My empire of stars

Chapter 566 Capture alive

"Your Majesty, we have detected approaching hyperspace fluctuations, and a warship is flying towards us!" A crew member suddenly spoke out, pulling Li Mingze out of his daze.

"Oh? Cancel the saturation bombardment and prepare to fight!" Li Mingze's eyes lit up, and he finally asked him to wait for the reinforcements from the Clem people.

"Your Majesty, our main fleet and super-sized fleet have broken through the Clem people's defense line and are heading towards us. Do we wait for them to join us before fighting the enemy?" A crew member asked softly.

"If we can't defeat it, it's not too late to wait for reinforcements!" Li Mingze dismissed the crew member's suggestion.

The cannon on the left side of the Empire's Glory retracted into the back of the battleship, and the armor plate covered by the dimension armor was closed again. The Empire's Glory was quietly suspended in space, waiting for the enemy to appear.

A few hours later, lightning suddenly flashed in the deep sky not far from the Imperial Glory.

A golden Titan broke away from hyperspace. This Titan was the Clem's flagship.

Following it, two more Clym Titans broke away from hyperspace. These two ships were the Holy Sword and Aegis Titans of the Clym Empire.

After they all arrived, another hundred Clem battleships sailed out from the Holy Sword and Holy Shield Titans.

"It's such a huge formation. Are they here to catch us?" Li Mingze's lips curled up slightly.

"Your Majesty, don't underestimate the enemy. The salvos of the opponent's three Titan main guns can directly allow our dimensional armor to absorb full energy and upgrade to a three-dimensional state. By then, our battleship will become vulnerable!" A crew member said to Li Mingze. reminded.

"Warships of the Sith Empire, if you surrender now, we can still guarantee the lives of all your crew members, but if you don't surrender, you and your warship will be turned into powder!" After a while, the Imperial Glory received the message. Communication video from the other party.

"Ignore them and launch an attack directly on their flagship. Make an irregular spiral maneuver and crash into their bodies!" Li Mingze looked at the huge warship hundreds of kilometers high.

The Imperial Glory began to accelerate slowly, making an irregular spiral in the air and rushing towards the Clem.

At this time, the Klemites could not sit still. Particle beams spurted out from the Klemites' battleships, flashing white light and rushing towards the Imperial Glory.

However, due to the flexible positioning of the Imperial Glory, very few of these attacks are effective.

Seeing that the distance to the Clem was getting closer and closer, Li Mingze couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"Ten seconds until impact!"

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two!" However, the countdown was about to end.

The Imperial Glory suddenly stopped less than a hundred meters away from the Clem, as if it had hit an invisible wall.

"What's going on? Could it be that the opponent's shield blocked the impact?" Li Mingze wondered. With their current speed and the mass of the Imperial Glory, generally no shield can withstand such a powerful impact. .

"No sir, I detected a layer of repulsion on the outer layer of this battleship. This layer can prevent all metals from coming within a hundred meters of it!" a crew member shouted.

"Damn it!" Li Mingze hammered the alloy cover of the protective chamber hard.

"Our anti-matter missiles at this distance can't attack its body. We have nothing to do!" a crew member sighed.

At this moment, three beams of light suddenly hit the Imperial Glory from the Clem Titan.

These three beams did not cause any damage to the Imperial Glory, but the Imperial Glory lost the ability to move.

A few seconds later, three beams of light led the Glory of the Empire towards the port of the Clem.

"Your Majesty, the other party wants to capture us alive!" A crew member said bitterly to Li Mingze.

"I know!" Li Mingze whispered, while nervously watching through the holographic screen as his warship was slowly being towed and gradually flew towards an isolated port with a thick gate ahead, until the entire ship entered the port.

"Activate the special response plan, activate the Trojan horse plan!" As Li Mingze finished speaking, a cover plate suddenly opened outwards from the bottom of the Empire Glory, and a cylindrical box slipped from it.

Li Mingze then cut off the connection with the body on the ship. After a while, a black shadow emerged from the box that fell from the Imperial Glory.

This black figure is none other than Li Mingze, who is wearing a suit of power armor, but this armor is the empire's most advanced power armor wrapped in dimensional armor.

There is also a small anti-matter bomb embedded in the abdomen of his body. The purpose of his body's existence is: if the Empire's Glory is unfortunately captured by the enemy, then he will help the Glory escape.

Naturally, the Klemites also discovered the box that had fallen from the Imperial Glory. Within minutes, hundreds of soldiers surrounded it. However, when these soldiers came to the box, all they were left with was an empty box.

The piercing siren sounded throughout the Clem, and groups of heavily armed soldiers ran quickly through the corridors.

However, none of these soldiers noticed Li Mingze lying on the ceiling of the corridor.

Relying on the optical stealth device, Li Mingze successfully deceived several groups of soldiers. He carefully followed these soldiers to the port control center.

It's not that he doesn't want to blow up the Clem Titan directly, but this kind of Titan is no longer powered by a reactor. Each Titan has countless reactors to provide energy support, and it can rely on its huge size. , even if one reactor is blown up, at most it will only lose a small piece of the cabin around it.

It is simply impossible to blow up this flagship with a small anti-matter bomb.

Therefore, Li Mingze could only do the next best thing and give priority to rescuing the Imperial Glory.

"Target found! Fire!" Li Mingze suddenly heard a roar from behind him.

Only then did he realize that the damn Clem people had actually installed an anti-stealth module. Countless colored liquids fell from the ceiling of the corridor. Li Mingze, who was originally invisible, was instantly covered in colored liquids.

Bullets were fired from the gun of Clem's soldier and hit Li Mingze's armor crazily.

Nothing works! Countless bullets landed on Li Mingze without even bouncing off, and just fell straight to the ground.

"Switch particle weapons!" Following the command from the leader of Clem's soldiers, all the solid bullets fired turned into particle beams.

But these particle beams, like bullets, hit Li Mingze like a stone sinking into the ocean, without eliciting the slightest reaction.

"Damn it, why are the soldiers of this empire so armored?" Commander Clem said angrily.

Of course, Li Mingze would not sit still and wait for death. He casually threw a boomerang forward.

After these boomerangs circled around Clem's soldiers, they were all nailed to the wall behind them, without hitting any of Clem's soldiers.

Hahaha, a burst of jeers came from the Clem soldiers. They looked at Li Mingze running back crazily like a clown.

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