My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 760 Assassination

Not long after everyone was well hidden, several fully armed soldiers appeared at each landing point. Judging from their appearance and skin color, it can be confirmed that they are all Asians. Google search reading

"Damn! These cunning guys are running so fast! I am so angry!"

A masked militant looked at the empty landing area and couldn't help cursing.

They spent a lot of effort to get the detailed information of the Lihuo Pearl. They knew that the Lihuo Pearl was hidden in an inconspicuous valley. In order to get this Lihuo Pearl, they walked for hundreds of kilometers over mountains and ridges. They finally found the valley where the Lihuo Pearl was hidden. When they were about to get the Lihuo Pearl, they didn't expect that it was taken away by a mutant tiger that suddenly appeared as a toy.

And after the mutant tiger took the Lihuo Pearl away, it didn't play with it carefully, but ran away directly, as if something was chasing it. There was no way to get the Lihuo Pearl smoothly. They chased the mutant tiger like a mule and came to Liu Xu's checkpoint.

Then they watched the mutant tiger's movements in the dark for several days, and finally found a perfect opportunity one day. They didn't know why these mutant animals would fight with zombies, and this mutant tiger was actually seriously injured. This was a godsend for them.

Just when they were about to find a time to forcibly kill the mutant tiger and take away the Lihuo Pearl, they didn't expect that the mutant tiger would go to the outpost to seek help, and also gave the Lihuo Pearl they had been thinking about to the soldiers at the checkpoint.

Needless to say, after seeing the safe containing the Lihuo Pearl being sent to the transport plane, they planned to ambush and attack on the way back to the transport plane.

In addition to the Stinger anti-aircraft missile, they also used the latest anti-aircraft missile to shoot down the transport plane. The price of a new anti-aircraft missile alone is almost 20 million, which shows how expensive this thing is. However, as the saying goes, you get what you pay for. The 20 million anti-aircraft missile did play its due role and successfully shot down a transport plane that looked very advanced.

They have now mobilized all armed forces to surround the crash site of the transport plane and found the wreckage of the transport plane.

However, they also saw that there were multiple parachuted personnel before the transport plane crashed, and they landed around the wreckage of the transport plane.

With a large number of armed personnel, they also successfully found several parachuted personnel, but without exception, they all resisted fiercely. After sacrificing more than a dozen lives, they still failed to catch these people. They just trapped these people in an area and prevented them from escaping.

"Waste! They are all a bunch of waste! More than 20 people can't deal with the three people on the opposite side, and 12 of them were killed in the counterattack. Are you kidding me! I can find 20 monkeys to come over and it will be more useful than you! A bunch of waste!"

A man with a red beret was scolding a group of militants in front of him. To be honest, although this group of people are called militants, they look like a group of civilians who don't know where to pick up weapons. Except for the rifles in their hands and the armed belts on their upper bodies, they don't have any military supplies on their bodies. They are almost all jeans and sneakers.

From this, we can see how amateur these people are. This also explains why the three soldiers of the guard company can kill more than a dozen people on the opposite side in the encirclement without wearing exoskeletons. If these people hadn't run fast, they would have been wiped out in a little more time.

"What are you still standing there for! Hurry up and catch those three people! If you can't, kill them for me! I only want the orb in their hands!"

"Yes! Boss"

The man with the beret knew that if they continued to drag it out, they would be the ones who suffered in the end. After all, the opposite side was a regular army and would definitely have a unique way of communication. It is very likely that they had sent a distress signal when they crashed, so they had to grab the orb before the support from the opposite side came.

Although reluctant, these militants still chose to listen to the boss's words. They bit the bullet and began to shrink back to the encirclement.

"They are coming up, pay attention to hiding!"


After the previous encirclement, the three of them also tested the strength of the opposite side. To be honest, if it weren't for the huge difference in numbers, the three of them would have broken out long ago.

But even if they failed to break out, it didn't matter, because those people outside couldn't pose any threat to them at all. At most, they would just trap them here. The longer the time dragged on, the better it would be for them, because the rescue team of the Xinguang gathering place would definitely come to rescue them. What they had to do now was to wait for rescue, and at the same time kill as many opponents as possible, and it would be best to catch their tongues and ask their purpose.

Soon, these militants began to slowly approach the encirclement. Everyone's face was alert and vigilant. For the sake of their own lives, they had to pay attention to the surrounding situation at all times to avoid being secretly attacked by the three people.

These militants were divided into groups of four, searching the area in a way that was like a fairy scattering flowers, but basically there was no gain, and the three people could not be found at all.

"Alas, when will this search end? I don't want to stay here"

"Okay, stop talking, or the captain will hear you and punish you for not smoking for a week"


"A smoker like you, if you don't smoke for a day, you will probably go to hell."


"Are you scared so soon? Why don't you talk? When did you become so afraid of the captain? Huh? Uh!"

Because he didn't hear a reply for a long time, the militant walking in front looked back. It didn't matter if he didn't look, but if he did, he would lose his life.

I saw a soldier from the guard company holding a dagger and stabbed the militant's neck immediately when he turned his head, and at the same time covered the militant's mouth with his other hand to prevent him from screaming.

The militant walking behind him had already fallen behind him with his eyes wide open and a look of horror. Judging from the scars on his neck, it was estimated that the soldier of the guard company cut his neck from behind.

Soon, the militant who was stabbed in the neck left this world with unwillingness in his eyes after struggling several times.

"You two lazy bastards, hurry up and catch up! Hmm? Enemies! It's the enemy! Shoot! Shoot!"

Perhaps because he hadn't heard the voices of the two people behind him for a long time, the captain of the team in charge of the two people walking in front turned around impatiently and wanted to urge the two people behind to catch up.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he turned around, he found a man holding a dagger, who killed his two teammates effortlessly.

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