My empire of stars

Chapter 713 The command headquarters exposed in the meteorite rain

Silver columnar buildings finally rose on the surface of the satellite that was originally disguised as an uninhabited satellite.

Then a blue light curtain rose from the surface of the satellite, protecting the satellite firmly.

Li Mingze looked at the planet covered by the light blue shield on the holographic screen with some amusement. He had long discovered that there was something wrong with this satellite, and he did not attack the planet in order to save ammunition.

Unexpectedly, these people from the Federation finally couldn't bear it and exposed themselves!

"Let's see what secrets are hidden on this satellite!" Li Mingze touched his chin and fell into silence.

A few minutes later, huge cracks suddenly appeared on the surfaces of the five planets in the entire star system, and red magma rolled out from under the ground.

Accompanied by violent explosions, the fortress cannons standing on the surface of these planets collapsed in flames and fell to the ground.

Some fortress cannons were directly engulfed by magma with the movement of the plates, and they disappeared without a few bubbles.

The bases on these five planets seemed to be in hell. Magma and explosions swallowed up these towering fortress cannons, and the bases buried deep underground had already collapsed and buried in the earthquake.

In a few tens of seconds, the surfaces of these planets were submerged by magma, and at this time, they could no longer suppress the violent energy raging inside, and the five planets suddenly exploded.

Some spaceships and warships that wanted to escape from the planets had just flown out of the atmosphere of these planets when they were hit by the high-temperature liquid material ejected by the explosion of the planets behind them.

In a flash of explosion, they merged with the planets again! At this moment, the horror of nature was fully displayed. The antimatter explosion was only the fuse of the planetary explosion, and what was really released was its internal power.

In an instant, it seemed that five small suns appeared in the entire star system. The five planets that were adjusted in orbit for human reasons illuminated the entire starry sky.

The satellite where the Federal Defense Command was located in the orbit of one of the planets naturally could not escape the aftermath of the explosion.

A large amount of planetary material was ejected into the surrounding space, and the satellites that were very close to the planets were naturally the first to be hit.

After a period of flight, these materials began to cool down and turned into meteorites that hit the planetary shield of the satellite.

Suddenly, the planetary shield began to stir up blue ripples like a pond in the rain, and these meteorites hit the shield and immediately became shattered and spread.

As the number of meteorites increased, the planetary shield on the surface of the satellite gradually began to fail.

Although the speed of these meteorites did not reach sub-light speed, there were too many of them!

After just a few dozen seconds, the planetary shield could not hold on and turned into star points and disappeared.

The metal umbrella-shaped shield generator erected on the surface of the satellite also began to disintegrate in the explosion.

The satellite that lost its shield could only rely on the anti-aircraft guns that had just been raised to defend against the asteroids that hit it.

However, there were too many fragments produced by the planetary explosion, and these anti-aircraft guns had no time to intercept these "meteor showers" that were as dense as walls.

A few seconds later, the air defense facilities on the ground were submerged by meteorites, and the satellite's uneven surface was hit by these meteorites and formed large pits one after another.

The Federal Defense Command, hiding dozens of kilometers underground in the satellite, instantly felt the strong shock from above.

The generals and soldiers in the base hurriedly took the elevator in the center of the base and continued to descend deep underground.

Deep in the satellite thousands of kilometers away, there is a safe house protected by heavy armor.

This safe house is exactly where the generals and soldiers are heading.

Amid the violent vibrations caused by the impact, the elevator finally arrived at this safe house.

The heavy alloy door immediately sealed the elevator shaft completely, and the generals in the elevator breathed a sigh of relief.

It was really too scary just now. Because they were too close to the ground, they could hear the heavy impact every time a meteorite fell on the base!

Every time the impact sounded, it was like someone knocked a hammer on their chest! It made them panic.

Now in the safe house 1,800 kilometers deep underground, the sound of the impact from outside has become almost inaudible. The vibration generated by the impact has been transmitted in the rock layer for so long that it has consumed all the energy. This safe house can no longer feel the existence of the vibration.

Just when the generals thought they were safe, several huge planetary fragments with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers suddenly rushed out from the meteorite group in the starry sky outside the satellite, and all the meteorites blocking the way were smashed to pieces.

These huge planetary fragments have suffered more impact from the center of the earth, so although they were ejected from the planet last, they absorbed the most energy and their speed became faster.

In addition, there is no resistance in the universe, and these large pieces of planetary fragments are faster than those small meteorites.

One of the planetary fragments happened to be right in front of the satellite that had just turned!

However, the generals and soldiers in the safe house did not know that a super-large fragment was hitting them not far away. Because of the meteorite shower, they have now lost all their orbital equipment and external observation equipment. Now they are like blind people who know nothing about the outside world.

Under the gaze of Li Mingze and other imperial people, this huge planetary fragment crashed directly into the arms of the satellite where the federal command headquarters was located.

Along with gray dust flying all over the sky, the entire satellite began to crack bit by bit under the impact of the impact.

Tens of seconds later, the entire satellite shattered into three huge pieces of debris, with countless huge rocks in the middle.

At this time, in the safe house inside the satellite, the general and soldiers suddenly heard a loud noise that penetrated their eardrums.

Then they felt a violent vibration that they had never experienced before! Accompanying the vibration was the sound of the alloy armor twisting outside the safe room.

"What happened!" a general asked in horror.

"I don't know what happened! But the armor outside our safe house just suffered an extremely powerful impact, and now the armor outside has been completely deformed!"

"I have sent soldiers to several exits to check the situation outside. Soon we will know what is happening outside!" An officer hurriedly explained to the generals sitting there.

If you look outside the safe house, you will find that the safe house, which was originally buried deep under the satellite, was shattered by the satellite, and now most of the body is exposed in space.

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