“Second point, in school, you are not allowed to wear high heels, earrings, or…”

Homeroom teacher Balabala was among the group, and Ye Weiwei followed them unhurriedly, lifting his trouser legs from time to time.

These school uniform trousers are ugly and long. Even rolling up the trouser legs is troublesome. If you don't pay attention, they will step off.

 She was staring at the road under her feet when the head teacher's focus came.

 “The third point, and the most important thing, is that puppy love is absolutely not allowed!”

 “Huh?” Ye Weiyi made an inappropriate sound of surprise.

It happened that this small voice was heard by the head teacher.

The head teacher pushed up his black eye sockets, and a sharp light flashed through his glasses, "What? Do you have any objections?"

 Ye’s only shaking head was as rigid as a machine.

 Walking behind the teacher, she quietly touched her lips, her cheeks feeling hot.

If the class teacher knew that she already had someone she liked, the kind she had liked since she was a child, and the kind she had even kissed...

I wonder if the head teacher will collapse and scream!

Thinking of this, Ye Weiyi quickly shook his head.

These things are unlikely to happen again in the future. What else is she thinking about doing? The head teacher should rest assured that she will not be with the person she likes, and there will be no such thing as puppy love.

Ye Weiyi was thoughtful, Gong Qianli bumped into her next to her and winked at her, "What are you thinking about? She looks like a young girl pregnant with spring."

 Yeweiyi: “…”

 The thoughts that were finally dispersed drifted back into my mind.

 At this time, they had reached their destination.

 “The classroom is here, let’s go in.”

Ye Weiyi's face twitched and his finger pointed at himself.

The head teacher actually asked her to go in first?

Homeroom teacher: “It’s not you, is it her?”

That "she" is of course Gong Qianli next to her.

Because Gong Qianli is not her student, she is not qualified to discipline her, but the head teacher just can't stand girls wearing short skirts at a young age, and thinks that it is immoral!

The head teacher despised Gong Qianli while despising her IQ.

Ye Weiwei immediately disliked this class teacher, but had no choice but to go in.

 So, the students in Class 2 of the second grade of junior high school saw a blue and white dumpling slowly walking in from the door of their classroom.

Ye Weiwei looked back and saw that the head teacher had blocked Gong Qianli outside the classroom, remembering that the head teacher had just asked her to come in and introduce herself.

Ye Weiwei slowly walked up to the podium. When she found that all the students' eyes were focused on her, she immediately blushed and introduced herself stumblingly.

Gong Qianli recorded a video for her directly outside.

"Hello everyone, my, my, my name is Ye... No, my name is Qiao Ling. I just came to the second class, I hope I can become friends with you all!"

Ye Youwei stuttered and finished his sentence, his mind already emptying out.

 This sentence was something she wrote down on Baidu yesterday. Just now she had habitually said that her name was "Ye Weiwei", but luckily she changed it quickly.

Ye Weiwei was holding on to his school uniform pants, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

She was actually quite scared. She remembered that the day she first entered "Xingyao" Academy, everyone was talking about her being Ye Xichen's sister, but now, she is just an ordinary

 Junior high school students.

 The only night I hold my breath.

 I wonder, will these people hate her anymore?

Brother Chen: Very good. If your courage becomes fat, your wings will become stiff?



 (End of this chapter)

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