My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 175: No way

"Chen Xu?"

Chen Xu's reaction was completely unexpected. Seeing him sitting on the floor, tears kept flowing, she panicked, and she was always clever, at this time she was at a loss, wondering what to do.

After a while, Chen Xu's mood seemed stable, and he sat there with a cyanosis.

Chen Ziqi covered her chest and asked carefully, "Are you all right?"

Chen Xu lowered her head, didn't speak, and didn't do anything, as if she didn't hear it.

Chen Ziqi was panicked, so she gave a killer, "Otherwise, I'll call Sister Xiyun?"

After hearing the name, Chen Xu finally reacted. He looked up, looked at him, and said with a particularly heavy nasal voice, "Don't hit."


Chen Ziqi heard him speak, and felt relieved. Seeing that his eyelashes were stuck with tears, his eyes were red, and he whispered, "What's wrong with you?"

Chen Xu was silent for a while and asked, "Do you know how to contact Bai Jinxuan?"

Uh ...

Chen Ziqi took a breath, brother, do you chase a star, is it so affectionate?

Immediately, she felt wrong again.

Based on her understanding of Chen Xu, it doesn't seem that she would be so sad for a star she hasn't seen before. If you think about it, whether it is Yang Jinxia or Luo Xiyun, they are rare beautiful women. Bai Jinxuan is not necessarily better than them except for star halo.

To Yang Jinxia and Luo Xiyun, Chen Xu hesitated for a while before choosing to accept. It is simply a model that is not moved by beauty. Why did you come to Bai Jinxuan and become like this?

Suddenly, a thought flashed through her mind.

Lying down, right?

She almost blurted out and asked, and held back at the last minute. With Chen Xu's character, even if he asked, he would never say.

Chen Xu saw her unconscious there, and leaning on the edge of the bed, she stood up from the ground. Push her chair to the side, squat in front of the computer, put her hands on the keyboard, thinking about how to search.

"I remember."

Chen Ziqi said busyly, "A Q number was put on her scarf, and you try to add it."


Chen Xu muttered in his mouth. First, he opened a navigation webpage and turned the mouse around. He couldn't find the link to the collar.

"This." As soon as Chen Ziqi saw his movements, he knew that he usually didn't put on his scarf and reached out to the screen to help him point it out.

Chen Xu opened the collar homepage.

"You enter her name directly in the search box, just click on the search." Chen Ziqi continued to point him.

When the search results came out, Chen Xu flipped the page, but did not see the Q number on it, and asked, "Where?"

"Let me see?" Chen Ziqi took control of the mouse from his hand, and said, "I was just a six-digit Q number."

She turned the page to the top and pulled it down a little bit. Today, there are only a few content to participate in the event, "Hey, it's really gone, strange, has it been deleted."

She looked doubtful.

"But, it's okay, you can find it even if you delete it." She closed the page, opened a forum skillfully, opened a post, and said, "On the Internet, there is a method called screenshot Dafa. Things that have been published , It's not all right if you delete it. "

Looking at the screenshot, Chen Xu is indeed a scarf issued by Bai Jinxuan. The content above is very short, "Add me this QQ, I'll wait for you."

He was about to take out his mobile phone, and suddenly took a look at Chen Ziqi and said, "Go out first, I want to be alone."


Chen Ziqi stared at him with wide eyes. Is there anything like you who would tear down the bridge after crossing the river?

Chen Xu ignored her, turned her chair, and even pushed the chair out of the door, then closed the door and locked it.

Then, he took out his mobile phone, opened QQ, typed it in according to the number in the post, and searched it out. The nickname was Bai Jinxuan, and the avatar was her own photo.

He clicked on add friend, and the verification interface popped up.

Question 1. What was the name of our supermarket for the first time?

Seeing this problem, his thoughts instantly returned to that night.

In the middle of the night, a robot came and he stopped. However, Bai Jinxuan thought that he wanted to attack her at night, and pitifully asked himself not to hurt her. He could talk about love for a few days and say "I am super sweet", which made people cry and laugh and pity.

He trembled his fingers and typed in the answer box, Rising Sun Supermarket.

That supermarket has an Asahi word in it, so he remembers it well.

Question 2. What is the name of the little girl we picked up?

The little girl they picked up on the way to the barracks was a little afraid of him from the beginning, to the timid, to get close, and later, in a naive tone, asked them, "Are you my parents?"

This little girl, who lived with them for a few months, was so good-hearted that it was distressing. He was used to her existence. The three of them lived in the eyes of others, a happy family of three.

Think about the bits and pieces of three people living together for a few months. His nose was a little sore.

After a while, he typed his name in the answer, Yao Yao.

Question 3. Do you love me?

Seeing the third question, he froze, looked at the screen, and sat there idly.

After half a minute, the screen went dark automatically.

He still didn't move.

I don't know how long it has been, a beep, the screen lights up, and a line is displayed on it> Luo Xiyun: What are you doing?

After a while, the screen went dark again.

In front of his eyes was Bai Jinxuan's heartbreaking face, and Luo Xiyun's brilliant smile when he left in the morning.

The two faces flashed alternately. He felt his head was about to explode. He lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. The pain in his face, why did he want me to make such a cruel choice?


"Chen Xu."

"Can you open the door?"

"I forgot my cherry."

Chen Ziqi's voice came from the door.

Chen Xu didn't respond, and the door calmed down.

After a while, the knock sounded again, "Chen Xu, that's my cell phone inside."

Chen Xu took a long breath, sat up, and opened the door.

Chen Ziqi pushed the chair into the door, and quietly swiped at the mobile phone in his hand. He couldn't help seeing anything, and he could not help but grinned.

Chen Xu didn't bother her and lay back on the bed.

She pushed the chair back to her original position, picked up the plate and cell phone with cherries, and froze there, just don't leave.

"Why don't you go?" Chen Xu lay there, without looking at her suddenly.

She was startled. "Uh ... uh, you're hungry, otherwise, let's go out and eat something."

Chen Xu sat up from the bed and asked her, "If two men show up at the same time, one has just promised him. The other can give you everything for you. Which one will you choose?"

Chen Ziqi pushed the chair over, sat in front of him, thought for a while, and said, "Then I choose the first one."


Chen Ziqi said, "The second man, after giving up everything, doesn't it have nothing? Although I am very moved, but I feel that I owe him too much and be too tired to be with him. Moreover, he has nothing. Nothing can be given to me. Why should I be with him? "

Chen Xu frowned, thinking for a while, thinking that she was looking at the problem from a female perspective, and put it another way, "What if you are a man? Now there are two women in front of you."

Chen Ziqi thought for a while, his face became tangled, and said, "Are you going to choose one? If I were a man, I would have both."

Chen Xu looked at her, sighed, and said, "Ask you for nothing."

"You just asked in vain. Do you think I don't understand? Choose one, and at most the other is sad. If you choose both, then in the future, all three will be injured."

Chen Ziqi said persuasively, "But have you ever thought about it, Bai Jinxuan is a big star and a traffic star, and the contract is in the hands of the brokerage company, she is not free. Do you think she can leave the circle if she wants to leave? Silly. You ca n’t understand your arms but your thighs. Do you dare the capital behind her? Capital teaches you how to be a human. You can only be underground lover at most. ”

"How busy is she at work, do you know? You are really together, how many times can you meet in a year? Have you thought about these?"

"Brother, you are a man, you have to have the courage to bear it. For you, everyone has cut everything out. What else do you want? Be brave, and if you want to be, you will be a free and easy man."

Chen Xu waved and said, "Hurry out."

"Gee." Chen Ziqi jumped off the chair and left the room.

Chen Xu picked up the phone ~ ~ woke the screen, opened QQ, took a deep breath, and entered the answer, "I don't know."

He really didn't know that when he said love, he was lying to her. Say no, that's lie to yourself.

After clicking Send, he switched to WeChat and responded to Luo Xiyun, "I just came back after watching the house."

Then, he stood up, walked to the bathroom downstairs, washed his face, and walked out, looking at the busy noodle shop, the depression in his chest seemed to dissipate.

What will happen in the future, he doesn't know, he doesn't want to care so much.

PS: This is the second change today. Immediately after the completion of more than 800 kilometers, I have a headache. Anyway, there is no way to code today, tomorrow's update is uncertain, it may be late at night.

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