My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 696 LJ City

Large numbers of ground troops began to leave the Xinguang gathering place, and at the same time, the sky was filled with transport planes. The swollen teams began to head to their respective destinations. Although these teams were in different locations, their goals were the same.

Cai Wenjie did not follow them this time, but used the system satellite in the command center to observe the battle.

The scale of zombies in the place where the recruits were going to fight this time was relatively large, so in addition to the general conventional units, unmanned bombers and armored units were also ready to join the battle at any time.

Once the recruits were defeated or about to be defeated, these armored units or unmanned bombers would immediately join the battle.

This time, in addition to the recruits of the second and third battalions, the first battalion, which was Cai Wenjie's main force, was also dispatched.

Their first battalion's mission was different from the other two battalions. They did not go to the surrounding villages and counties for training, but went to other cities in the YB area for cleaning.

Especially those cities that had completely fallen and where all human settlements were broken by zombies were the main targets of the first battalion.

The destination this time is a city 25 kilometers away from YJ City. The city is not large, about half the size of YJ City, equivalent to the size of Henan or Hebei in YJ City.

"We are about to arrive in LJ City, all units enter combat posture!"

The convoy of the first battalion stopped at a place about five kilometers away from LJ City and began to set up artillery positions.

In addition to the most basic mortars, there are 12 155mm vehicle-mounted howitzers. These howitzers were sent to Cai Wenjie by Zhao Yunpeng in the early morning of this morning, saying that they were the rewards for the last time, and they were also matched with a basic number of artillery shells.

And this time, for the sake of caution, Cai Wenjie directly let these twelve truck guns set off with the first battalion, and while helping the first battalion attack the city, test how powerful the truck guns are.

Because it was an artillery position for mortars and truck guns, the deployment time was not long. It took at most ten minutes to form a standard artillery position, and all mortars and truck guns were ready to fire.

At the same time, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and military satellites were already conducting reconnaissance over LJ City and sending various data back to the rear, such as coordinates and directions.

"Coordinates received! Immediately carry out coverage bombing on the target!"


After a quick calibration, almost at the same time, the mortars and truck guns began to carry out coverage bombing on the target.

Let's not talk about the mortars first. The key point is the 155mm vehicle-mounted howitzer. The power of this truck gun is simply amazing. The coverage range of one shell is almost as large as a football field. Within this range, no carbon-based organisms can survive.

The zombies in LJ City were caught off guard by the shells without any defense.

There were no living people in the whole city, only zombies and other mutant creatures were left on the ground, which was why Cai Wenjie dared to order the artillery to bombard the city directly.

Even if there were half a living person, Cai Wenjie did not dare to give the order to bombard, but unfortunately the human strongholds in this city had been swallowed by the zombies, and there were no living people.

The bombardment continued non-stop. With military satellites and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft constantly transmitting coordinates to the rear in the sky, each bombardment could take away dozens or hundreds of zombies.

Gu Zhu

As long as the zombies dare to gather together, what awaits them is a shell weighing dozens of kilograms.

However, sometimes the shells fired will not hit the zombies directly, but will hit various buildings in the city. A 155mm shell can completely destroy an entire small building.

And those medium and large buildings actually have a similar fate. If they are successfully hit, then more than half of the buildings will be blown to pieces immediately. If they are unfortunately hit on the load-bearing wall, it is very likely that the entire building will collapse.

For a while, the zombies in the whole city began to run around randomly, because the explosion was so loud that they could not identify the enemy by hearing alone, so they could only run around like headless flies.

However, these zombies really used the right method to avoid the bombardment by accident, because each bombardment was provided by the coordinates of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and military satellites in the air, and the standard for providing coordinates was the zombies in groups. When the zombies were running around, the satellites and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft could not provide coordinates quickly.

Without detailed coordinates, the artillery positions in the rear could only shut down.

In this way, after several rounds of bombardment, about half of the zombies in the whole city were eliminated. If the coordinates provided in the back were not slower and slower, it is estimated that most of the zombies would have been eliminated by now.

However, this record is also good now.

"It seems that this is the only way, Second Company! You stay to protect the artillery unit, and the rest of you should prepare for battle immediately! We are leaving"


Although the soldiers of the Second Company were very dissatisfied with the order to abandon them to fight alone, they had no choice because they were soldiers. Soldiers should resolutely follow the orders of their superiors, so even if they were dissatisfied, the soldiers of the Second Company still stayed to protect the artillery position.

Except for the second company that stayed behind to protect the artillery, the other four companies immediately headed towards LJ City. They wanted to launch a surprise attack before the zombies woke up completely and catch them off guard.

Because the first battalion was composed of Cai Wenjie's direct clone troops, the weapons and equipment they carried were the best and most advanced. In addition to the exoskeleton for each person, the most equipped were various special equipment.

For example, 7mm automatic rifles and anti-tank rocket launchers for dealing with ordinary mutant zombies, or capture net launchers and micro surface-to-air missiles for dealing with flying targets.

If the second and third battalions were to deal with ordinary zombies or zombie groups, then the first battalion's mission was to deal with various mutant zombies, alien fighting beasts, mutant creatures, or large-scale zombie tides.

The distance of five kilometers can be said to be very close. When the fully armed third, fourth, fifth, and sixth companies arrived in the city in armored vehicles, they did not see many zombies.

"Quick! Quick! Quick! Occupy the two buildings in front and the two buildings in the back, and use these four buildings to build an outpost!"

Before the zombies came, the soldiers immediately occupied the four nearest buildings. These four buildings just formed a quadrilateral shape, which could provide cover for other buildings.

The company commanders of each company saw this point and ordered to occupy this place and build an outpost.

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