My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 176: Who are the captives

Ding Dong ...

Chen Xu was about to go upstairs, and the phone rang. He took out a look and called it from Luo Xiyun. He stopped, took a deep breath, and connected, "Hey."

"What's wrong with your voice?"

When Chen Xu heard her voice of concern, she was a little bit worried and immediately settled down.

He took a nose and said in a thick nasal voice, "Maybe when I was sleeping at noon, the air conditioner was too big and I got a cold."

"Then you need to pay attention to rest."

"It's okay. I'll go to the pharmacy to buy a cold medicine, and I'll drink it soon. It will be okay soon." Chen Xu said, feeling someone behind him, and seeing Chen Ziqi looking at him under the stairs, seeing him come over, to him Thumbs up.

"Are you still in the shop now?"

"Well. I'm going to change clothes and pick you up from work. What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Do you want to invite me to dinner?" Luo Xiyun apparently asked.

Chen Xu has already come upstairs and said, "I don't know that Director Luo would not appreciate his face."

"No sincerity. You want to invite me to dinner, why don't you call me?"

Chen Xu said, "Otherwise, you hang up the phone now, and I'll call you again. Invite again."

"That won't work. The opportunity has been missed and there won't be a second."

When Chen Xu heard her words, her heart sank abruptly, and she nodded.


"Then supper today?"

"I think about it before I decide whether to promise you."

Chen Xu heard a knock on the door and said, "Well, see you later."

He sighed after hanging up.

He knew that when he decided to lie to Luo Xiyun, he had already embarked on a path of no return.

It is a warning left by the ancients to have both fish and bears. Everyone wants to have both, but the consequence is often that both are lost, because there may be irreconcilable contradictions between the two.

It is wise to give up one.

But who is to give up?

Bai Jinxuan?

No, he can't.

He knew that in this world, there would never be another woman who could give up everything for him. If he gave up, he would never forgive himself for life.

Luo Xiyun, he did have such a thought just now, but on the phone, when she heard her asking "What's your voice?"

Like most people in the world, he made perhaps the dumbest, but also the most normal choice.

I don't give up either, I want both.

He stood in front of the mirror, looking at himself in the mirror, bloodshot in his eyes. He changed his clothes and went downstairs.



Luo Xiyun packed the table, put on a light gray bag, opened the door and went out, and said to Secretary Guo, "I'll go first."

"OK." Secretary Guo stood up and watched her leave. Then I glanced at it before it was six. Strangely, Mr. Luo has never left early before, and still clings to five minutes before work.

Immediately, she realized something. If Luo is anything different from before, it is in love.

She couldn't help thinking, it seems that Mr. Luo is no different from ordinary women. After falling in love, he can let go for a while.

As soon as Luo Xiyun left, there was a commotion in the department. They all guessed that she had to leave work early, it must be a date.

"You said, how did Chen Xu and Luo always hook up? I really couldn't see it before."

"What a collusion, so unpleasant." Dai Zixin heard a bit harsh, could not help but help Chen Xu, "They are all single, isn't it normal to have a relationship?"

Someone asked her, "Speaking of which, you usually know Chen Xu the most. Did you already know that?"

"I'm the same as you guys, I just learned. Besides, to be familiar, Brother Tang is more familiar with him." Dai Zixin quickly threw the target to Lao Tang.

Tang shook his head. "I only transferred after he resigned. He didn't tell me anything."

Someone sighed, "To be honest, Chen Xu doesn't look like a mountain and is not dewy. I never thought that it would be silent, so I took Luo always. Real leather."

This sentence speaks for many people. Especially males, in their opinion, Chen Xu's conditions in all aspects are very average. He can actually catch Luo in his hands. In addition to shock, he is more envious and jealous.

Some people even secretly stunned their breasts. When they wanted to come, maybe Luo Xiyun was not difficult to chase, but everyone didn't dare to go, only Chen Xu dare, so he succeeded in holding beautiful people. If you are bolder ...

Next, a female colleague said, "Don't say anything, in fact, I saw some clues before. Remember the last time I went to the hot spring group to build it. Luo always heard that Chen Xu and Zixin were in love, His complexion changed, and warned both of them face to face, forbidding office romance. "

"Right, I was weird at the time. Now I want to come, both of them had one leg at that time."

"Also, at the annual meeting, Chen Xu was able to draw a special prize. Maybe it was also Luo's hands and feet. Even if the company's technology department is bad, can a lottery software be wrong?"

"Ninety-nine percent of it is, you think about what the special prize is, the European luxury double tour. This is likely to be specially arranged by Mr. Luo."

"Let me just say, in order to give Chen Xu a head start, he actually confronted Vice President Wang with a hard face. Wow, everyone else was angered by the crown, and when he was here, he completely reversed."

The crowd chattered and talked about the gossips of Chen Xu and Luo Xiyun from various signs.

After five minutes, it's time to get off work. Everyone is still a little bit interested.

Dai Zixin couldn't help but send a WeChat spit to Chen Xu, "Chen Xu, you have successfully become a celebrity in the company, and you are talking about your gossip everywhere."


After Chen Xugang read Dai Zixin's WeChat, she saw Luo Xiyun stepping out of the company building. She was still wearing her morning clothes, red and black striped short-sleeved shirt, and black loose trousers underneath.

He glanced at the time, just before six o'clock, greeted him, and said with a smile, "Before you get off work, you sneak out?"

"That's because you are out of time." Luo Xiyun crossed his hands in front of him, looking at him, "Yes, the taste of clothes has improved."

"Being with you, of course, pay attention."

Luo Xiyun said with a smile in her eyes, and said, "I haven't agreed yet. Don't forget, you haven't passed my test."

"Then I'll be more precise. Of course, as your prospective boyfriend, pay attention to the image."

"You're getting slippery."

"If you don't like it, I can change it."

"How to change?"

"You can change as you say."

Luo Xiyun stared at him for a while and said, "Sometimes, I really doubt whether you, the one in the dream, are the same person."

Chen Xu asked her, "Do you think that is really a dream? We have really lived in it for six months, every day, every hour, every second, and it is true. Especially with you When I was together, I remembered everything. "

Luo Xiyun's expression was a little embarrassed. Even though it had been more than half a year, she remembered everything that happened in her dream.

"You're right, it's not just a dream. It's a miracle."

Waking up overnight, more than half a year of magical experience, no wonder to anyone.

"Let's go." Chen Xu took her hand and walked forward.


"You know when you go."

One minute later, Luo Xiyun followed Chen Xu into a restaurant near the company, and his expression became softened. Here, and the cafe next door, carried their memories for several months.

I remember when they were in the Cold War for three months, they ignored each other.

The two of them sat in a corner, and after ordering, Chen Xu whispered, "I have lived here for a few months and haven't eaten what the chefs here do."

Luo Xiyun looked at the furnishings around him and said, "I've been here a few times."

"Did you miss me before you came?"

"Don't stink, who would miss you?" Luo Xiyun gave him a white look. "Every time I come here, I think there was a bad-tempered man at that time, because I said a few words and got angry The month ignores me. "

Chen Xu said with a smile, "You haven't ignored me for months?"

"I'm not mad at you yet, I blame you."

Chen Xu picked up the kettle, poured a glass of water, and said, "Sometimes, my temper will be more axe. With me in the future, you feel angry."

"If you treat me like this in the future, I will ignore you."

Chen Xu held the cup in his hand and asked, "Then the question is coming, what you want is me who was stinky and hard before. Or am I transformed into what you think?"

Luo Xiyun bit his lower lip. "Can't you make some changes for me?"

Chen Xu thought about this, and also said openly, "If you want me to look like you, then I'm sorry, I can't do it ~ ~ I like you and I am willing Make some changes for you. But you also have to understand that the reason I am me is because of something I insist on. If you let me change, I can't. "

"If, I must let you change it."

"Some people say that love is a war. Either it enters a deadlock phase, but one side always occupies the top. Or, one side completely becomes the captive of the other side. Or, one side is killed by a miss, or it all ends. It also means the death of love. "

"If you want to capture me, try to let it go."

At this time, the waiter brought the dishes over to ease the tension between the two.

"Let's eat, it will be cold for a while." Chen Xu clipped her to order.

PS: It was difficult to get out of a chapter, and the next chapter was before twelve o'clock.

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