My empire of stars

Chapter 22 Pick the soft persimmon and pinch it

"Your Majesty, according to the detectors we launched in advance, the enemy fleet has dispersed, and the number of ships they have taken off has only reached half of the original number. At present, the independent fleets of the participating countries have no signs of taking off." Tianyi Station Report next to Li Mingze.

"That's enough, attack with the entire army! Target the opponent's first squadron! Fight quickly!"

"As you command!"

The Imperial fleet hidden outside the border started the jump engine towards the enemy's dispersed First Squadron.

Parker Alliance First Fleet Bridge

Commander Homande is sitting dejectedly on the command seat, his vigilant eyes scanning the crew members on the bridge from time to time. He has become nervous, and he always feels that there are infected people around who want to infect him with the virus! This made him afraid to even contact his secretary!

"Sir, after jumping out of hyperspace ahead, we will reach the destination A-4423 galaxy!" the hyperspace pilot reported to Homandehui.

Homand squinted his eyes and nodded gently, indicating that he had received it.

"No, no, no! The armor damage exceeds 90%! The battleship damage ratio has reached 35%. There are enemies everywhere. We can't hold on any longer!"

After the fleet jumped out of hyperspace, they were greeted by countless missiles and red beams! The huge explosion threw the unsuspecting commander Homande to the ground!

"This is an ambush! Sir! There are too many enemies! Our engine has been destroyed!" the intelligence officer shouted to Homande with a sad face!

With a bang, a huge explosion tore a huge hole in the bridge. The intelligence officer who was shouting just now was sucked into the universe.

Homand felt that his surroundings had become quiet. The vacuum environment prevented him from hearing any sound, only the violent explosions and huge beams of light that he could see!

Homand was horrified to see a missile coming towards him. He suddenly felt that the space around his body seemed to have solidified, and escape was impossible. He closed his eyes in despair.

"Okay, maybe it's a relief to no longer have to worry about when I will die from a viral infection!" This was his last thought before being blown to pieces by the explosion.

A few minutes later, only the wreckage of the Alliance fleet's spaceship was left on the originally fierce battlefield. Everything happened so fast. The fleet was wiped out without even having time to send a distress signal!

The reason why this ambush tactic was successful was that the empire detected the fleet entering hyperspace through a detector and then accelerated into the radar range of the galaxy. The spacecraft could not receive any news in hyperspace! The Empire took advantage of this subtle time difference to quickly bypass the space station and went to the Alliance fleet's jump exit to ambush. (There will be lightning and energy leaking from the exit before jumping out of hyperspace)

A gap was opened through the Alliance Capital Star, but Li Mingze did not intend to attack the Capital Star directly.

The Imperial fleet continued to activate hyperspace towards the Alliance's Second Squadron.

Although several other squadrons in the alliance have received news of the presence of a large number of imperial fleets here, due to the long distance between galaxies, there is a time lag for other fleets to get here! Li Mingze's purpose is to use the time difference and numerical advantage to eat up as many fleets as possible before the enemy notices his plan!

Use this tactic to put the enemy into an embarrassing situation where they are constantly seeking death. You must know that the concentrated fire power of hundreds of warships and the concentrated fire power of dozens of warships are completely different concepts. The damage ratio of both sides may reach an astonishing 1:10!

The initial version of the shield is the latest research result of the Empire, and it has the function of self-healing. As for the imperial fleet equipped with the initial version of the shield, as long as the main body is not destroyed, the shield will slowly repair itself until it returns to its original state!

The Second Squadron is accelerating towards the edge of the galaxy. Due to the different positions between galaxies, there is an entire galaxy between where they jumped out of hyperspace and where the empire jumped out of hyperspace!

It was too late. When the Second Squadron had just reached two-thirds of its journey, the Empire's fleet jumped out of hyperspace!

"All battleships launch their main weapons and concentrate their firepower to eliminate the opponent's destroyers first!"

"The power of their cruiser weapons poses little threat to our fleet. Let's deal with it at the end!" Li Mingze ordered.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

The Imperial fleet aimed their beam cannons at the enemy destroyers, and after a few breaths hundreds of beams spewed out.

The red lasers from hundreds of warships shone on the armor of the Alliance destroyer, like red-hot blades cutting into tofu, instantly tearing the destroyer into pieces!

What arrived behind the beam were countless fusion missiles. The beam weapons of the Alliance fleet fired desperately, trying to intercept the missiles in mid-air, but there were too many missiles! The laser attack seemed feeble.

Along with the missile explosion, thousands of small light balls as bright as the sun were produced! The hit hull melted like summer ice cream!

The Alliance fleet was reduced by two-thirds as soon as it entered within range! By the time they desperately reached the Imperial fleet, the second wave of missiles had already left the launch bay. The commander of the Alliance fleet desperately issued a surrender order!

After receiving the order to surrender, all Alliance warships turned their guns, shut down their engines, and waited for the Imperial Marines to arrive to receive them.

The missiles that were about to fly braked one after another, turned around slightly and flew towards the rear of the fleet, exploding into countless small light spots in the distance!

Following the landing ships behind the fleet, hundreds of landing ships took off and quickly received the surrendered Alliance warships.

After all Alliance prisoners were secured, reserve fleet crews quickly took over the Alliance warships, converting them into Imperial fighting power.

After everything was settled, the fleet turned on the engines again and jumped towards the third fleet.

After using this tactic to defeat the two Alliance squadrons again, the Alliance fleet seemed to have learned wisely. They no longer dispersed, but gathered together to form a large fleet. Prepare to wipe out the imperial fleet in one fell swoop!

In response to the enemy's tactical changes, Li Mingze quickly changed the empire's combat strategy. Order all the captured battleships and the battleships originally sent to the ten galaxies to reorganize into a small squadron! Specialize in destroying space stations at the border or bombing planets! Once the enemy fleet comes over, run away immediately! Take the guerrilla tactics of your ancestors to the extreme! And Li Mingze led the main fleet to the enemy's capital star and went straight to Huanglong!

Dozens of captured Alliance warships broke away from the large force, and after reuniting with the original ten light cruisers sent to perform special missions, they entered hyperspace towards a border system.

The empire's large forces headed toward the alliance capital and disappeared with blue lightning flashing.

A few days later, the capital of the Alliance Empire.

Hundreds of warships are quietly hidden in the starry sky. This is where the Imperial fleet is about to jump. The Alliance's Third Fleet, which received news from the space station along the way, has already ambushed here.

In the center of the distant space minefield, a flickering blue electric light suddenly appeared!

The Imperial Army is coming!

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