My empire of stars

Chapter 708 All-out Attack

Before five o'clock the next morning, five fleets from the empire quietly arrived in front of the Spiral Federation's defense line.

The five fleets entered the stealth state early, and at the same time they also hid on the back of the planet facing away from the Spiral Federation.

The huge size of the planet blocked the Imperial fleet from scanning from the Federation, and the Federation did not detect the quietly approaching Imperial fleet at all.

As soon as six o'clock arrived, the piercing alarm bells sounded on each imperial warship, and all the captains invariably lowered their heads and looked at the holographic screen in front of them.

"Six o'clock has arrived, all imperial fleets launch an attack!" The voices of the commanders of each fleet were transmitted into the minds of each captain and crew through the spiritual network.

Since in this universe, Imperial citizens from other universes cannot truly die, all positions in the Imperial fleet have been replaced by natural people instead of clones.

Before setting off, these crew members had left behind new bodies cloned from their genes. If they died in battle, they would be returned to their new bodies after the Empire retrieved them.

After receiving the order, the imperial soldiers began to take control on the console in front of them, and the imperial warships rushed out from the back of the planet in a neat formation.

"Leap into hyperspace!" All the Imperial warships disappeared into the universe after a flash.

At this time, the Federation's scanner finally found traces of the Imperial fleet. All the resting Federation soldiers were awakened by the siren and quickly returned to their respective posts.

All fortresses and fortresses on the federal defense line have also entered the highest alert state, and the federal fleet has also taken off from the port.

"We just scanned abnormal gravity fluctuations in the star system in front of the defense line."

"The fleet of the Sith Empire has probably appeared on the outside of our defense line. All soldiers are ordered to be vigilant at all times. The fleet of the Empire may come at any time!" The person in charge of the federal defense line looked extremely serious. The Sith Empire is going to fight with Are they at full war?

However, because the Imperial warships were equipped with hyperspace signal shielding devices, the Imperial fleet's leap into hyperspace was not discovered by the Federation.

While the Federation was still thinking about when the Imperial fleet would launch an attack on their defense lines, four Imperial fleets suddenly appeared in the starry sky.

The silver battleships are densely arranged together, and from a distance it looks like a silver square shield.

"The Imperial Fleet has appeared!" The unprepared federal soldiers roared and controlled their respective forts to turn in the direction of the Imperial Fleet.

Among the flagships of various squadrons in the empire, the commanders were unusually calm.

"The white dwarf warships took the lead at the front of the fleet, forming a shield formation to protect the ordinary Zeus-class warships behind!" Following the commanders' orders, the white dwarf warships suddenly approached each other, and the warships formed a huge shield next to each other.

The Zeus-class battleships following the white dwarf-star battleships formed a long formation and hid behind the "shield" composed of white dwarf-star battleships.

The soldiers of the Federation were overjoyed when they saw this. They thought that the Empire planned to rely on the battleship as a shield and forcefully rush through their defense line!

The federal soldiers couldn't help but sneered. It was not easy to commit suicide in this way. Originally, if the imperial fleet dispersed, their weapons might not be able to hit the opponent accurately.

But now the opponent's warships are actually gathered together, especially the 10,000 warships at the beginning, forming a shield with almost no gaps!

Their weapons can hit an enemy ship by simply aiming at this shield. I really don't know what the other party's commander is thinking.

Of course, this group of ignorant Federation soldiers didn't know the powerful defense capabilities of the White Dwarf warship.

When the Federation's unmanned forts and fortresses aimed their weapons at the "target" composed of Imperial battleships, countless shells and beams flew towards the Imperial fleet's shield.

These tens of millions of attacks gathered together were like a huge ball of light that was speeding and flashing towards the imperial fleet.

However, because the cannonballs and beams flew too fast, before the Imperial soldiers could see clearly, these attacks had already hit the shield formed by the Imperial warships.

Countless explosions bloomed on the shield composed of the white dwarf warships at the front of the Imperial fleet like water splashing on a lake in a storm.

In an instant, a dazzling light enveloped all the white dwarf warships, and the huge energy released by the attack interfered with the scanning of the federal scanners.

The people on the federal defense line had no way of knowing the current status of the imperial fleet except for seeing the huge flashing light group.

However, judging from the brilliant light and shadow effects produced by the attack, the warship responsible for acting as a shield in the Imperial Fleet must be in serious danger!

"Prepare for the second salvo immediately!" The person in charge of the federal defense line did not relax his vigilance, but ordered all units to immediately cool down their weapons and prepare for the second salvo.

After a few seconds, the strong light generated by the attack gradually dimmed, and the seemingly intact Imperial fleet rushed out of the light. The outer shells of the 10,000 Imperial warships at the head were still so shiny.

"I knew it would be like this! The second salvo!" The head of the federal defense line gritted his teeth and squeezed the words out of his mouth.

They have long heard about the defensive capabilities of the battleships called the Sith Empire.

Information from the defense lines that were attacked by the Imperial fleet showed that the armor equipped by the Sith Empire fleet seemed to be able to withstand attacks thousands of times its number.

And the opponent can not only withstand the next volley, but can withstand at least three volleys!

So the Federation's unmanned batteries and forts fired a second salvo as soon as they saw that the Imperial fleet was intact.

This time it was still the same as the salvo just now. Countless cannonballs and beams hit the approaching Imperial fleet.

After a burst of dazzling light, the Imperial fleet once again rushed out of the light intact. Their volleys were like water columns stuck on the wall, unable to cause any harm to the Imperial fleet at all!

"Don't stop attacking! The opponent seems to be unable to attack because it is in a defensive state. They are still far away from us. We must take this opportunity to attack them! I don't believe we can't cripple it!" The person in charge of the federal defense line hated it. Hate the truth.

At this time, the third salvo was fired again, and at the same time, the federal fleet also arrived at the side of the Imperial fleet, preparing to launch a side attack on the Imperial fleet.

In the Imperial fleet at this time, the captain of the white dwarf warship frowned as he looked at the red dimensional armor endurance progress bar in front of him.

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