My empire of stars

Chapter 57 Fatal Mistake

In the first fleet responsible for escorting asteroids

Liu Yi was sitting on the command seat, and suddenly sirens sounded in the bridge.

"Sir, hyperspace fluctuations have been detected in front of the fleet! A ship is coming out!" A soldier shared the information on the battleship's big screen.

"Charge all weapons! If the enemy appears, attack!" Liu Yi ordered with mental alertness.

Ten minutes later, a transport ship appeared in the starry sky. The shipboard computer, which had already aimed at the space exit, detected the presence of a target and immediately launched all the charged weapons! and store energy for the next launch.

"No!!" The captains of each battleship had no time to stop them. They could only see this mentally retarded AI putting all weapons in a cool down state.

Liu Yi suddenly slapped the armrest:

"No! This is the enemy's strategy. They learned the tactics we first used when we raided the old capital system of the Parker Alliance! The enemy's fleet is coming out soon! Let all ships be prepared to be attacked!"

Sure enough, when the transport ship was dissolved into slag by the weapons fired from each ship, a huge fleet appeared on the spot!

But at this time, the main weapons of each ship are still charging!

Liu Yi shouted: "Quick! Each ship launches missiles! Spread out to avoid at the same time!"

He never expected that the originally slow Parker Alliance army would respond so quickly this time! , which is one day ahead of the time they used Tianyi calculations! And their reinforcements, the Second Fleet, are scheduled to open the hyperspace exit in a day and a half!

In other words, they must drag the enemy into a tug-of-war and hold the enemy until reinforcements arrive.

But the First Fleet used as a bait is still too weak because most of them are new recruits who lack actual combat experience! He didn't know if he could hold on until then!

All these mistakes were caused by the empire's wrong guessing about the enemy commander's personality model!

The attack time was originally calculated based on factors such as the character of the Plains Alliance commander Claude in the intelligence!

Unexpectedly, Claude committed suicide! The Alliance has replaced a younger and more radical commander, which greatly advances the dispatch time of the Alliance fleet!

The Alliance fleet did not immediately attack the scattered Imperial fleet. Instead, it sprayed red beams towards the asteroid. Countless beams of light shone on the outer rocks of the asteroid, plowing hundreds of holes. Gully, broken meteorite fragments flew out of it.

Liu suddenly became energetic. It seemed that the enemy was afraid of the asteroid base's emergency jump and escaped into hyperspace, and planned to destroy the asteroid first!

As long as the first wave of attacks is not directed at the first fleet! Then you still have a chance to make a comeback!

"Each battleship moves around to both wings, leaving the asteroid base in the middle free!"

The originally dispersed First Fleet instantly gathered and divided into two fleets, moving around the wings of the Alliance fleet.

Alliance fleet commander Barre ignored this at all. Getting rid of the asteroid is the first task!

"All warships, ignore the imperial warships on both sides! Approach the asteroid and open fire with all your strength! Cover the transport ship and drop nuclear weapons!" Barre ordered in a deep voice through the communicator, even if part of the warships were sacrificed, the asteroid must be destroyed.

Suddenly, the Alliance's warship's tail engine turned on full power and rushed towards the asteroid.

Countless beams of light hit the outer shell of the asteroid, and broken stone debris filled the space. As the asteroid continued to fly forward, it dragged a long tail behind it.

Barre had a headache when he saw that the asteroid's outer shell was so thick:

"Go behind the asteroid and take out its engine!"

At this time, the main weapon of the imperial fleet has been charged! The imperial fleets that flew to both wings of the Alliance aimed at the Alliance fleet and sprayed out rays of death.

Several Alliance light cruisers that were unable to dodge were broken into dozens of pieces by several red light beams, turning into bright fireworks in space.

However, because the Alliance fleet was already in the midst of irregular high-speed maneuvers, this salvo did not have the expected effect, but instead angered the Alliance fleet.

"Quickly deal with the asteroid! Then let's kill these nasty empire bugs!" Barre ordered fiercely.

In an instant, the alliance's fleet was desperately attacking the asteroid with all kinds of weapons.

"Sir! I found an open entrance behind the asteroid!" A captain reported to Barre excitedly.

"Then rush in and blow it up from the inside with fusion weapons!" Barre ordered.

"As you command!"

An Alliance warship that reached the tail of the asteroid turned around and drilled into the interior of the asteroid!

"Commander, the Alliance people have fallen into a trap. They discovered the trap we deliberately left!" the adjutant said to Liu with a sly smile.

That's right, the empire built a large number of beam cannons in the open hole. As long as a spaceship dares to rush in, it will be killed. Moreover, these beam cannons can also intercept missiles that want to fly in.

The reason why weapons are not installed on the outer shell of the asteroid is because the outer shell of the asteroid is too fragile. It only takes one round of enemy attacks to kill the external weapons. It is better to hide the evil people inside.

The deceived Alliance warship flew towards the open hole of the asteroid. As soon as it entered the hole, it was smashed into a pile of debris by the beam of light that hit it all over the face.

"Damn it, there's an ambush in the cave! All battleships focus their fire on the cave!"

The Alliance warship circled behind the asteroid, pouring deadly beams of light at the dark hole. After a while, bursts of explosive fire came from the hole.

Dozens of drones broke away from the battleship and flew towards the interior of the asteroid. This time they faced only a few scattered beams of light, which had little impact on the large number of drones. The empire's little calculation failed.

Soon the drone swarm sent the scanned information to the monitor in front of Barre.

"Well, it seems that the salvo just blasted the armor of the hyperspace engine room of this asteroid base, and their hyperspace engine can no longer be started! Now this asteroid is just a pig without legs, let us slaughter it !”

"All warships turn around and attack the Imperial fleet on both wings!" Although the alliance's warships just lost nearly one-fifth of their warships under the fierce attack of the Imperial fleet, the number of remaining warships is still much greater than that of the Imperial warships.

The Alliance fleet that was originally surrounding the asteroid turned around and launched a fierce attack on the Imperial warships on both wings.

Inside the imperial flagship at this time.

There was an explosion and the battleship shook violently. Liu Yi hurriedly held on to the handle on the side to avoid falling.

"Sir, we have just been attacked! The shield has been broken! The armor damage rate is 33%, and three cabins are on fire!" The report was from a soldier in front of the console, but at this time, his head and face were covered with blood. He was hit by the violent vibration and hit the edge of the console, cracking his head.

"Start the autopilot when the armor is damaged to 90%! All personnel abandon the ship!" Liu ordered through gritted teeth.

"It's sir, please..." Before the soldier could finish his answer, a huge red light beam penetrated the armor on the side of the bridge and passed through the bridge. Several soldiers who were working were instantly evaporated into a gaseous state.

The air in the bridge quickly leaked from the hole! If Liu Yizheng hadn't firmly grasped the seat handle, he would have been rolled out of the battleship.

Now he had to be thankful that the empire required that armor must be worn inside battleships during combat! Otherwise, even if he was not swept out, he would be killed by the negative pressure.

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