My empire of stars

Chapter 92 Declaration of War

Note: Starting from this chapter, "light cruiser" is renamed "frigate"! !

A violent blue electric light suddenly appeared at the edge of the Waston galaxy, the border of the Yinbeqi Alliance.

In the observation station located on the edge of the Waston system, alarms rang throughout the base, and several urgent messages were transmitted to the planetary government on the Waston II star and the alliance's capital star.

At the same time as the electric light was generated, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Sith Empire sent a declaration of war to the Yinbeqi Alliance.

At the same time, he declared to neighboring countries that this war is just! A group of interstellar terrorists were hiding in the Yinbeqi Alliance, but the Yinbeqi Alliance protected them!

This behavior is extremely shameful! There is a price to pay! The dignity of the empire cannot be trampled upon!

But to the surprise of the Yinbeqi Alliance, after a flash of light appeared in the Manchiton galaxy, an ordinary transport ship jumped out...

In the energy cloud on the edge of the Comanche galaxy next to the Watson galaxy, a fleet consisting of hundreds of destroyers, hundreds of frigates, and thousands of transport ships disguised as battleships left hyperspace and entered the universe.

On the bridge of the flagship of this fleet, Huo Yun, who had been promoted to the commander of the Third Fleet, was sitting on the command seat, playing with the command knife in his hand.

There was a vibration, and the holographic screen on the battleship bridge changed from purple to a light yellow starry sky. The yellow nebula in the distance was clearly visible, reflecting the starry sky beautifully.

"Report! We have arrived at the Comanche Galaxy. The energy fog in the nebula has caused strong interference to our radar!" The crew member in charge of the spacecraft radar stood up and saluted Huo Yun to report.

"Send detectors around! Give us an early warning." Huo Yun put the command knife back into its sheath and stood up to order.

The warehouses of several destroyers in the fleet slowly opened, and hundreds of detectors flew around.

As the detector flew around in the bridge, the space around the spacecraft on the holographic screen gradually changed from a blur to a clear holographic image.

"No enemy found!"

"Very good, let's move towards the predetermined target." Huo Yun selected the target that had been explored before departure on the map in front of him: Comanche.

Comanche has a diameter of 11,963 kilometers. It has a thin atmosphere and a harsh climate. There is very little water on the planet. 90% of the planet's surface is covered with desert. The temperature difference is huge. The desert is extremely cold at night, but during the day it is cold under direct sunlight. It can reach extremely high temperatures and is basically an uninhabitable, barren planet.

But since the Inbeki Alliance discovered a prophet's ruins on the Comanche planet, several huge scientific research bases and space stations have been built here! There is even a small escort fleet in the orbital space station responsible for the security of this star field.

The empire's fleet was rapidly advancing towards Comanche, sending a large number of deep space probes along the way.

The beeping sirens sounded in the warships guarding the fleet in Imbage. The detector hidden in the meteorite discovered the imperial fleet approaching at high speed.

Dozens of Yinbeqi frigates ignited their propellers and slowly left the docked port.

In the Yinbeqi space station, the commander in charge of the guard fleet looked at the approaching red dots on the radar with a smile on his face.

"As expected by the think tank, the Sith Empire sent a decoy fleet. Let's have some fun with the Sith Empire."

The Yinbeqi escort fleet that left the airport did not leave, but surrounded and guarded the space station.

The Imperial fleet is getting closer and closer to Comanche, and the pale yellow star of Comanche is faintly visible.

The Imperial fleet began to change formations, with dozens of destroyers remaining in the middle of the formation, and frigates moving to the wings of the fleet.

"General, we will reach the orbit of Comanche in fifteen minutes." A crew member in the Imperial flagship reported.

Huo Yun nodded:

"All weapons are charged, regardless of damage or accuracy. Launch a salvo outside the range to disrupt the enemy's formation."

"As commanded."

The turrets of the battleships in the imperial fleet began to glow with a faint red light, and the guns were pointed at the Yinbeqi escort fleet in the distance.

Zhi... The sound of computer-simulated beam cannon firing sounded in the battleship, and red beams shot towards the Yinbeqi battleship in the distance.

Looking at the incoming beam of light, Commander Imbechi was not fooled.

"Don't move all warships. There won't be much power left after this ultra-long-range launch of the beam cannon. Use your shield to carry it over."

The Yinbeqi fleet no longer panicked, but increased the power of the shield, and streaks of blue light flashed across the battleship armor.

Countless red beams arrived in the blink of an eye and hit the Yinbeqi fleet. The Yinbeqi battleship's shield appeared in the attack, and a blue light film covered the battleship armor.

"The shield loss rate is 11%! It is expected to be restored in five minutes!" the soldier reported to the fleet commander on the side.

Commander Yinbeiqi nodded with satisfaction and ordered:

"Command the space station weapons to start charging, and the fleet to make irregular maneuvers around the space station, and not to leave the protection range of the space station."

"Yes," the soldier saluted and turned to leave.

Yinbeqi's space station turret slowly turned towards the direction of the Imperial fleet. Unlike the Empire, Yinbeqi used kinetic energy weapons, namely electromagnetic railguns.

Different from the empire's vigorous development of energy weapons, the Inbeqi Alliance did not choose to develop energy weapons. Instead, it developed the rail gun to a new height, giving it more destructive power than beam weapons. It only needs energy storage and cooling. The time has been extended a lot.

A few minutes later, the Imperial fleet entered the range of the rail gun, and metal warheads flew out of the gun barrel and attacked the Imperial fleet.

"Open the shield and prepare for the impact!" Huo Yun commanded calmly.

Through the holographic screen, everyone saw hundreds of "meteors" flying from the direction of Comanche. In the blink of an eye, these meteors hit the battleship's shield.

Huge vibrations were heard, and the alarms in the ship kept ringing. Fortunately, although the rail gun was extremely destructive, the shield had restraint properties. However, it would be more miserable if armor were used to resist such kinetic energy weapons.

"The frigates are moving forward, and other warships should not move to lure the enemy out of the protection range of the space station." Huo Yun ordered.

The frigates on both wings immediately separated a small part and flew towards the Yinbeqi guarding fleet, launching beams of light in a tempting manner.

Commander Yinbeqi looked at the time and nodded with satisfaction:

"Okay, send a distress signal to the headquarters and send the escort fleet out to deal with it."

"As you command!"

An encrypted signal is sent from Comanche Space Station to the stars...

Inside the Imperial flagship.

"General, the enemy has sent a distress signal!"

"Very good. When the enemy's support fleet arrives, our mission will be completed. Let each warship charge the hyperspace engine in advance. If the enemy's main force appears, we will withdraw from the Comanche system." Huo Yun said with satisfaction.

The power went out while I was typing last night! ! But for the sake of so many friends who support me, I couldn't stop updating, so I had to go to the Internet cafe to catch up all night... Woo hoo, the author's curse: becoming an author will inevitably lead to a power outage!

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