My empire of stars

Chapter 455 Start building Titan

On the second day of Li Mingze's wedding, when he was supposed to be on his honeymoon, he came to the Empire Command Center because just in the early hours of this morning, the Empire received a request for help from the distant Davis Security Council.

The message mentioned that the Davis Security Council had exhausted its national strength in the war with the Anti-Saint civilization, and the Security Council, which had just experienced a civil war, was already overwhelmed.

But this war must not be lost. Once lost, the Anti-Saints will multiply and spread endlessly, and carbon-based life will be in danger.

After all, the main reproduction method of this anti-saint civilization is to transform the souls of carbon-based civilization.

Therefore, the Davis Security Council had no choice but to broadcast to the entire galaxy, hoping that those civilizations with the ability to travel across the galaxy would come to help them jointly defend against the enemy.

The longest time they can persist is no more than three years. If the civilization cannot catch up within three years, please continue to fight against the Anti-Sage. This is related to the fate of the carbon-based civilization in the entire universe.

After Li Mingze saw this distress message, he immediately thought of the infected body that escaped from the empire.

Unexpectedly, this infected body has developed to such an extent that it can force the Davis Security Council into a desperate situation in such a short period of time!

"Your Majesty, should we go over and help them?" Qiu Yue, who followed Li Mingze to the command room, asked uncertainly.

"Let me think about it." Li Mingze touched his chin and fell into deep thought. He didn't know whether the empire would focus on development and preparations to deal with the arrival of the insect swarm, or whether it would participate in this war against the Anti-Saint.

"We can only resort to the old methods. If we can achieve the best, we can't prepare to send troops." Li Mingze sighed and said helplessly to himself.

"Get ready for the third time travel experiment! Let's throw an iron ball to the future and let the future choose for us."

A few days later, the empire once again conducted a time travel experiment. This time, a memory crystal containing the choice of this war was placed in a metal ball.

Just like the last experiment, after a violent flash, the metal ball disappeared in place.

"This time the metal ball is going to a thousand years in the future." A scientist next to Li Mingze took the initiative to report before he asked.

"Yes, I understand." Li Mingze nodded, turned around and looked at the experimental space station in the distance of the experimental ship.

This time the metal ball disappeared in a shorter time than before. A few seconds later, accompanied by a shock wave, the metal ball appeared in the place where it just disappeared.

The drone that had been prepared quickly flew over and brought the metal ball to an isolated experimental ship.

A few hours later, a scientist came to the door of Li Mingze's lounge with a solemn expression and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Li Mingze, who was lazily lying on the sofa, sat upright.

The scientist came to Li Mingze and handed him a report: "Your Majesty, the matter is serious." His hands were trembling slightly because of nervousness.

Li Mingze looked curious. What happened was a bit serious.

There is only one sentence in the internal storage chip of the metal ball: Stupid humans, we the Anti-Saints have already ruled the galaxy. Even if you join the war now, the final victory will only belong to us!

Li Mingze's pupils shrank. Not counting this metal ball entering a thousand years ago, in that parallel universe, the Anti-Saint actually wiped out all races and ruled the galaxy?

"In order to confirm its authenticity, we conducted a radiation scan on the metal ball. As expected, it was contaminated with special energy from hyperspace, which means that this metal ball really fell into the hands of the transverse saint." The scientist said Wiping away cold sweat, he never imagined that a thousand years later, the world would fall into the hands of these anti-saints.

"Order the military to start building Titan! When Titan is completed, we will launch an attack on the Anti-Saint!" Li Mingze gritted his teeth and became cruel.

The next day, a very large shipyard that had been built since the beginning of Titan's design was officially opened.

This cylindrical shipyard with a length of 800 kilometers and a diameter of 500 kilometers will be responsible for the printing and manufacturing of the Ark.

The construction of all Imperial warships below destroyers was suspended, and all resources were concentrated on the Titan project.

Fortunately, although the construction of Titans is very resource-intensive, it is not a big problem for an empire that already has more than 700 large and small colonial stars. (The resources of the New Humanity Federation star district are not connected with the empire, and are equivalent to a star district with independent resources.)

The mineral planets that were originally ranked behind for development were put on the development list by the Empire in advance. A large number of transport ships carrying base modules flew to these planets with large amounts of minerals around the Empire.

The empire also deliberately opened up the mining rights of small mineral veins, and private capital can purchase the mining rights of these small mineral veins from the empire.

A large number of mineral mining companies continued to pop up, and soon the empire sold off all the small mineral veins in its hands that were not suitable for large-scale development.

The large-scale explosion of private mining companies has eased the mineral pressure on the imperial government, and now all minerals mined by the imperial government will be provided to the army.

The minerals mined by private mining companies flowed to the private sector. Although this resulted in a slight increase in the price of private minerals, it played an important role in liberating the energy of the empire.

In addition, the empire also opened the mining license of the asteroid sea to individuals. All individuals can directly enter the asteroid sea for mining after purchasing a mining ship.

The Empire charges these mined minerals at a fixed price and stipulates that the supply and unloading of all mining ships must be carried out in the Empire's space station. Any attempt to bypass the government and divert minerals into the market will be considered an act of robbery.

After the empire received these minerals at low prices, a large part was used for shipbuilding, and the other part was invested in the market to earn a lot of funds. While earning funds, it also controlled the price of minerals in the private market. It can be said that it killed multiple birds with one stone. have to.

After some major adjustments, the construction time of the Titan-class battleship was finally determined: five years!

The super complex internal structure and the keel forged from Ringworld metal greatly increase the difficulty of construction.

Originally, Li Mingze was worried that after the construction of the Titan-class battleship was completed, the situation might develop to the point where it was beyond the control of the empire.

But a new piece of information he received two months later dispelled his worries.

According to the latest information from the Davis Security Council, as many as five civilizations have contacted them after they first spread the distress message.

Now the fleets of these five civilizations have arrived on the battlefield, temporarily making up for the disadvantage of the Security Council on the battlefield.

Now the time that the Davis Security Council can persist has been extended to twenty years. At the same time, they also hope that civilizations with long distances and slow flying speeds will continue to come to help them!

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