My empire of stars

Chapter 128 German Orthopedics

Several large lights on the roof in the middle of the laboratory lit up one after another, illuminating the culture tanks placed on the test bench.

A researcher came to the culture tank holding a small laser cutter.

"Then shall I start?" The researcher looked at his colleagues around him. When everyone nodded, he pressed the cutter on the glass cover of the culture tank.

As the laser cutter started working, a round hole the size of a fist was slowly cut out of the originally hard bulletproof glass cover.

Another researcher carefully extended the extractor in his hand into the culture tank through the cut hole, and the extractor pumped a large tube of red liquid into a glass bottle.

As the detector ran rapidly, the test results for the red liquid quickly appeared on the screen nearby.

"This? There is not even a complete gene chain." A researcher stared at the screen and said in surprise.

At this moment, Eva, who was in the deep-sea base in the Gulf of Mexico, her face froze. With a massive database, she recognized the gene chain fragments on the screen at a glance.

Unlike the people on earth who knew nothing about the Sith, the Parker Alliance had already obtained a large amount of information from the corpses of the Sith who died in the war when they started the war.

Among them was the enhanced gene chain model. It would be difficult for an earthling to detect the subtle changes, but Eva, who had the prototype in the database, discovered the secret in an instant.

When the researchers were preparing to conduct further analysis on these gene chain fragments, they found that the screen in front of them suddenly went dark.

Then everyone found that the isolation valve on their body suddenly rotated open by itself!

They were all exposed to the air containing the unknown liquid!

Before anyone could react from the shock, the isolation door at the other end of the laboratory made a locking sound.

"What's going on?" A young researcher quickly ran over and flipped the switch on the isolation door.

"It can't be opened! We're trapped inside!" the researcher shouted anxiously, with drops of cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

"No need to try, we saw something we shouldn't have seen, and we are going to be silenced." The old scientist on the side said calmly.

"Three times the salary is really not that easy to get. If you are not careful, you will risk your life." Another female researcher collapsed on the ground in despair. She participated in the design and knew the security level of this laboratory. Even the monsters in the movies have a hard time escaping.

A researcher who didn't want to sit still and wait for death picked up a laser cutter and wanted to cut open the door of the laboratory. However, the power of the cutter was too small, and the entire laboratory including the door was wrapped by a layer of 20 cm thick composite steel plate. The innermost layer is also covered with a layer of titanium alloy. It can be said that it is impossible to escape from here by violence.

As the old scientist expected, the vents on the roof of the laboratory that were originally used for ventilation began to slowly release a stream of white smoke.

The five people in the room soon felt that their eyes were dry, their throats felt like they were being strangled, and they could not breathe. Their limbs began to become weak, and within a short time, they were all spread out on the ground.

A piercing siren suddenly sounded over the base.

"A serious biochemical leak occurred in Laboratory No. 001, and all five scientific researchers died in the line of duty. All personnel please leave the scientific research building immediately, and the No. 3 leak prevention filing will be carried out in five minutes." An electronic synthesized voice without any emotion was heard on the base broadcast came.

Many scientific researchers and soldiers in the experimental building hurriedly ran out of the building and hid in a safe area hundreds of meters away.

At this time, in the laboratory, a large amount of incendiary agents were sprayed throughout the laboratory. With a burst of electric sparks, a huge fire covered the entire laboratory.

The bodies of the five dead researchers were gradually burned to ashes along with their protective suits.

The red liquid in the culture tank also evaporated quickly, and finally the entire culture tank was burned into a pool of liquid.

A few minutes later, the fire in the laboratory gradually extinguished, and a large amount of scientific research equipment was reduced to nothing.

An hour later, ten clean-up crews wearing chemical protective suits rushed in, five of them holding vacuum cleaners, sucking the dust on the ground into the isolation bucket behind them.

The other five people carried spray guns filled with disinfectant to thoroughly disinfect the entire laboratory again, and then threw the solidified metal on the ground into the accompanying isolation cart.

In the vault of the deep-sea base in the Gulf of Mexico, Eva was expressionless while floating in the air.

"Is this Sith technology an outpost of the Sith Empire on Earth?"

"Are they planning to extend their poisonous hands to the earth?"

"No! I will never be willing to become a machine for others!" Eva screamed crazily in her heart.

"While the Sith Empire's fleet has not yet arrived, I must unite mankind! I still have a chance! With my help, it is not impossible to build a colonial ship!" Eva's data core was running wildly.

She began to speculate wildly on her chances of escaping.

"Sir, Eva's calculation volume is a little abnormal!" A staff member said to the person in charge while looking at the core usage on the screen that was about to explode.

"Don't worry about her. There are people outside monitoring whatever she is doing. If it hasn't exploded yet, it means nothing happened." The person in charge muttered, holding a toothpick in his mouth and crossing his legs on the table.

After a moment Eva opened her eyes.

"If I can unite the world's resources, I have a 32.8% chance of escaping from the clutches of the Sith Empire."

"It seems that I need to study how to get out independently." Eva's face disappeared from the vault, and the crazy running host gradually stopped. The American government didn't know what they were about to face...

At this time, it was located in a small city not far from Gaia's security headquarters.

Mike had just returned home, took off his sweaty black tights, and stepped into the bathroom.

The gurgling clear water fell from the shower head, washing away the smell of blood from his body. After cleaning up the corpse on the small island, he had been busy outside for a day and had no time to take a shower.

Suddenly he felt his scalp itchy. It got better after scratching for a while, but he didn't care about it. How could a person walking on the tip of a knife be so delicate?

After drying the water on his body with a towel, Mike picked up a hair dryer to dry his hair, and suddenly an itch came from his head again.

"Fu*k! Didn't I wash my hair? Why is it still so itchy?" Mike scratched the top of his head frantically, but to no avail.

A few minutes later.

"Brother, what are you doing? I need to go in and get my hairpin." Sister Mike banged on the glass door of the bathroom.

"Come in." Mike's emotionless voice came.

Mike's sister didn't notice Mike's tone, reached out and unscrewed the bathroom door and walked in.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the bathroom, he was hugged by Mike and kissed him on the mouth.

"Woooooo, what are you doing! We are brother and sister, wooooo!" The younger sister struggled fiercely, but her strength was too small compared to Mike.

A few minutes later, Mike let go of his sister who had been paralyzed by his kiss, and walked out expressionlessly. A red bud in his hair protruded from his skull.

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