My empire of stars

Chapter 707 Preparations before total war

"Your Majesty, you don't dare to take it, you don't take it, this is what I should do!" General Fan waved his hand hurriedly.

He didn't feel any discomfort because Li Mingze called him Xiaofan. As the first batch of new humans artificially cultivated by the empire, he was much younger than Li Mingze.

Therefore, it is natural for Li Mingze to call him Xiaofan, even though he is much younger than him because he enjoys all the scientific research and medical care in the empire.

But everyone knows that His Majesty is already over 400 years old and almost 500 years old.

"The empire's next battle in this spiral river system will need you, a veteran who is familiar with them, to guide you."

"I appoint you as the strategic guidance specialist of the Imperial Expeditionary Fleet." Li Mingze stepped forward and patted General Fan on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! I will never disappoint Your Majesty's expectations!" General Fan hurriedly gave another military salute in surprise and swore loudly.

"Also, all the officers who have participated in the battle with the Spiral Civilization have been dispersed and assigned to various squadrons. They have combat experience with the Spiral Federation, which should help each squadron avoid detours!" Li Mingze set his sights on those who followed him. The officer behind General Van.

Although these officers were transformed from clones and had extremely short lifespans, they were able to contribute their last strength to the empire before their lifespan ran out, so they were not brought into this world in vain.

Until now, these officers still don't know that they are actually just clones. Their perfect memories make them think that they are normal citizens of the empire.

"Come and tell me about the current situation in this river system." Li Mingze said to General Fan, and led General Fan to the hologram.

General Fan looked at the blank hologram with some helplessness. The clone he was currently in did not have a spiritual linker installed in his body, so he could not see the hidden message on the hologram through the spiritual linker.

"Put on these glasses." Li Mingze gestured with his eyes, and an officer beside him handed a pair of glasses to General Fan.

The other officers also received a pair of glasses each.

When they put on their glasses, data suspended on the river map appeared in front of their eyes.

"Your Majesty, the Spiral Federation has now set up its defense line on an entire vertical plane from this star system to this star system." General Fan said as he clicked on two points on the hologram, and then placed the two Hundreds of star systems between the points are connected together to form a network-like plane.

"The Spiral Federation has filled this defense line with unmanned forts and space fortresses."

"Even if our advance fleet is equipped with letter crystal armor, it will not be able to survive the simultaneous attacks of so many unmanned forts and fortress guns!"

"Moreover, the number of the opponent's turrets is still increasing, and it seems that the opponent is still filling more turrets inside."

"At the same time, according to the intelligence we have obtained, the enemy has deployed its fleet to four important nodes of this defense line as a mobile force. As long as any place is attacked, these warships will rush over to support."

"But the number of these warships is not very large, only half a million." General Fan didn't know about the super fleet that the Federation was gathering, so he only revealed the information he knew.

"No, it's impossible for this Spiral Federation to only have so few warships! You must know that the other party is a super federation that spans the entire river system."

"What's more, the other party has been around much longer than us. They can't only have such a small amount of money! The other party must have more warships hidden!" Li Mingze held his chin and said in a deep voice. His sixth sense told him that this Spiral Federation was There must be some hidden conspiracy!

"We have launched one million detectors capable of leaping into the territory of the Spiral Federation. Of these one million detectors, 10,000 can enter a stealth state to avoid federal scanning."

"However, it will take a lot of time for all of these detectors to reach their predetermined positions. We have to wait for them to send back messages before we can know the specific military deployment of the federation!" General Fan explained aloud. Now these detectors have advanced several times. Thousands of light years, the latest actions of the Federation within these thousands of light years have been grasped by the empire.

But what is more suspicious is that after advancing to such a deep distance of thousands of light-years, there is no trace of the Federation's large-scale fleet in so many star systems discovered!

This is absolutely abnormal. It is impossible for anyone to not send a fleet to defend against possible attacks in the face of a strong enemy.

Even if the federation believes that its defense lines can block the imperial fleet, it is impossible not to send fleets to garrison in these star systems.

This shows one thing, that is, the fleets in these star systems have been mobilized to other places. The other party is gathering their forces together, planning to defeat the empire's fleet at once!

However, the participating countries of the Spiral Federation are destined to be disappointed. The imperial fleet is no longer an advance fleet with more than 70,000 warships.

The empire's large forces have passed through the portal and arrived in this river system!

"After tonight, tomorrow at 6 a.m. Sith star time, launch a full-scale attack on the federal defense line!" Li Mingze turned his attention to the hologram of the river system in front of him and ordered in a deep voice.

No matter what conspiracies the Spiral Federation has, these conspiracies and machinations are pale and powerless in the face of the absolute power of the empire!

"All the empire's warships are divided into five squadrons! Each squadron is composed of 10,000 white dwarf star warships as the main force, and carries two million Zeus-class warships."

"And the Fortress will follow the First Squadron to launch an attack in the middle of this defense line!"

"At six o'clock tomorrow morning, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th squadrons will launch a surprise attack on the enemy's four important node star systems first."

"Half an hour later in the evening, the First Fleet will launch a surprise attack to the center of the defense line." Li Mingze pointed on the hologram.

All his orders were recorded and fed back on the holographic screen. At the same time, the captains of the empire's battleships also received the latest orders through the spiritual network.

The imperial fleet that was originally gathered together began to disperse into five fleets.

The First Fleet, where the Empire's flagship Fortress was located, stayed in front of the portal.

"The original advance fleet was responsible for guarding the portal. In about five hours, a group of old-fashioned warships from the empire will arrive from the portal to provide support." Li Mingze remembered something and said to the new commander of the advance fleet.

The original advance fleet was not disbanded, but after all the officers were replaced, it became the defense fleet responsible for garrisoning the base camp.

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