My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 113: Skirts and trousers

Chapter 113 Skirts and Pants

Short skirt, white silk, and British round-toed shoes.

Ye Weiwei and Gong Qianli’s outfits are eye-catching.

 Many people in the gym class on the playground looked at them, and some wanted to have their eyes glued to them.

 This is simply a beautiful scenery in No. 2 Middle School!

"Liu Li, why do I feel... We are being watched, let's walk faster." Ye Weiyi was thin-skinned and couldn't stand the more sophisticated eyes, so he urged Gong Qianli to leave quickly.

"Hehe...hehe..." Gong Qianli laughed awkwardly, "I've never been here, how do I know..."

Gong Qianli’s geography scores have never failed.

Ye Weiyi, who also can’t read a map: “…”

 Ye Weiwei and Gong Qianli felt like getting into the teaching building. Fortunately, the school was not big, and they quickly found the office.

 After the procedure was completed, the dean called the head teacher to pick up the students.

The head teacher is a middle-aged woman wearing a teacher's professional uniform with black eyes. She seems old-fashioned and unapproachable.

After her eyes fell on Ye Weiwei and looked at him from top to bottom, she said in a calm and serious tone: "Go and change out of your inappropriate clothes first!"

   …”This school is really strict.

Ye Weiwei obeyed the principle of not causing trouble, but there was another question: "But teacher, what should I do if I don't have a school uniform when I first come here?"

The head teacher insisted not to let her wear a short skirt and white silk stockings to the classroom, so he took out a school uniform from the bottom of the box and handed it to her.

“These are the surplus from the last batch of customized school uniforms. You can try them on.”

 Fortunately, it was a new school uniform, and Ye Weiyi breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn't bear to wear clothes used by others.

Ye Youwei quickly went to the bathroom and changed his clothes. They felt very loose.

 She stood in front of the sink and saw in the mirror that her small body was covered by a big school uniform. She looked a little funny, like a child who had stolen an adult's clothes.

 The size of this school uniform can be worn as a skirt on her!

Ye Weiwei had no choice but to lift up his trouser legs that were touching the ground and went to find Gong Qianli without tears.

Gong Qianli waited in the dean's office for a while, holding a cup of hot water in her hand, and already chatting with the dean.

 She identified herself and the dean was very polite to her.

  When she saw Ye Weiwei, who had changed into a loose school uniform, walking towards her, the sip of water she had just taken into her mouth spurted out.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it..." Gong Qianli pretended to be calm and took out a piece of paper to wipe the water droplets from the corner of her mouth, her eyelids kept twitching.

Ye Weiwei: "..." Well, she already knew that she looked ugly now, so she came early. Not letting Ye Xichen see her looking so cowardly was the wisest decision she had made this year.

But with a click, Gong Qianli had already captured her cowardly look on her phone.

"Liu Li, delete it quickly!" Ye Weiyi wanted to grab it, but it was too late.

Gong Qianli excitedly sent the photo to Ye Xichen, touched her chin and laughed like a little fox, feeling that she was great.

Ye Weiwei couldn't grab the phone, so she could only remind her, "Don't show it to others, especially my brother!"

Gong Qianli, who was asking for credit: "..."

She lowered her head to read the news and felt a chill in her heart.

Ye Xichen didn’t even know that they came to school early!

Isn’t it now?

Gong Qianli watched helplessly as "the other party is outputting", and the two words Ye Xichen replied popped up on the screen.

"very good."

Brother Chen: Very good. If your courage becomes fat, your wings will become stiff?



 (End of this chapter)

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