My empire of stars

Chapter 21 The virus is raging

Three months have passed since the explosion of the embassy.

In these three months, Li Mingze built warships that far exceeded the upper limit of his maintenance capabilities. Countless destroyers and light cruisers poured out of the dock one by one like dumplings.

Today is an important day, not only because today is the outbreak time of the super virus, but also because today is the day when the empire declares war on the Parker Alliance.

Li Mingze stood in front of the camera in a general's uniform and announced to the citizens of the empire that the empire had entered a state of war!

"Because the Parker Alliance shamelessly attacked our ambassador ship! As a result, several brave Imperial Navy officers were unable to return to the Empire! We will make these stupid Alliance people pay the price! Long live the Empire!" Li Mingze said and finally raised his own Right Arm shouted.

"Long live the Empire!" Countless people, whether they were on the Sith planet, the new home planet, or the mining station at the end of the frontier, couldn't help but stand up and raise their right hands in front of the screen at this moment!

At this moment, the blood in the hearts of the people of the entire empire boils. They have been suppressed for too long, and they have longed for war for too long! The word war is engraved in the genes of the Imperial people! After a long period of fermentation in the war virtual game "Fantasy", I finally got catharsis at this moment!

People send metal statues, kitchen utensils, etc. in their homes to the Empire Metal Recycling Center. The recycling center breaks these metals into mineral points and applies them to the construction of new warships!

People are shouting! Recruitment offices across the empire are crowded with people, whether they are young people or middle-aged and old people, all wanting to dedicate their short lives to the empire!

Li Mingze's substitute slowly woke up on the imperial flagship. After tidying up, he came to the bridge surrounded by everyone.

Standing in front of the command seat in the center of the bridge, Li Mingze can be said to be in high spirits. Today will be the first day that the empire truly begins to extend its claws deep into the stars!

"All warships listen to the order! After five hours of preparation, we will send troops to the Parker Alliance! All warships are not allowed to take a step back on the battlefield! Get ready to go!"

After the five-hour countdown, a fleet consisting of 300 light cruisers and 100 destroyers flashed blue electric light in the direction of the Parker Alliance.

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It was a day off, and Mafta and his wife were preparing to spend a beautiful and romantic night at home.

Unexpectedly, his wife did not come out for nearly an hour after entering the bathroom, let alone breathe!

"Honey, are you okay? Tell me back? Didn't you fall in?" As he spoke, Mafta pushed open the bathroom door, and what he saw made his hair stand on end!

There was dark green blood everywhere in the bathroom, and his wife lay lifeless on the edge of the bathtub.

This is not an isolated case. In a matter of minutes, tens of thousands of such terrible situations occurred throughout the Parker Alliance. The alliance urgently closed the hyperspace routes between all colonies and alliance countries! And all the top forensic doctors, biologists, and senior police detectives were dispatched.

After ten hours of detailed investigation, and after half a million more deaths across the league, it was finally determined that this was caused by an undetectable super virus!

Instruments for detecting this virus are also being intensively developed, but it’s too late! This super virus has spread throughout the alliance!

The entire alliance fell into panic, as if the end was coming. People are hiding at home and unwilling to participate in social activities, and soldiers are unwilling to return to the army. They cannot tolerate the multi-person dormitories in the army!

At this moment, the alliance of the democratic system became chaotic and disorderly in the face of disaster. Even the officers of the army that had been decayed for many years were unwilling to go out anymore. They cherished their lives very tightly.

Unfortunately, no matter how far they stayed away from the crowd, countless people continued to die, and the three-month incubation period infected a large number of the alliance's population!

The Alliance quickly realized something was wrong, because judging from the time and distribution patterns of this super virus outbreak, this virus outbreak is absolutely inextricably linked to the Empire! Because all the patients in the first outbreak lived in the capital city of Android for a period of time three months ago!

And this period of time happened to be when the imperial ambassador ship exploded! The evil empire must have carried biological weapons on the spaceship, used the fragments to bring them to the city, and then used the long incubation period to allow the natural flow of the alliance population to bring the virus to the entire alliance!

What a vicious plan! They had already guessed that the virus was inseparable, but unfortunately they did not guess that this virus could not be cured, so they still focused all their resources on medical treatment and isolation. The entire league’s economy is shut down!

At the border of the Alliance, the Sith Empire's fleet sailed out of hyperspace with flashes of lightning.

"Separate ten light cruisers and go to the border galaxies of the ten alliances to harass each other. Use inflatable battleship models to create the illusion of a fleet on the periphery of the enemy's galaxy, and lure the enemy's main force to disperse." Li Mingze ordered.

"As ordered." Ten special light cruisers dragged huge cargo containers and left the fleet, entering hyperspace toward their respective goals.

Parker Alliance High Command.

The entire command center was filled with lifeless atmosphere. Everyone was wearing protective clothing and sitting listlessly in their seats. No one knew whether they were infected! I don’t know if I will vomit blood and fall down next moment! This kind of terrifying unknown is the most torturous thing for people.

"Sorry, sir! Large enemy fleets have been discovered in ten border galaxies!" An intelligence officer hurried into the command room.

"Oh? How many more spaceships can the main fleet take off?" an officer asked, cheering up. Unfortunately, the long-term malaise had already drained his body.

"Sir, the number of warships that can take off in the first, second, and third main fleets is less than half of the total. This half is not full! A large number of officers and soldiers have died at work! Now a large number of soldiers and The officers have refused to obey orders and returned to their hometowns!" said a data officer in embarrassment.

"Let the first and second fleets be dispersed into ten squadrons! The third fleet will stay in the capital system!"

"At the same time, let the independent fleets of each participating country cooperate with us to resist foreign enemies!"

"As you command!"

The Alliance's First Fleet and Alliance's Second Fleet, which were docked in the port, activated their reactors and dispersed into ten small fleets to jump towards the galaxies they needed to defend.

Brothers and sisters, I don’t ask for much, I just want to leave a recommendation vote for this book~Thank you~

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