My empire of stars

Chapter 56 Arrival of the asteroid base

Unmanned engineering ships shuttled through the port of Little Star, and a huge hyperspace engine was assembled.

Li Mingze stood on the bridge of the battleship not far away.

"Your Majesty, just leave this war to a humble position. There is no need for you to come in person." Fleet Commander Liu Yi respectfully persuaded Li Mingze.

Li Mingze shook his head:

"How could I miss such a wonderful war? Just pretend I'm not here and I'll go back to my room." After that, Li Mingze turned and left the bridge.

Liu shrugged helplessly, turned around and walked to the podium.

"Sir, the hyperspace engine of the asteroid base has been installed and started to accumulate energy! As long as you move to the edge of the galaxy, you can enter hyperspace!" Liu Yi's adjutant reported to him.

"Contact the commander of the Empire's Second Fleet so that they can go ahead and set up traps. We will arrive soon." Because he was worried that the enemy would not be fooled, Liu's First Fleet handed over a large number of spaceships to the Second Fleet in this battle. .

The number of 100 light cruisers and 30 destroyers is neither too much nor too little, which can give the people of the old alliance the illusion that they can succeed in a sneak attack without being scared by the huge number and cowering at home.

Soon, the second fleet next to the first fleet left the scope of the space station and flew towards the edge of the distant galaxy.

Subsequently, the newly installed huge engine behind the urgently modified asteroid base also ejected blue flames, pushing the asteroid base to slowly move forward.

"The engine power of the asteroid base is 32.5%, no parts are damaged! Everything is normal!" The adjutant's voice came from beside Liu.

Because the asteroid is not a battleship and does not have a strong metal structure, everyone is worried that it cannot withstand the huge acceleration. If it disintegrates while flying in space, they will all have to go to military court!

"The engine power of the asteroid base is 45.2%, and a fuse has melted down. The drone is already undergoing emergency repairs. The impact is not big!"

"The engine power of the asteroid base is 75.3%, reaching the expected speed! The structural integrity is normal! The three reactors are overloaded and the flames have been extinguished, which is within the tolerable range! We succeeded!" Several researchers looked at each other and hugged each other. , it feels so good not to have to go to a military court.

The asteroid arrived at the outskirts of the galaxy under the escort of the Empire's First Fleet.

Liu Yi looked at the time and ordered:

"Asteroid base and First Fleet! Prepare for jump!"

Reports from many staff members rang out from under the podium.

"Hyperspace engine preloading completed! Everything is normal! Entering hyperspace in ten days!

"Charging completion is 3%! Everything is normal!"

"The Second Fleet sent a message that the hyperspace exit is safe! You can jump!"

Ten days later, Li Mingze was sitting by the porthole drinking tea. The huge asteroid base not far away disappeared in the flash of light. He knew that this represented the beginning of the complete end of the Parker Alliance era.

Subsequently, his flagship also entered the boundless purple hyperspace behind the blue light.

Alarms sounded from the Parker Alliance’s new capital star space station!

Staff members walked nervously through the corridors.

The new alliance commander Barre stretched out his hand to stop a staff member and asked: "What happened! So anxious! Why didn't anyone notify me?"

"Sir, sir, we have discovered new hyperspace fluctuations in the Fortress Galaxy! It is likely that the empire's fleet has appeared! You turned off the communicator when you were sleeping. Aren't we here to call you?" the staff cautiously said. replied.

Barre let go of the staff member and ran quickly toward the combat command room. A few minutes later, he opened the door to the war room and walked in.

Several officers hurriedly stood up and saluted. Barre nodded and sat at the head of the conference table.

"Is there any latest situation?" Barry asked in a deep voice.

"No, sir, we only detected the hyperspace exit." The officer replied awkwardly.

While Barre and several officers were discussing in the command room, a fleet suddenly flew out of hyperspace outside the Fortress Galaxy. A huge asteroid appeared in the starry sky escorted by many battleships, heading towards Emon. Fly in the direction of the galaxy.

Such a large fleet was naturally discovered by the Alliance detector not far away, and Barre and others quickly learned this information.

"Sir, look, this is the enemy fleet that emerged from hyperspace!" An intelligence officer enlarged the video sent by the detector staying in the Fortress Galaxy in front of everyone.

"Is this an asteroid?" An officer couldn't believe it. Asteroids can also jump?

"Yes, but according to analysis, it should be an asteroid transformed into a space station!" the intelligence officer explained to everyone.

"No! Who would transform an asteroid into a base capable of jumping? If you have the time, wouldn't it be more useful to just build a few giant ships? Therefore, this asteroid is definitely not an ordinary asteroid base!" Barre frowned and expressed his thoughts.

An officer suddenly whispered in a low voice: "Sir, could this be the secret weapon that destroyed the fortress star some time ago!"

Everyone suddenly shook up! Yes, it goes against common sense to send an asteroid next to their galaxy. It must be that the super weapon that can destroy the planet has a distance limit, or some other limit! Otherwise, it would have been impossible for such a long time without launching a second strike against them!

Combined with the arrival of this mysterious fleet, it is obvious! The range of this weapon may only be about one light-year! The Sith Empire needs to move it into range to fire!

The Parker Alliance, who knew nothing about this weapon, had obviously gone into a misunderstanding, and the fear of being harmed by this weapon shrouded their hearts.

"Sir! We must kill this asteroid! We must not let the incident on the Fortress star happen again on our planet Emmon!" Several officers held tentacles and persuaded Barre who was sitting at the front.

"Well, no matter whether our current defense can intercept this kind of weapon, we must eliminate the danger in advance! Order the fleet to prepare for a sneak attack on the enemy!" Barre nodded and agreed to the proposal.

After taking a sip of tea, Barton continued to arrange:

"Let's start formulating a sneak attack plan. We will send an unmanned transport ship to jump first, and the fleet will follow closely. We will make the enemy mistakenly think that we only sent one transport ship to test, and we will suddenly appear after the transport ship is destroyed. , turn these damn imperial fleets into space junk!”

"Yes, I understand!" Several officers stood up and shouted loudly.

Barton nodded with satisfaction. As long as he eats these imperial fleets with sneak attacks, a big counterattack is just around the corner! Ha ha ha ha.

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