My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 761 Raven and Mr. Wang

The guard company soldier who was discovered did not linger in the fight. He decisively left the enemy's body behind and hid in the woods next to him. Ye Yan )

Just as the soldier hid in the woods, a barrage of bullets formed by a large number of bullets covered the area where the guard company soldier was originally standing.

"Don't let him run away! Chase him!"

After seeing that the coverage shooting was not very effective, in order to prevent the opponent from running away, the captain directly followed with his team members.

However, two of their team had just been assassinated. Now, except for the captain of the team, there was less than one person left. In this situation, he actually followed with the only team member rashly. It was simply a fool.

Sure enough, just as the two of them rushed into the woods, they were pressed to the ground by the other two guard company soldiers who had been ambushing on the tree for an unknown period of time. At the same time, the weapons in their hands were also disarmed, and they became two lambs to be slaughtered.

In order to prevent the two from shouting loudly, the leading guard company soldier immediately tore off a large piece of cloth from the two people, and then rolled it into a big snowball and stuffed it into their mouths.

In order to prevent them from pushing the rag out, the guard company soldiers directly removed their jaws with force, and then stuffed the rags in again, and stopped only when the rags were about to fill their tracheas.

"Now is not a good time to interrogate them, drag them down and hide them first, and then talk about it after the main force arrives"

"Okay, listen to you"


Soon, the three dragged the two tied guys to the deep pit prepared in advance and settled them. After settling the people, the three set out again to sneak attack other teams.

The gunshots just now successfully attracted the attention of all other teams, and most of the teams were gathering in the direction of the gunshots.

The three soldiers of the guard company naturally knew that other teams were gathering here. According to common sense, the three of them should avoid these people, but they did not choose to escape but stayed and began to set traps.

The three used themselves and the seized grenades to set up a lot of booby traps around, especially the two corpses. Every corpse was greeted with death.

Soon, the first team arrived here. They were panting, probably because they were running. After they arrived here, they saw two corpses wearing the same clothes as them not far away.

"No way, another dead person, who are those guys?"

"Captain, why don't we run quickly? These people are definitely not good people. If we meet them, we will probably die..."

"Shut up!"


"Maybe you are right. If we continue like this, we may die here. But have you ever thought about what will happen to your family if you retreat at this time? You know, those people above will have no conscience. If we run here, then our family will be punished for us. The men will have their internal organs dug out, and the women will be sent to the brothel, which is the place you used to go to before. That place! Do you want your wife and daughter to become someone else's playthings! "

"No! No way!"

"Then come on! Don't think about running away!"


In fact, most of these militants joined here because they couldn't survive. The boss of this organization promised that as long as they didn't think about betrayal and obeyed orders honestly, they would be given a way to live. As long as they were loyal for one day, their families would not starve, but if they dared to betray him, they would be punished most severely, especially their families, who would become worse than pigs and dogs. →

The organization they are loyal to now was actually a large overseas black force before the end of the world. Although it was an overseas black force, the main members of the force were all Asians, because the big boss of this organization was also an Asian. His name was unknown, but everyone called him Mr. Wang.

The name of the force is Raven. Raven's underground business is all over the world. As long as it is a profitable project, Raven basically has a share.

Although the headquarters of Raven is outside the country, they also have a small base in Country Z. However, because Country Z's crackdown on evil forces is too strong, their small base dares not do anything related to crime. Instead, they start regular businesses, such as restaurants, Internet cafes, and hotels. They don't even touch the borderline KTV or bars.

Because of this, Raven has not been sanctioned in China. Instead, its business is getting bigger and bigger, and it has even appeared in local financial news.

But since the end of the world, the people of Raven began to let themselves go, collecting guns and various explosives from their own channels, and then seized the local granary at lightning speed and began to recruit thugs to cultivate local forces.

After several months of operation, Raven successfully took root here, and the scale of its power has grown from a few hundred people to tens of thousands of people now.

Most of these tens of thousands of people are young men and women, while middle-aged and elderly people and minors account for less than 10%. In other words, as long as they are strong enough, they can mobilize tens of thousands of armed personnel. After all, as long as you give young men and women a gun, they will be considered an armed person. As for whether they have experience or strength in shooting, this will not be considered for the time being.

Of course, such a force could not escape the eyes of the authorities. However, before the end of the world, Raven had always been the leading local enterprise. After the end of the world, although they had guns, the latest policy allowed ordinary people to own guns, so this alone could not prompt the authorities to take action against Raven.

And most importantly, even in this situation, Raven has always done a good job on the surface. They announced that they had established a private gathering place in Xuancheng. Although it could not be compared with the formal official gathering place, they still did their best on the surface, accepting refugees, providing food and shelter, and the most basic security.

Because the surface work was done perfectly, even the authorities were deceived by these people. Of course, the most important thing is that the current situation does not allow the authorities to conduct a thorough inspection of such private gathering places. After all, the authorities have a lot of things to do and are too busy. This is why the authorities were deceived.

As for why Raven would not hesitate to take action against the regular army to take back the orb, it is because there is a huge secret hidden in the orb. Once someone unlocks the secret in the orb, he will become the uncrowned king of this world.

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