My empire of stars

Chapter 714 Capture alive

At this time, the Imperial Fleet had discovered the exposed federal headquarters safe house.

Ten white dwarf warships rushed towards the safe house under Li Mingze's order, smashing all the meteorites blocking the way.

In more than ten minutes, these ten white dwarf warships had arrived and hovered next to the safe house, and the turrets on the warships were all aimed at the exposed metal doors of the safe house.

At this time, several federal soldiers wearing power armor came to a closed air-tight door.

Originally, there was a natural underground tunnel behind this door, leading to a natural cave. After just experiencing such a big shock, I didn't know if the tunnel behind the door was still there.

Several soldiers turned on all the searchlights on the power armor and pointed them at the air-tight door.

One of them stepped forward and entered the password on the console nearby. With the sound of exhaust, an airtight room used to isolate the safe house from the outside world appeared in front of everyone.

After several soldiers entered the airlock room, the airlock door behind them closed heavily, and all the air in the room was evacuated.

A few seconds later, the last alloy door in front of them made a sound of metal friction, but there was no sign of opening. The reminder light on the side suddenly flashed red.

"It seems that the earthquake just caused the outer door to be squeezed and deformed. We need to cut it open." A soldier frowned while looking at the flashing warning light on the side.

The two soldiers on the side immediately took out the maintenance cutting knife from behind, pointed it at the alloy door and inserted it.

Due to the need to protect the safety of the safe house, this alloy door is several meters thick and is not easy to cut.

A full twenty minutes passed before a small hole was cut into the alloy door that could accommodate one person.

Several soldiers stretched out their feet and kicked the cylindrical alloy block out of the door.

Through the hole cut in the alloy door, the soldiers finally saw the scene outside.

"This" several soldiers opened their mouths in surprise through the round hole. What faced them was the barrel of the secondary gun of a white dwarf star battleship, which was more than ten meters in diameter.

"Sir, I think our current situation is a little bad." A soldier switched to the communication channel and said vaguely.

"What's going on? Turn on the video communication and let us take a look." The officer who sent them out suddenly had an ominous premonition.

The soldier who was talking on the phone obediently turned on the camera on the power armor and transmitted the picture back to the headquarters.

"This..." The officer who saw the picture also opened his mouth in shock.

"What happened!" A general frowned and grabbed the terminal from the officer's hand.

"Hurry up and put it on the big screen!" The other generals shouted at this general.

The general holding the terminal in his hand nodded silently and shared the video communication on the big screen in the middle of the conference room.

Many generals in the conference room stared dumbly at the gun barrel facing the safe house in the video and an entire silver Imperial battleship behind the gun barrel.

"Shouldn't we be underground?" a general asked in disbelief.

"Yes, we are underground, but now the satellite has been blown to pieces!" The general holding the terminal replied bitterly.

In the lens, countless rocks are suspended behind the imperial warship, while hundreds or thousands of kilometers away, fragments of half of the satellite are quietly hanging in the universe, and the cracked sections are illuminated by the light of stars. Extremely bright.

Judging from these small gravels and the huge white fragment, it was concluded that the satellite they were hiding in must have been broken into several pieces.

So their safe house hidden in the center of the planet was exposed to the universe.

As for the imperial warships outside, there would be trouble if the empire didn't send warships after discovering the exposed safe house.

"What should we do?" The faces of the generals in the conference room were full of despair. Now the safe house has been surrounded by the opponent's warships. If they and others do not surrender, the result will be obvious!

At this moment, the Empire's White Dwarf battleship suddenly fired several cannonballs at the safe house.

The sudden flying shells frightened several federal soldiers who were in a daze at the door and hurriedly rolled and crawled to the end of the room.

The generals in the conference room were also shocked. They thought the empire wanted to kill them all.

But after a while, they suddenly discovered that these shells had not detonated, and they were still living well in this world.

"What did the Empire just launch?" Several generals looked at each other in confusion. They now felt that as long as it was a cannonball launched by the Empire, the smaller the initial movement, the more violent the storm would come later.

Tens of seconds later, dozens of heavily armed clone troopers suddenly appeared in the conference room of the safe house.

"Raise your hands above your heads!" The clone troopers put their rifles on the heads of these generals.

Seeing these imperial soldiers suddenly appearing, the federal generals and officers instantly lost their will to resist and obediently raised their hands above their heads.

"We surrender. As senior generals of the Federation, we demand to enjoy the corresponding level of preferential treatment!" A general said calmly to the soldiers of the empire.

"No problem, as long as you obediently tell us the information you know, you will naturally enjoy the treatment you deserve." A clone replied coldly.

After saying that, the soldiers handcuffed the generals and officers and escorted them to the airlock room leading outside the safe house.

At this time, the empire's battleships gradually moved closer to the safe house. A freely retractable connecting bridge stretched out from the battleship and was attached to the alloy door of the safe house.

With a burst of exhaust sound, the airlock and the covered bridge were filled with air.

The imperial soldiers escorted a federal officer from the covered bridge back to the imperial battleship.

These generals and officers were not very strict with their mouths. In just a few hours, they revealed all the information they knew.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the empire directly extracted the memory of an officer in front of them and turned the officer into a fool.

At the same time, the data obtained from the safe house was also integrated into the command system by the empire. Now all military deployments and patrol tracks along the entire federal defense line are controlled by the empire.

At this time, good news came from all the imperial fleets attacking the other four nodes. The remaining four fleets of the empire had wiped out all the enemy fleets at these four important nodes and were moving horizontally towards other star systems on the defense line.

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