My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 222: 1 not left

After four hours of study, Chen Xu came out of the learning machine, his head was drowsy, he finally returned to where he lived and fell asleep.

The side effects this time were even more serious than before. When I woke up, I vomited darkly and it took a day before I came over.

He sat at the table, took a sip of a glass of milk in his hand, looked at the e-book on the screen, and asked, "When can I take the assessment?"

Taichu replied, "The assessment of intermediate engineers has a fixed time, only once a month, and the most recent is ten days later."

"After ten days ..."

Chen Xu figured it out in his heart. By that time, it would be almost a month. I don't know what will happen. I have no chance to participate in the assessment.

Therefore, he simply relaxed and carefully looked at the e-book in front of him.

In addition to the text, the books provided by Taichu are also equipped with detailed pictures and high-definition videos, which are very informative and can be said to be an encyclopedia of operation manuals.

If he was allowed to memorize it for himself, it would not be complete in a few years. Now, it only takes a few hours to keep such a large book in my mind.

This learning machine is undoubtedly a cross-generation invention. It makes up for the weakness of the human brain's slow memory, skips the long learning process, and saves growth time. Nothing can be overstated.

He remembered a whole set of "Basics of Wireless Communication Maintenance" in his mind, and the gain was beyond imagination. Even if the mission fails, it is definitely not a loss.

He sat there reading a book and didn't bother him at the beginning.

"Chen Xu, something unexpected happened."

Suddenly, the early voice sounded, and the synthesized electronic sound sounded a bit dignified.

Chen Xu looked away from the book and asked with some doubt, "What's the situation?"

Tai Chu said, "There is an unknown object in the channel of the spacecraft that cannot be expelled or destroyed. It is expected that an impact will occur after one hour and five minutes."

"Wait a while."

Chen Xu noticed it, and asked in shock, "spaceship? Do you mean, this is a spaceship?"

"Yes, this is the Dawning spaceship. And you, now the only crew member on the spacecraft."

Chen Xu was stunned. He thought of many possibilities, such as an underground base or a future city, but he did not expect that it would be a spaceship.

The main reason is that it is too big. According to his experience in the transfer cabin, the straight line distance is at least ten kilometers. How big is a spaceship?

"This is not the time to be surprised," Taichu reminded him, "you should think about how to deal with this incident."

Chen Xu realized the seriousness of the matter from his urgent tone, and pressed the shock in his heart, saying, "Can you get around?"

"I tried before, and after a while, it didn't take long for it to reappear on the channel. I also dispatched a drone and went to intercept it. All kinds of attacks had no effect. The impact of the drone also failed to cause it Damage. It is currently listed as the highest threat. "

After Chen Xu heard it, he couldn't help smiling. "You must have a better way to cope with this kind of thing. I don't understand anything. It doesn't help to ask me."

Taichu said, "According to regulations, when there is a major crisis that endangers the survival of the spacecraft, the final decision-making power must be given to human beings. You are the last human on the spacecraft and must shoulder this responsibility."

Chen Xu calmed down, knowing that this is a test that must be faced in a dream game, and asked, "What kind of thing is that?"

"A black box about one cubic."

With Tai Chu's words, an image appeared on the screen in front of him, a black cube, with no visible material.

"One cubic?"

Chen Xu imagined that, compared with this spaceship, a cube is almost like a grain of sand. It is such a sand-sized thing, but it makes Taichu like an enemy.

He couldn't help but think of the novel "Three-Body" which he had seen a while ago. Could this cube be a weapon like a water drop?

"probably not."

After thinking for a while, he had a judgment. If it really is something like a water drop, it is like a newbie just entering the game, and encounters the ultimate boss, there is no possibility of completing the task at all.

This is a game after all, and the designer will not design such a desperate situation.

After a while, he had an idea, saying, "I have an idea, maybe I can try it."


When Chen Xu was facing a crisis, after Yang Jinxia on the other side entered the vortex, the screen in front of it was all black, a twisted force field tearing everything around her, and a bit of pain appeared on her face.

Immediately, all electronic instruments sparked, and the entire control room went dark with a crackling noise.

When everything calmed down, Yang Jinxia ignored the control room and opened the personal panel. When she saw the word that the distance between her and her was 500 million kilometers, she couldn't help laughing, "It really is a wormhole."

"However, there are 500 million kilometers. How do we get there?"

She stood up with some difficulty, groping in the dark, found s01, which fell to the ground, and restarted it.

At this moment, there was a screeching rubbing sound from outside.

"Look, the host here is really enthusiastic." Yang Jinxia sat back in his seat and said, "Go, restart the other robots. Then, respond well."

"Yes, master." S01 responded, quickly restarting the robot that had fallen to the ground.

The first one to restart was b01. Yang Jinxia said, "Come here and help me put on the spacesuit."

B01 pulled out a large metal box from the bottom of the seat, opened it, took out a space suit, and helped her put it on.

When dozens of robots in the control room were restarted, in addition to scratching sounds, there were more knocking sounds.

"Go out and kill them."

As soon as Yang Jinxia waved, a tall attacker at the front opened the heavy door, and the first rushed out.

Through the night vision function that comes with her spacesuit, she saw many strange beasts outside the door, but she was obviously smaller. Let her have some guesses.

Can't penetrate the wormhole because he's not strong enough?

She didn't move. She watched the robots kill her, occupied the doorway, expanded outwards, and met the robot that fell to the ground, and restarted. With more and more fresh forces joining, the speed of clearing up is getting faster and faster.

Other surviving maintenance robots are doing their best to repair the host system in the control room.

After half an hour, the host system restarted successfully.

The screen in front of Yang Jinxia turned on again, reopening the field of vision.

There is a strange world outside. The bare ground is behind the black vortex ~ ~ There is a huge building in front. Looking at the caves, the dense caves looked at some stunners.

She noticed that the mountain was obviously incomplete and that the peak had disappeared, as if it had been destroyed by some force. This should be a masterpiece of humanity in the war hundreds of years ago.

At this time, strange beasts kept coming out of those holes and joined the war group.

"Is this the base camp of the strange beast?"

She had some doubts in her heart. How could it be possible to create a wormhole that could travel through space based on the strength of these strange beasts?

Or is it true that wormholes are formed naturally?

At this point, all the robots that have passed through the wormhole have restarted, constantly pushing the war group to the outer layer.

"Kill in, and don't leave one." When Yang Jinxia waved his hand, when he gave the order, he didn't have half sympathy on his face. Here the alien beasts are all environmental destroyers. Keeping them is a scourge.


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