My empire of stars

Chapter 129 Infected Body

It was noon, and there were only a few cars running on the streets of the small town, and occasionally one or two pedestrians walked by in a hurry.

At this time, the expressionless Mike walked to the sidewalk in front of his house with a slightly stiff body.

By chance, a middle-aged woman walked towards her. She was walking quickly with a large bag of ingredients she had just bought from the supermarket. She was humming a little tune and seemed to be in a good mood.

When the two were about to pass by each other, Mike stretched out his hand to stop her.

"Hmm? Hello, what's the matter?" The woman was very curious as to why this young man with a strange walking posture stopped her.

Mike didn't say a word, but suddenly stretched out his arms to hug her, lowered his head and kissed her. The woman did not expect that this weirdo would be so bold and struggled angrily, but it was in vain against the strong Mike.

The fungal spores, invisible to the naked eye, were exchanged into the woman's mouth through Mike's saliva and entered the woman's body along the esophagus.

Mike let go of the struggling woman and continued to walk forward expressionlessly...

The person he met this time was different. She was a young girl wearing a mask. Mike quickly rushed up and kissed the girl crazily on the mouth, but the mask blocked his saliva exchange.

Being cornered, Mike grabbed the girl's arm and bit her, causing gurgling blood to flow from the girl's arm.

The spores in Mike's saliva successfully entered the girl's body through the girl's wound and flowed along the blood vessels toward the brain.

"Hey. This is the command center. All police cars near Third Street go to Third Street immediately. We received several calls to the police. There is a pervert on Third Street who is kissing others everywhere!"

"This man is tall and tall, with a black T-shirt on his upper body and jeans on his lower body. All patrol officers immediately stopped him when they saw him!" A police car parked on the roadside suddenly rang on the radio.

The two policemen, who were leaning against the car door while eating burgers and talking nonsense, quickly devoured the half-eaten burgers in their hands and got into the car, started the car and rushed to the scene of the accident.

As the rear wheels of the police car rubbed against the ground, white smoke erupted, and the police car sped out like a sharp arrow with its siren blaring.

When Mike was about to find the tenth infected target, he heard a siren in the distance. As a human being, the information about the siren in his memory was quickly extracted by his brain.

The ancient fungus occupying his brain sensed the threat to his life and controlled Mike to run towards the wall nearby.

The fungus cut off Mike's negative perceptions of fatigue, pain, etc. Mike's muscles lost their self-protection mechanism and exploded crazily.

Mike, who was already physically strong, ran at an extraordinary speed. As he grabbed the edge of the wall with his hand, he jumped over the wall with a slight jump.

Several police cars roared and stopped at the base of the wall.

"He climbed over, I followed behind, you guys take a detour!" a policeman said, stepping on the front hood of the police car and climbing into the wall.

"Stop! If you don't stop, I'll shoot." The police officer who was chasing him took out the pistol he was carrying.

Mike seemed not to hear it and continued to run forward desperately.

"I'm counting to three!" the police shouted as they chased him.

"1! 2! 3!" Finding that the pervert still showed no sign of stopping, the policeman stopped and stood still, aiming his pistol at the running Mike.

Bang, bang

After two gunshots, Mike paused slightly and continued to run forward.

"Are you kidding? Is this a monster from the movie?" The policeman looked dumbfounded at the smoking pistol in his hand.

Mike, who was hit by two bullets, would have fallen to the ground in pain if he hadn't been parasitized at this time.

But the ancient fungus controlled the cells in the injured area and blocked the blood vessels, causing Mike's injury to be far less serious than imagined.

As Mike disappeared into the residential area, this ancient fungus began to spread everywhere. Countless police calls flooded the small town police station. Countless people reported that they had been kissed or bitten.

Some people who had a psychological shadow on the small town after being bitten drove, took planes or trains and left the small town that day.

Spores of the ancient fungus began flying around the world along with new infections.

…………………………Dividing line…………………………

On the Obero planet at this time.

After more than ten days of hard fighting, relying on their numerical superiority and the soldiers' fearlessness to die, the new recruits of the Confederate Army have almost bulldozed the entire Obero Planet.

Right now, the only planetary capital still under the control of the enemy is one, and everything is developing in the direction expected by the empire.

However, a large amount of heavy equipment and disposable orbital weapons have been almost exhausted in the offensive and defensive battles against other cities. Just occupying other cities and joining the army have lost 400,000 new recruits, and now only 800,000 troops are left that can fight.

The planetary capital is not only home to the 500,000 defenders who have retreated here, but also all kinds of heavy weapons hidden in the underground weapons depot.

Not to mention that because Obero is an early colony, after a long period of development, the planet's capital has built a city shield. This light blue shield covering the city has limited the remaining orbits of the Confederate Army. There is no way to start the weapon.

"Sir, shall we attack by force?" A soldier looked at Adrian and asked. At this time, Adrian had been promoted for his outstanding performance.

"Wait, let me think about it again!" Adrian frowned and looked at the rising metal wall in the distance and the light blue protective shield over the city.

What he didn't know was that the Sith Empire was using this illusion that it could capture the capital at any time to attract the Yinbeqi fleet to speed up.

At this time, on the outskirts of the Obero galaxy, the main fleet of Yinbeqi, which had already arrived in a hurry, jumped out of hyperspace in a blue light.

In the bridge of the flagship of the Yinbeqi fleet.

"General, we will arrive at the Obero system soon!" an officer reminded the general who was sitting on the command seat.

"Oh? Order all ships to prepare for battle and charge all weapons. The enemy's main fleet should be in the orbit of the Obero star." The general sat upright and ordered.

But he didn't know yet that the empire had left the star system after destroying the main base on Obero, leaving only a group of decoys on Obero.

A few days later, the huge main fleet of Inbeki arrived near the orbit of the Obero star...

"General, our radar found no trace of the Sith Empire fleet in the orbit of Obero. We only found some armed satellites of the Sith Empire in orbit!" A soldier shouted looking at the radar in front of him.

"How is that possible? Don't they want this planet?" The general stood up and walked to the console with a shocked look on his face.

"Contact the army on Planet Obero! I want to know what's going on here!" The general said solemnly, looking at the planet filled with gunpowder smoke in front of him.

"As you command!"

A few minutes later…

"General... we have lost contact with the Obero planet. Now the Obero planet should be under the control of the Sith Empire." The soldier looked at the general's report with a bitter look on his face.

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