My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 221: Dash over

Chen Xu's long silence caused early questions, "You don't seem very happy."

"It's not unhappy." He sighed softly. "I just feel that human beings will be reduced / fall to such a degree, a little sad."

Tai Chu seems to like to discuss such topics, saying, "I don't understand why you feel this way. Isn't the race going on first? Naturally, you have to choose the most efficient way."

Chen Xu had to admit that it was right. In the face of life and death, considering these is purely superfluous.

In the end, he just thought of it as a game in his subconscious. If you can't really take on the current role, you can't consider the issue from the current position.

He may be the last human in this world. From a pragmatic point of view, the initial method is the most efficient. It only takes one year to create more than 1,000 adults who are qualified for ordinary work. Whether they are ripened or not, they are all human beings.

When several batches of such humans come out and have a base, they can slow down and cultivate a true elite. Perhaps in less than a decade, the human race will be rejuvenated.

If we follow the normal growth rate of human beings, ten years will only be enough to reach the transitional stage from children to adolescents. That's too slow, it may take hundreds of years to multiply to a certain amount.

Thinking of this, Chen Xu suddenly realized why his previous career had been half dead. Because he has too many scruples, and his self-esteem is too strong, many methods are unwilling to use, which greatly limits the way he does things.

People like Liu Kun can stand up and down, and when it ’s time to talk about credit, talk about credibility. When you turn your face, you turn your face. There is no worries, and your wrist is very flexible.

After a few minutes, he asked him too early, "What are you thinking?"

He said, "I'm thinking about how to make money faster."

Tai Chu said, "Human minds are sometimes really jumpy, without any logic."

Chen Xu stood up, took a pack of nutritious meals from the refrigerator, didn't read any taste, took a bite after unscrewing, his face was stiff, and it actually tasted durian.

He squeezed his nose and finished eating a pack of nutritious meals. He ate them, and unexpectedly felt very fragrant, not unacceptable.

It really smelled stinky and fragrant.

There are some things that I really do n’t know what it ’s like without trying them out.

He took the cup and poured another glass of water. After drinking it, he sat for a while and gradually recovered some energy. He said, "Troubleshoot me to send me the knowledge I need."

"Already uploaded to your personal account."

Chen Xu clicked from somewhere on the wall, and a screen appeared on the wall. He opened his personal account and opened the bookshelf. There was a book, "Basics of Wireless Communication Equipment Maintenance".

This is the direction he chooses to study, which includes both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. It is practical in both dreams and reality.

An hour of study time is only enough for him to learn a small part of it. As long as he can master this knowledge, he can make money much faster.

However, he reminded him early that learning maintenance is the most important thing for practical operation, which requires a lot of practice. Let him think carefully.

He didn't explain much about this issue. For him, as long as he has the skills to operate by hand, he doesn't need to learn too much.

He opened the book and began to review it.


Three days later, Chen Xu passed the system exam and was awarded the title of a communications engineer. Can move to District 1.

District 1 is very different from District 2, the room is doubled, and there is a separate / stand-alone bathroom. Even the standard of meals has become a high-level nutritional meal, from bagged to bottled.

The job he was able to choose from doubled to 150 credits per hour to 300 credits per hour. The highest income in a day reached 5,400 credit points.

The actual work has not changed in any way.

The same job, just because his rank increased, his salary doubled. There is absolutely no reason to explain. Too early to explain, this is a rule.

This time, Chen Xu had been working for eight days and had enough 40,000 credit points before going to the learning base and using the learning machine again.

Tai Chu told him that using the learning machine would cause slight damage to the brain, and every time he used it, he would have to wait a certain time. The second time is 10 days apart, and the third time is 20 days apart. This is mandatory.

The more you use it, the longer the interval will be. Otherwise, it is easy to cause irreversible damage to the brain.

Eleven days later, he lay in the learning machine again and received a second indoctrination. This time, it lasted for four hours, which is enough to memorize the content of the "Basics of Wireless Communication Equipment Maintenance".

At that time, as long as he has accumulated enough cases of successful maintenance operations, he can go to be an intermediate communication engineer. Once passed, you can rise to level b and have higher authority.


While Chen Xu was working for the goal of an intermediate communications engineer, Yang Jinxia took her robot army and ushered in a wild beast wave.

She sat in the air, staring at the screen, and the scene taken from the perspective of the plane in the sky, saw the dense beasts beating the sky, like a tide.

Compared with this huge beast tide, her convoy is as small as a small stream.

"Abandon the vehicle and gather the troops."

She looked cold, and ordered to speak out of her mouth, "Aircraft, bomb the way."

"The attackers make up the arrows. The hunters follow, and the s-class robot arch guard is around me, rushing."

With her order, the robots in the convoy quickly moved to form a formation and rushed towards the beast tide.

When the two sides were about to make contact, the aircraft in the sky began to bombard. Instead of using powerful cannons / bombs, they used large-scale grenades with steel balls. The main purpose was to kill. When a bomb / bomb fell, the strange animal fell Blockbuster.

From the perspective of the sky, the number of alien beasts becomes scarce at the speed that can be seen by the naked eye at the position where they will be in contact with the robot.

Immediately after that, it collided violently as if Mars hit the earth.

In a short period of time, Yang Xiaoxia's stream ran up against the current and was completely surrounded by the tide of beasts. Countless strange beasts swooped up, nearly drowning her army.

She had a quiet look, and from time to time she ordered the arch guards to step up to fill positions. As for being dragged behind by a strange beast and unable to keep up with the engineering robots of the large army, she didn't care.

The screen in front of her showed the number of robots. In just ten minutes, the number dropped from six digits to five digits, 90,000, 80,000, 70,000 ...

Even though the number dropped to 10,000, her eyes remained unchanged.

When the s-class robot near her was almost exhausted, the pressure in the front suddenly emptied, and the eyes became open instantly.

Killed out!

She looked into the distance, and there was something like a black swirl.

She pointed in that direction and said, "Run over."

There are only a few thousand robots left, sprinting in that direction quickly.

Behind him, the still dense tide of beasts turned around and followed from behind. But how can flesh and blood run past a super-powered battery-powered robot? The farther you get, the farther you get.

Some beasts of particularly large size screamed anxiously.

Ten minutes later, Yang Jinxia's robot army had arrived before the black vortex, and saw a strange beast struggling, rushing out of the vortex. Shot by the robot one by one.

She finally stopped her men and ordered a name, "s12, go in."

A robot responded, pulling a steel cable ~ ~ into the vortex quickly.

The number of robots on the screen in front of her suddenly dropped by one.

She ordered. "Pull it out."

A robot pulled back the wire rope, and after a while, dragged S12 out, it lay down on the ground, and the light on its body had gone out.

Yang Jinxia said, "Restart."

After a while, the light in S12's eyes lit up.

There was a smile on her face, and the opportunity was always reserved for the prepared. After using the electromagnetic pulse gun to kill s01, she considered this weakness of the robot and added an overload protection device. It now looks good.

With such a delay, the beast tide behind has approached.

"Let's go in." She rushed into the whirlpool with all the essential people, and soon disappeared.

ps: I still remember the things that are more, rest assured. Finally, ask for a monthly pass.

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