"Junior, have you finished writing the first volume of the new book?"

The senior picked up the milk with her right hand and signaled Hajima Seisuke with her eyes.

Hajima Seisuke had no choice but to insert the straw into the senior sister's hand: "I just finished writing it yesterday."

The production of the game has come to an end and there are no plans to continue it in the short term. Hajima Seisuke quickly shifted his focus to the light novel. Since he had already prepared the draft before, he naturally wrote it very quickly.

"I'll send it to you later." Hajima Kiyosuke said.

Because it is completely original work of his own, Hashima Seisuke is a little unsure, so it would be best to let his seniors take a look.

The senior sister stretched out her pink tongue and licked the milk on her lips: "I'll watch it tonight."


Hajima Kiyosuke was startled and quickly realized that because Xiao Ai was in the apartment before, his senior sister had not come to stay overnight during the whole summer vacation. Now he obviously wants to occupy the magpie's nest again.

The senior sister continued:

"Also, don't forget to prepare a box of that, otherwise you won't be able to enjoy it to the fullest."

It’s just a box of chocolate bars, don’t drive on Mount Akina on purpose!

It can be said that the senior sister eats very slowly. On the one hand, she chews slowly, and on the other hand, she does not forget to read while eating. She is probably like those who have to use video "side dishes" to eat, and can't find anything interesting. In the video, I would rather my food get cold than use my chopsticks.

All in all, when the lunch break was about to end, Hajima Seisuke finally walked off the rooftop and returned to the classroom.

Eiriri had finished eating her lunch box and was sitting on her seat chatting with her best friend. She hadn't seen her for a whole summer, so naturally she had endless topics to talk about. When she saw Hajima Seisuke coming in, Eiriri subconsciously showed her little fangs.

He obviously wanted to buy bread, but he actually came back now after buying it. He must be fooling around with some girl again!

"Hashima-san, good afternoon."

A girl with a single ponytail turned to look, waved and shouted.

"Moriqiu-san, good afternoon."

Hajima Kiyosuke answered politely.

"Speaking of which, the last time I saw Hashima-san was when we played in the water park." The ponytail girl put her hands behind her back and said in a clear voice, "Hashima-san's back turned around silently and left. It looked very... Lonely."

Yinglili felt guilty after hearing this.


Why should I feel guilty?

Meeting a senior from the school club at the water park was an accident, and there was no choice at all.

I even chased him impulsively at that time...if I did it again, I wouldn't chase him and explain!

Hajima Seisuke glanced at Zari, and smiled nonchalantly: "I accidentally lost something at that time, and I was busy looking for it, so I didn't go over to say hello to you."

"Hajima-san, did you see Eiri at that time?"

Hajima Seisuke looked at Zakuli.

Ying Lili quickly indicated with her eyes: "Hurry up and say no."

Hajima Kiyosuke looked back: "...I didn't see it."

"I'm just telling you." The girl with the ponytail smiled, "If you see Eiriri, Hajima-san will come over and talk about it no matter how big the matter is, right?"

"What are you talking about!" Ying Lili blushed slightly and couldn't help complaining, "Whether you come or not has nothing to do with me!"

Another girl smiled and said:

"Hey, Hajima-kun and Eiri-chan are very close."

"What kind of fate is there?" Ying Lili showed her little fangs, "Don't talk nonsense!"

The short-haired girl who spoke had a sly smile on her face and stretched out a finger, "Last semester we were at the front and back desks, this semester we are at the next table. What else can it be if it's not fate?"

"It's obviously the boy who asked him to change his seat... The class bell rang, you guys should go back and sit down quickly!"

The two girls waved and left. Eiriri quietly breathed a sigh of relief. She opened the book in front of her face to cover herself up. Then she turned her face and glared at Hajima Kiyosuke fiercely: "Pervert sister, it's all your fault."

Hashima Seisuke took out the textbook from the hole in the desk, "What's wrong with me?"

Ying Lili looked over in embarrassment: "If you hadn't sat here, I wouldn't have been teased."

Hashima Kiyosuke suddenly said: "It's not a joke."


"Because..." Hajima Kiyosuke paused for half a second and glanced at Zari, "What others said is true."

Yinglili: "..."

The first class in the afternoon was Chinese language. However, since the summer vacation had just ended, many people were not thinking about it, so the class seemed a little messy.

"Eh?" Ying Lili flipped through the textbook and suddenly opened her eyes wide, "Did Mark Twain write this sentence?"

Hashima Kiyosuke asked in a low voice: "What are you talking about?"

Ying Lili looked forward and whispered: "The sixth sentence on page fifteen."

There is a big difference between Japanese Chinese textbooks and Chinese language textbooks from China. The first is the formatting method. Japanese textbooks follow the ancient rules of China and use the traditional writing method from right to left and top to bottom. Hashima Seisuke has just started reading. I was a little unaccustomed to it.

Hajima Seisuke turned the book to page sixteen and quickly found what Takuri said.

"Never argue with stupid people; they will drag you down to their level and then get back at you." - Mark Twain.

"I thought it was something said by an online joker, but I didn't expect it to be a quote from a famous person." Hashima Kiyoshi complained in a low voice, "This person named Mark should be very serious, right?"

Hajima Kiyosuke said speechlessly: "His surname is not Mark."

Yinglili said in surprise: "I always thought that he and Marco Polo were related."

You are thinking too much! These two people are neither the same country nor the same era! There was a gap of hundreds of years!

Mark Twain is just a pen name, but not many people remember his real name. Just like Mr. Lu Xun, few foreigners know about Lu Shuren, similar to Xiong Yaohua, only few people know about him.

"Mark Twain was not only a humorous novelist, but also a great inventor. It is said that every girl should thank him."

Hajima Kiyosuke crossed his fingers and whispered.

"Why should you thank him?"

Yinglili looked curiously.

Seisuke Hashima spoke in a lower voice to avoid being heard by others: "Because Mark Twain is the inventor of girls' underwear buckles and bra straps."

"Hentai, obscene, vulgar!" Ying Lili showed her little fangs and directly disliked Sanlian, "Don't talk to me."

This is a serious invention, an invention that has benefited countless women, and is not obscene at all!

After school in the afternoon.

Eiri went to the art club. As the ace member of the art club, she had a lot of things to do at the beginning of school. In contrast, Hajima Seisuke was the type who had nothing to do. After cleaning, he returned to the apartment directly with his schoolbag. .

"Bang bang."

At half past five in the afternoon, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Hajima Seisuke closed the book in his hand, walked over and opened the door. A tall, straight black girl stood outside the door, who was her senior sister.

"it's too hot."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu raised her right hand, fanned it gently in front of her face, and walked into the entrance hall with familiarity.

Seasonally speaking, the time has entered autumn, but it still feels like a scorching summer, and you can't sit still without sweating profusely.

After putting on her slippers, the senior handed over the shopping bag in her hand and said, "Junior, go wash the grapes."

Every time the senior sister comes to Jiuzhan Magpie's Nest, she never comes empty-handed. She either buys fruits or ingredients, but Hashima Seisuke washes the fruits and makes dinner. She always sits on the sofa and waits to eat and drink.

Hashima Seisuke sighed, carried the things into the kitchen, washed the grapes, and put them out on a plate.

"for you."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's eyes turned and began to order people again: "Junior, please peel the grape skins."

It's enough for you. You have to peel a grape to eat it. After peeling it, do you have to feed it to your mouth?

Hajima Seisuke placed the plate in front of his senior sister: "Peel it yourself."

"I haven't washed my hands yet."

The senior sister stretched out her hands and felt confident.

Hajima Seisuke couldn't help but complained: "Then you should wash your hands!"


After eating a few grapes, the senior stood up quickly, took out a change of clothes from her backpack, and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. No one liked the sticky feeling of sweat all over her body. Those who didn't take a shower in summer had only one reason, and that was lazy.

Hajima Seisuke turned around and walked into the kitchen, preparing to handle the ingredients bought by his senior sister. The senior sister could not count on this matter, so she had to do it herself.

Before the ingredients were processed, a cry of pain suddenly came from the bathroom, followed by a thud as it fell to the ground.


When Hajima Kiyosuke heard the noise, he thought it was a prank at first, but in the end he was worried and turned around and walked to the bathroom door, "What happened just now?"

"K-Ji-jun." Kasumigaoka Shiyu's gentle inhalation came from the bathroom, "I-I was burned."

Hashima Seisuke suddenly frowned, "Open the door first."

Burns and slips and falls are the two most common injuries in the bathroom. If you are really injured, you must deal with it as soon as possible without any delay.


The door opened a crack.

Hajima Kiyosuke pushed open the door and walked in. He looked at the tearful senior who had a pink towel wrapped around her chest and said in a deep voice, "Where is the burn?"

"Shoulder." The senior sister turned around, revealing her back as crystal clear as snow, biting her lower lip, "I was washing my hair just now, and my hand accidentally touched the switch, and the water temperature suddenly became high."

Hajima Kiyosuke looked carefully and found that there was indeed a red mark on the senior's shoulder. He quickly said: "Sit down first, and I will wash you with cold water for a while."

When you encounter a burn, the first thing to do is to rinse it with cold water to take away the temperature. Wrapping it in flour is definitely the stupidest way!

Hashima Seisuke turned on the shower, put his hand under the shower head, and quickly breathed a sigh of relief. The water temperature was indeed very hot, but it was still within an acceptable range.

"It's okay, it's not serious. Just rinse it with cold water first, and then I'll buy a bottle of cooling spray."

Adjusting the water temperature to the usual cold water, Hashima Seisuke held up the shower head and helped the senior sister wash her back.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu's body trembled and she subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

"Hold it, don't move." Hashima Seisuke ordered, "Just treat it like we are swimming at the beach."

The senior bit her lower lip and couldn't help but complain:

"It's much cooler than the sea water, isn't it?"

Having been scalded by hot water just now, and then being showered with cold water in the blink of an eye, the senior student experienced for a moment what it means to be in the "two heavens of ice and fire".

After a while.

"It's almost ready." Hajima Seisuke turned off the shower and looked at his senior sister, "I'll buy some spray, and you can continue taking a shower."

"Wait a moment."

Senior sister shouted in a low voice.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu turned to look, biting her pink lips, her voice a little ashamed: "The place that was burned just now... not only the back, but also the front."

Hey hey, what are you talking about?

Do you want me to continue helping you cleanse your body?

Stop joking! It’s okay if you can’t reach it from the back, but you definitely can’t reach it from the front. If you don’t focus on it, it will lead to the destruction of the world!

Hajima Kiyosuke was silent for a few seconds, then handed the showerhead directly to the senior sister, and said solemnly: "You can do it yourself, this matter is non-negotiable."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu: "..."

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