My empire of stars

Chapter 93 Sneak Attack

"Full salvo! Missiles launched, fighter planes took off!" Huo Yun drew out his command knife and shouted.

The missile launch bays on both sides of the imperial warship opened one after another, and tens of thousands of missiles followed the red beam and flew towards the Yinbeqi guards.

The hatch of the transport ship disguised as a battleship following behind also opened at this time, and space fighters flew out of the cargo bay of the transport ship, following the missiles and flying towards the enemy formation...

The commander of Yinbeqi said calmly in the face of danger:

"The space station target drone and decoy bombs are released! The close-in defense cannon begins to precharge! The fighter plane takes off!"

The armor of the Yinbeqi space station slowly opened to both sides, and countless drones swarmed out and flew towards the imperial missile group in the distance.

From the airport at the rear of the space station, fighter planes flew out with flames spraying out, arcing through the air towards the Imperial fleet.

Skoda is a Parker who has been a slave since the defeat of the Parker Alliance a year ago.

However, after coming into contact with the game "Fantasy", his fate changed. With his talent and intelligence, he stood out from the billions of Parkers and became one of the top 1,000 Parkers in just eight months.

As a result, he got rid of his status as a slave and joined the Empire's "Assistant Air Force" brigade.

This kind of auxiliary air force is widely used by the empire to serve as a vanguard force in space battles with very high mortality, and is used to consume the enemy's manpower and elite pilots. The empire's elite pilots will participate in the landing battle after the ground firepower is cleared.

Skoda pushed the control stick lightly, controlling the fighter plane to fly under a huge Imperial destroyer and pounce towards the enemy fleet.

As the rain of missiles launched by the Empire collided with the enemy's target drones and decoy bombs, a dazzling white light erupted in the distant starry sky. The "wall of light" formed by the explosion blocked the sight of both the Empire and the Inbeki Alliance.

The screen in front of Skoda automatically dimmed to filter out the dazzling light. He pulled the trigger in his hand. Experience told him that behind the light screen there must be an enemy plane following him.

As expected, after the explosion disappeared, hundreds of Yinbeqi fighters passed through the dust cloud composed of missile fragments and powder, greeted the fleet, and hit the flying cannon shells head-on.

The shields of several fighter planes did not last long before they were broken, rolling and exploding into a ball of sparks in space.

Skoda waved his fist and got three more points! It won't take long to save up five points to move the family into a luxury apartment.

Not to be outdone, Yinbeqi's fighter planes accelerated towards the Empire's fighter planes. The high-speed railgun under the nose of the plane continuously sprayed metal warheads and fired at the Skoda fighter planes.

The right engine of the Skoda fighter suddenly ejected a burst of blue light, and the fighter rolled in the air to avoid the incoming shells.

However, the rolling delayed the Skoda fighter plane's movement, and the enemy fighter plane had already taken the opportunity to follow his fighter plane.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Skoda yelled and accelerated the fighter plane to fly forward, but the two enemy fighter planes also clung to him, and strings of shells flashed past his fighter plane.

Skoda turned his head and glanced at the radar on the side, turned around and flew towards the imperial fleet.

The imperial fleet was approaching the Yinbeqi Alliance's space station at high speed. In a moment, it entered the effective attack range of the ship-borne beam cannon, and beams of red light violently shot towards the Yinbeqi defense fleet in the distance.

Skoda seized the opportunity and flew past the muzzle of a frigate. After he flew past, the red light of the frigate's beam cannon shot forward, and the following Yinbeqi fighter jet could no longer dodge. Hit the launching beam.

The entire fighter plane was vaporized by the huge beam of light, and another Yinbeqi fighter plane that was following it quickly raised its fuselage when it saw something was wrong, narrowly passing by the red beam of light.

Before the pilot of the fighter plane could breathe a sigh of relief, an imperial frigate flew out from the right side of it, and its huge hull smashed the fighter plane into a ball of fireworks.

Skoda waved its fist again, and got two more points. Here comes the luxury apartment~

Suddenly, railgun shells struck the Imperial fleet with tail marks. Skoda, who was shaking his fists, had no time to dodge the fighter plane, and the shells grazed his fighter plane.

The flying fighter plane was instantly torn in half by the strong impact of the shell. Fortunately, the automatic ejection system had launched the cockpit into space before the plane exploded.

Skoda looked at his fighter plane that exploded into a pile of fragments with tears in his eyes. Three points flew away from him, and the luxury apartment he wanted waved away from him...

At this time, Huo Yun was not having a good time. Ever since the enemy discovered that all the warships were always guarding his warship, they focused a lot of firepower on his ship.

Although he stopped the protective behavior of each ship in time, the enemy seemed to have targeted him and had no intention of letting his ship go.

Another vibration came, and several railgun rounds once again bombarded the flagship's shield. This slight vibration originated from the resonance generated by the overload of dozens of shield generators scattered throughout the ship's hull.

"Our shield loss exceeds 98%. We may not be able to survive the next wave of attacks. At that time, we will have to rely on armor to resist." A crew member reported anxiously.

"Artificial gravity is turned off. Everyone turns on the magnetic adsorption on the power armor's feet, grasps the bulges, and prepares to meet the enemy's electromagnetic railgun attack." Huo Yun pressed the button on the seat twice, and the staff in the battleship slowly Slowly floated into the air.

As the armored boots on everyone's feet flashed with blue light, everyone was firmly attached to the ground again.

A few minutes later, thousands of orbital cannonballs once again streaked across the starry sky and plunged into the Imperial fleet. Although the Imperial warships were already evading irregularly, a huge number of orbital cannonballs still hit the hulls of many warships.

Dozens of transport ships disguised as battleships, because their shields and armor were far less powerful than battleships, only lasted for a few milliseconds before being turned into a pile of scrap metal by orbital artillery shells carrying huge kinetic energy.

Huo Yun's flagship once again became the target of enemy fire, with hundreds of artillery shells flying towards it.

Although they tried their best to avoid it, five shells still hit the battleship shield one after another.

"Shields broken!" a crew member yelled.

Huge vibrations and deafening distortions were heard. Huo Yun's flagship was penetrated with four huge holes, and the entire hull was slightly distorted.

Fortunately, it did not hit the reactor and did not cause a fatal explosion.

At this time, the outer reaches of the Comanche Galaxy

A huge Yinbeqi fleet flew out of hyperspace and flew towards the orbit of Comanche. The Imperial probe hidden in the starry sky immediately transmitted the news back to the Imperial Third Fleet.

Don't guess what the author is going to write next, just watch it quietly, haha. Please collect and recommend.

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