My empire of stars

Chapter 456 Yuri Troops

Two years later.

A desolate star system with only a pitiful red giant star and a dead planet the size of the Earth.

But a fleet consisting of a dreadnought and four battleships broke the tranquility of the starry sky.

After the five battleships arrived above the dead planet, dozens of small landing spacecraft flew out of the fleet and penetrated into the atmosphere.

In a desert on the ground, suddenly the yellow sand on the ground began to slide downwards, and a huge hole with a diameter of one kilometer appeared under the landing spacecraft.

As the landing spacecraft circled and landed in the cave entrance, the huge hole slowly closed again. Soon the surrounding yellow sand filled the gap, as if nothing had happened.

"Welcome Your Majesty." Li Mingze had just stepped off the spacecraft under the escort of his guards when he saw a group of bald scientists coming towards him.

Because of the special nature of this experimental base, all scientists had their hair shaved off to facilitate experiments.

"How is the experiment going?" Li Mingze nodded slightly and continued walking towards the base.

The scientists who arrived consciously followed Li Mingze.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the first 131 experimental subjects have died, but our latest experimental subject No. 132 successfully survived the experiment, and now his body functions are very stable." The scientists explained and handed a terminal to Li Mingze.

"Take me directly to see this Experiment No. 132." Li Mingze returned the terminal to the scientist after looking at the information on the terminal display in detail.

Under the guidance of the scientists, Li Mingze and his party quickly passed through layers of isolation doors and arrived at a laboratory with milky white walls.

The entire laboratory is in the shape of a ring, and in the center of the ring is a sunken room. Through the protective glass of the laboratory, you can see everything in the middle room with a 360-degree view.

And now there is a middle-aged man in white tights sitting on the chair in the room.

The man also had a shaved head, with four tubes extending from his head to his back.

And Li Mingze could see that this man seemed to be wearing a thin piece of power armor.

"Experiment Subject No. 132, who was sentenced to life imprisonment for attempted murder, was sent to this base after agreeing to undergo experiments."

"Now he has gone through three rounds of transformations by us and can be said to be a perfect existence. However, the only pity is that the experiment destroyed his nerves. He has lost consciousness in his lower body and will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. "The scientist next to Li Mingze pointed at the middle-aged man and explained.

"Let me see the experimental results first." Li Mingze nodded expressionlessly. All prisoners were found by the Prophet system, and after the Stellar Energy Exciter, all prisoners had to go through it before being arrested. Manual review ensures that no injustice has occurred, so this person does not deserve sympathy.

"Yes." The scientist nodded and walked to the console nearby and pressed a few buttons.

The room in the middle of the laboratory suddenly opened two doors. Two prisoners armed with sharp knives suddenly rushed out of the door and stabbed Experiment No. 132 in the room with the sharp knives in their hands.

These death row prisoners were given a mission before they were released. By stabbing anyone in the room to death, they could get a chance to be converted into a life sentence. Therefore, the two death row prisoners used all their strength to succeed with one blow.

But something surprised Li Mingze. With a flash of purple light in the eyes of Experiment 132, one of the death row prisoners suddenly turned the edge of the knife and stabbed the sharp knife into the chest of the other death row prisoner.

That's not all. After stabbing his companion to death, the death row prisoner then wiped his own neck with a sharp knife.

"Stop!" As the scientist shouted, the death row prisoner suddenly stopped and walked out of the room expressionlessly.

Experimental Subject No. 132 sat motionless on the chair during the entire process.

"Perfect, so perfect!" Li Mingze clapped his hands excitedly.

"Not only was this experimental subject injected with our genetic additives, we also implanted a large number of mental amplifiers in his body, and he also had a loyalty chip in his brain."

"Although he will not be able to walk in the future, we have installed an anti-gravity device and a jet thruster on his wheelchair to ensure that he can move flexibly in various situations." As the scientists conducted experiments on the experimental subjects in the room After making a few gestures, Experimental Subject No. 132 suddenly floated into the air in a wheelchair, spun around the room a few times, and landed where he was.

"How many people can his mind control control?" Li Mingze was very satisfied with these transformations, but he still raised the most critical question.

"This. Because his existence time and size are far less than those of the Devourer of Civilization, his mind control can only control one person. The maximum limit is that he can control two people at the same time when using stimulants."

"Furthermore, the exercise of mental control is also limited by distance. It is only effective within a short period of twenty meters. However, once the control is completed, it is the same as the mental control of the Devourer of Civilization. There is no distance limit and the control can be done anywhere. Keep."

"We think this mind control may exist within the etheric space, within the magnetic field that we extract and hold our souls in."

"Similar to the principle, once the soul descends into a new body through the consciousness descending device, because its seeds still exist and the body has not been transferred, and the body is beyond the control distance, the Devourer of Civilization cannot control the person who uses consciousness descending."

"Based on this principle, we have also reverse-engineered a helmet to avoid being controlled. A reverse magnetic field will block the mind control waves." The scientist took out a thin silver helmet from the side.

"Simplify this helmet as soon as possible and integrate it into our soldiers' helmets." Li Mingze took the helmet, played with it and threw it back to the scientist.

"By the way, what state is his memory in now?" Li Mingze suddenly asked.

"His memory was erased by us before the experiment. Now his memory is that of a patriotic soldier who voluntarily participated in the experiment." The scientist smiled maliciously.

"Oh? If the memory is erased and re-injected, although the technology has matured a lot now, his lifespan will only be five years." Li Mingze frowned.

"Isn't this an experimental subject? When this kind of soldier can be mass-produced, it will have no value." The scientist's words revealed a kind of indifference to life.

"Your experimental subjects are up to you. I want to see such soldiers produced in large quantities as soon as possible." Li Mingze glanced at the scientist, said with a solemn face, and walked out of the laboratory with a wave of his hands.

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