My empire of stars

Chapter 565 Clem Titan

The earth is burning, and everything wherever the Imperial Glory goes turns into air!

The soldiers of the Clem Empire wanted to fight back, but suddenly found that they could not contact their commander.

Not only that, all management on the planet have lost contact, and even small and powerful businessmen have disappeared with their families.

Just when people were puzzled, tens of thousands of spacecraft took off from various hidden launch points in Lai Yunxing and flew towards deep space.

"A few little flies escaped, but it doesn't matter. You won't be able to escape when I destroy your country." Li Mingze looked at the tens of thousands of spaceships that disappeared into the spacecraft detector and smiled lightly.

As the Glory of the Empire continued to fly around the planet, in just a few hours, no more buildings could be seen on the entire planet.

The forests, rivers, lakes, and cities that once relied on Yunxing for their existence have all disappeared!

All that is left is crystalline solids all over the floor, which are formed by a mixture of various substances that have not reached evaporation temperature.

Metals and various substances that reached the point of evaporation were carried into the ocean and underground by the downpour.

This planet no longer has the prosperity of the three major economic pillars of the Clem Empire, nor the beautiful environment of the habitable planet.

The traces of civilization have disappeared, and the entire planet has returned to its most primitive state. New life may enter the land from the ocean in tens of thousands of years, and a new civilization may be born here, until they discover the gram buried deep underground. Lyme Refuge Ruins

"Your Majesty, I would like to apply for retirement after completing this mission." Several crew members said to Li Mingze in a low mood on the communication channel.

"I agree to your application." Li Mingze knew the reason why they applied to retire. The psychological pressure required for this mission was too great.

Not only that, but you also have to accept the torture of your own conscience. After all, the Imperial Glory is performing a special mission to eliminate the enemy's war potential and destroy the enemy's colonial star. The success of each operation means that hundreds of millions of people will die as a result. These crew members must receive psychological counseling after participating in this war, otherwise the possibility of them committing suicide is as high as 90%.

"You are not executioners, you are avenging our hundreds of millions of dead Imperial citizens!"

"Don't think of each other as intelligent creatures, they are just lizards wearing power armor."

"Do you understand?" Li Mingze shouted to the crew.

"Understood! They are all the executioners who slaughter our people. They are lizards wearing power armor!" the crew shouted.

"Very good, all crew members listen to the order, the Imperial Glory continues to the next target star system!" Li Mingze waved his hand, and the Imperial Glory disappeared into the universe in a flash.

In a Gothic castle covering an area of ​​100 kilometers in the capital city of Clem, dozens of guards wearing ancient armor escorted a group of officials in silver robes towards the main hall of the palace.

"See Your Majesty!" Many officials knelt down and shouted after arriving at the hall.

"Get up." The Emperor of the Clem Empire on the throne glanced at everyone with a fierce look.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Many officials stood up and patted their robes.

"I heard that one of my fleets and a Titan were all destroyed in a battle to encircle and suppress a battleship of the Sith Empire?" His Majesty the Emperor said in a deep voice with a lukewarm tone.

"That's right, Your Majesty, but that spaceship is the secret weapon of the Sith Empire, and its combat effectiveness is extremely strong!"

"Its defense is extremely powerful. It can collide with the planetary annihilation cannon of our Holy Grail Titan. Its attack power can directly destroy one of our fleets!" An official wiped his sweat and whispered.

"Huh, what a bunch of trash!"

"If you can't even capture an enemy warship, what else can you do?"

"I will personally take action and prepare to launch my flagship Clem!" The emperor snorted coldly and inserted the cane in his hand into the floor in front of the throne.

Rays of golden light began to spread from the gem at the top of the scepter toward the floor, and soon golden stripes began to appear on the floor, and these stripes spread to the entire palace.

"Insertion of the secret key has been detected. The Imperial flagship of the Clem is ready to be activated. Please ask irrelevant personnel to leave the 100-kilometer radius immediately." Soon, the alarm sounded from the palace.

Tens of minutes later, the earth began to tremble slightly, and golden sharp pillars protruded upward from the ground around the palace.

These pointed pillars covered with mysterious patterns extend upward and then bend to merge directly above the palace, completely wrapping the entire palace.

Immediately afterwards, more pointed pillars rushed out from the ground and closed together on the ground.

In just one hour, a huge crescent-shaped warship appeared in the sky above the ring world.

In the middle of the crescent is a sphere composed of countless intertwined metal strips, which protects the Gothic palace just now.

The two sharp corners of the entire vertical crescent-shaped spacecraft face toward the back. In the curved position are countless thruster nozzles. These nozzles continuously emit golden flames to illuminate this ship, which is 600 kilometers high and 9 meters wide. The ten-kilometer-long, three-hundred-kilometer-long crescent-shaped spacecraft was pushed high into the sky.

Located in the palace of the crescent-shaped Clem Titan sphere, an egg-shaped cockpit rose from the ground where many officials originally went to court.

The surrounding guards found an egg cabin and sat in it, and began to control the Clem Titan to fly out of the ring world.

The Emperor of the Clem Empire sat on the throne, with metal vines wrapping his body. A few minutes later, the Emperor of the Clem Empire was wrapped tightly.

"Consciousness has been connected, and the Clem is about to enter hyperspace!" As the electronic sound of the system sounded inside the Clem, the entire Titan disappeared in place.

Hundreds of light-years away, the Sith Glory spacecraft is conducting an orbital saturation bombardment of a newly discovered Clem colony star under the command of Li Mingze.

This time the Klem people learned a lesson. When the imperial warship was just discovered, all the valuables and equipment were carried onto the transport ship and fled around.

The Clems who had no time to escape hid in a shelter deep underground, leaving not a single living person on the surface of the entire planet.

This also made Li Mingze's bombardment much less interesting. He could only blow up some buildings if he continued bombing here.

In the interstellar era, the least valuable thing is buildings. With the existence of construction robots, various buildings take very little time.

The valuable targets worthy of bombing have been moved in advance, and even the important components of the shipyard have been dismantled and transported away by the Clemms!

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